- Hope everyone enjoyed their feast in game and the Americans outside of game as well.
- I spent my extra time off this weekend playing some Civ 5.
- Not to say I did not play warcraft, but for some reason I had a desire to play some Civ.
- As far as in game goes what a difference a week makes.
- With everyone (at least those that pushed it) already capped on valor and having all their gear upgraded the LFRs were back to nightmare mode.
- As I like to call them, hell FR.
- But not all was bad.
- Goes to show you all you need is four people to have a good run.
- One solid tank, one golden healer and two top notch damage dealers.
- That is about all my group had going for it in part 2 of HFC LFR this weekend.
- Maybe my poor groups have more to do with the fact I do them like 6 AM on a sunday morning than anything else.
- But this group was the average LFR group outside of us 4.
- First boss the boomkin gave me a run for my money on council.
- The tank basically solo tanked it.
- And everyone was at full health the entire time thanks to an amazing healer in all 725 or better gear.
- His gear, and his skill, added up to the fact the other four healers could have went DPS.
- As a matter of fact, the druid that was challenging me was queued up as a healer.
- Same guild as the healer so he probably knew he would not be needed as heals.
- Second boss I set an LFR record for myself on killrog.
- Not like that is hard, it is only the third time I killed it in LFR.
- Did it the week it came out, last week and this week.
- Did 187K.
- Me and the druid with another damage dealer went in on the first visions.
- Went we came out the boss was at 60% health and he melted before the buff even ran off.
- The druid did 148K.
- The tank solo tanked it again and the healer, basically, solo healed it.
- Third boss, I got sucked in first, but with the burst from me and the druid we burnt it on the first feast.
- After it was done he was at 2% and we just finished him off.
- So that was not hell, that was awesome.
- Oddly enough my archie group was kick butt too.
- Not one single "great" player in it, except for maybe the healers.
- The tanks did not move the boss right, people ran doomfire through everyone, you name it the group did it wrong, but our health never dipped.
- I did 19.7% of total damage done, and no one died, the DPS was just that low otherwise.
- But as I said, on the backs of some fine healers it was no problem.
- Goes to show you, all you need is a few good players for a good run.
- One shotting archie in LFR is an accomplishment if you ask me.
- The first and third wings however, they were the perfect example of hell FR.
- I will not even go into details, just lets say we wiped to everything you could possibly think to wipe to.
- I think we even wiped to things I think were not possible.
- I tanked some bosses, I tanked lots of trash, I tanked nearly as much as I DPSed.
- MD and feign death only go so far.
- See, told you survival should be a tank spec, hunters need it.
- Speaking of aggro issues, and high numbers in LFR, I have two weekend stories to share.
- First up an LFR one.
- After iron reaver in LFR one of the DPS whispered me "what are you in, all mythic gear".
- I thought he was being sarcastic, but I replied anyway, "mostly normal and still a couple of pieces from blackrock foundry, wish I had all heroic never the less mythic."
- He said he only does LFR so he loves seeing what people could so sometimes.
- I inspected him and he seemed to have a mix of baleful, world boss and LFR gear, I explained to him how to inspect others.
- I also told him to try and get into a normal, with practice he can do just fine.
- I told him my numbers are pretty much average for a raider, maybe a tiny bit above average.
- I added him to my real ID and told him that maybe one day I can bring him along on a normal run if he is interested, maybe even a few bosses of heroic if we are able.
- He will never be able to come with me, the times do not match, I don't raid at 6 in the morning. lol
- But it was the thought that counts right?
- Next story is from a dungeon, make that two dungeons, two in a row at that.
- My one daily heroic Saturday and my one daily heroic on Sunday.
- Both tanks were wearing that stupid thing that disables me being able to misdirect to them.
- Seriously WTF?
- If you are in tank spec you should not be able to even apply that thing.
- Sundays run was no biggie, it was a geared tank that was holding aggro just fine, but Saturdays run was annoying as hell.
- The tank yelled at me for pulling aggro.
- I said, take of the neutralizer, or whatever it is called and explained hunters generate more threat than any other class in the game by design, we have MD and FD to handle that situation.
- I said, if you are not going to let me MD to you, do not complain about threat.
- I think I was in the right.
- He has absolutely zero right to complain about threat issues if he will not let me misdirect to him.
- This went on for a while, I even started to use the old school game play of waiting for the tank to get some aggro.
- Count to 5 to stay alive.
- I still pulled threat instantly on my first shot.
- After some back and forth the healer just said, don't worry about it, if he loses a mob he will keep me alive.
- Said I was easier to heal than the tank was too.
- After I stopped worrying about aggro and just pulled off the tank, the run went smooth.
- If you can call me tanking it smooth that is.
- A shout out to that healer, thanks for making that run decent, the tank was a jerk refusing to take off the buff and then complaining about aggro.
- Seriously, blizzard needs to chance that so if you are in tank spec you can not use it.
- More so if you are a poor tank, be it due to skill or gear.
- Being you can not judge skill sadly it needs to be a blanket effect so no tanks can use that item.
- All in all, I had some good groups, I had some poor groups, but over all the groups were not as good as they were last week when everyone and their mother wanted valor.
- How quickly things change now.
- Fits the warlords model of one and done.
- It seems like everything we do is done so fast.
- I think the people that stay around like me are a dying breed.
- I think the game is being designed more for people to come and go than it used to be.
- As if they do not want people staying subscribed.
- I wonder why?
- Could be it telling of what to expect in the future?
- I guess we will have to wait to find out.
- The funny thing about the future is the best way to see it is wait for it.
- I tried to pug some raiding this weekend as we got none done.
- We raid Thursdays and being in the US meant most people were away for thanksgiving.
- I was being my normal picky self.
- Funniest one I saw when looking was a "one shot" group looking for more on archie.
- Said they had been in queue for 7 hours.
- I think they should remove the "one shot" line from their advertisement.
- It does not take 7 hours to one shot the entire raid.
- You could not even pay me to sign up for that one, but I must admit, I wonder if they ever managed to get it down.
- I could not find any groups that were on bosses I wanted, mainly heroic tier bosses, trinket bosses or archie, that seemed inviting to me.
- So after about 2 hours of looking I settled for a normal archie for the ring upgrade.
- I got into this awesome groups.
- And no I am not being sarcastic, it was awesome.
- I was inspecting as we assembled and there were some people in full mythic gear.
- One hunter with all 725 or higher pieces, nice.
- No way I am beating him, but this should be a nice challenge.
- We pull and the boss just melts, about 6 of us, including myself, go over 200K on the pull.
- The first doomfire did not live for 3 seconds, if that long.
- If you had never done this fight before and someone mentioned all the adds you would say, what adds.
- They were dead as they spawned.
- We used the zerg first nether approach and the thing died before the last person even hit the ground going in.
- He was at less than 5% when the second nether spawned and everyone went in again and we wiped because of that because the one tank and one healer that stayed out could not survive even if we were out near instantly.
- Opps, we got this next time, just assign 3 people as the sacrifice group to go in on the second and we collect loot.
- But noooooooooo.
- People started to drop.
- Oh come on, this is an easy kill on the second attempt.
- Even if you go get another group it will still require another attempt, why not stay with this group which will get it on the next attempt.
- I don't get it.
- I almost beat that mythic hunter too, I wanted another go at him, but he left too.
- He did 78K and I did 76K, only 0.1% difference in damage done.
- I would have got him next attempt, I am sure of it.
- How there could be too ways to look at this.
- He was either doing very poor for his gear or I was doing very good for mine.
- While it was most likely to former I am going to go with the latter and say I was doing good, just because it makes me feel better.
- We refill, we wiped again, the group did worse.
- More drop, more fill, more wipe, and the cycle repeats.
- Why didn't that first pull group just stay together.
- I swear I will never understand people.
- I try, it is just not possible, people make no sense.
- We did finally get it down after about 6 pulls, I used a coin trying to get the neck with a gem slot, which would be a good upgrade for me, but ended up with the trinket.
- Some people would be jumping for joy with getting their class trinket, but as marksman it sucks.
- I did think of a way to make the trinket better however.
- Being we need to stack up so often, and it loses all its worth unless you are max range.
- So unless you have healers that want extra work of healing you when you are not stacked with others, you are really hurting the group making the most out of that trinket.
- So that is when I came up with my awesome idea for that trinket.
- No only do you get a damage increase the further away you are from the boss, you also get a damage taken reduction the further you stand away from the boss.
- That way it would work wonders, stand at max range, take nearly no damage and get the damage boost.
- That is the only way it would be a great trinket, like class trinkets are supposed to be, great.
- As it is, it is situational at best, crappy on average.
- You can tell no one at blizzard plays a hunter.
- Just look at how they are being destroyed next expansion, but to think this trinket was a good idea there had to be no one that 1) has ever raided and 2) had played a hunter, if they thought this was a great class trinket.
- Novelty trinket is more like it.
- It is more suited to be something that dropped off one of the rares on T2.
- Well, just my opinion, I am sure some love it.
- Heck, I could see a group with a few MM hunters even having them all stay at max range and have a healer float around with them.
- So it does have some uses, it can be good.
- I would just rather a trinket that is always good, not situational good.
- But hey, don't listen to my word for it, I am one picky mofo.
- Why do you think it takes me forever to even find pugs, I am way to picky.
- I have to really learn to break that pattern.
- Maybe in the future, wait for it. ;)
- Have a great day.
GQDN 2/11/2025
3 hours ago