- Another monday and another week without me playing much.
- I logged on twice this week to raid.
- Did not even log on at all this entire weekend.
- Not even to check mail.
- This is partly burnout and partly blizzard giving me no reason to play.
- Gearing alts, which is something I must admit I love, is not fun any longer.
- I like the building up a character aspect of the game, working toward growing its strength.
- It is why I love (loved) leveling.
- Gearing is no longer a fun part of the game basically because blizzard removed valor gear.
- Being I have to do LFR if I want to gear an alt and LFR is, well, LFR, that means there is no way to gear alts.
- So that alone is reason enough not to play.
- But hearing there is going to be no valor gear next expansion means there is no reason to buy next expansion.
- If I do not like the gearing system now I am not going to suddenly start liking it next expansion.
- At the moment checking out garrisons is the only selling point for next expansion.
- It fits with me enjoying building things, seeing them grow, like I used to with gear as I worked toward something, as in gearing them up with valor.
- LFR is not going to get better, it is going to continue to get worse, and thus my desire to play decreases by the minute.
- Blizzard really screwed the game over with removing valor gear, in my opinion.
- I liked the idea I could do some quests, a few dungeons, maybe a scenario or two here and there, and get a few pieces of gear for alts.
- Then I could bring them in on an alt run and try to fill out their gear.
- Sure, I could still do that now on a lower geared character, but that is not my style.
- Bringing a semi-geared alt with valor gear in I could at least contribute.
- For me that is what matters, even if I could get a complete carry and me contributing would not matter, I still have to try, that is just who I am.
- So I can not hit 90 with 435 gear and bring my alt along, I want to at least gear it a little first.
- So valor gear did that for me.
- Now I have only LFR as a gearing option and it is not a good one.
- It is, without doubt, the worst gearing option that have ever added to the game.
- But that is not what killed warcraft for me.
- Nope, it is not the fact I would rather smash my head into the wall until I was bloody and rendered myself unconscious than use the LFR to gear yet another character that killed warcraft for me lately.
- It is the lack of a coming expansion.
- Not only do we not know when it is coming (on or before december 20th was for their stockholders, not for us, it is not a projected release date), we know little or nothing about it.
- It is not even in beta yet and we should be playing it, the real it, now.
- It should be out already but instead we are still waiting on a beta.
- They spoiled us with faster patches, good patches, and even if they were not great we knew another one was coming in just a few months.
- Mists started off exactly how an expansion should be.
- Mists did it right, warlords fucked it up.
- And now they left us in this stagnation of nothing but SoO and the only thing to do was SoO and the only way to gear was SoO and then there were multiple version of SoO and OMG what were they thinking.
- Did they really think this would hold people over after the awesome job they had done releasing content all expansion?
- Didn't work for me, it lost me.
- And then the few tid bits we have heard about warlords all seems horrible.
- Bad story idea carried out in what seems to be a very uninspired way just to find "something" for us to do because their writers are out of ideas.
- No valor gear meaning we will be forced into the worst part of the game, LFR.
- I'd rather PvP as alliance and lose 30 games in a row than do LFR.
- And the healing changes, while I love the idea of them I do not like the way they are going to carry them out.
- Cast times on everything?
- WTF are you smoking blizzard?
- I need to say this again, do you even play the game?
- They better do a huge change with how they design raids.
- If you think LFR is a nightmare now can you imagine how it will be when none of the healers can cast anything while moving and they are forced to move every 2.3 seconds.
- Fights like tortos could never happen.
- Sure, with a group of elite skilled players having a cast time will not effect them.
- It might actually make the game more challenging and more enjoyable for them.
- That is what makes them elite skilled players, they find a way to make it work, they work on timing and knowing how much time they have between each ability so "if" it targets them they will not need to break a cast.
- That is the reason they are called elite skilled players.
- Go get your average normal mode raider and try tortos with no instant heals, with stupid smart heals, and then tell me the warlords idea of cast times and stupid heals are a good idea.
- I would not even think of raiding with my healers in a world like that and some of them are very good healers.
- One healer, while a complete numbers hog, managed to rank #1 in the world on many fights before she quit.
- Not #1 for her class, #1 healer over all.
- Yes I know healing can not be judged by numbers, but it does show that someone knows that they are doing if they can do it well and not let people die.
- We would under heal just to see if she could do it, she wanted the challenge, she was one of those elite players, used to be in a top 10 guild in the world before she came to us.
- She just wanted to cut down to 2 hour raids instead of 5 hour ones.
- After all the changes and other things she figured, screw it, might as well just not heal any more.
- She quit, not just healing but the game.
- This is someone that loves the game, excels at it, and she quit too.
- So it is not just me and other middle of the pack players this long wait is affecting, it is hurting people higher and lower in the pecking order than me.
- If I love to raid, if I will do anything I need to to get ready, and I would not step into LFR even if I understand I have to do it, how do you think players that are not really raiders like it?
- This is their first step into raiding.
- Not exactly something that will win them over and make the love that aspect of the game.
- If my first experience with raiding was an LFR I would have quit the game the same year I started it.
- It was raiding with a real group of real people talking on voice chat and working as a team to down a big baddie that was awesome.
- It is that group working together toward something that felt epic that made me want to raid.
- There is nothing even remotely resembling "working as a team" in LFR.
- There is nothing even remotely resembling an epic feeling in LFR, unless you want to consider the epic feeling of actually finishing it after 2 hours or waiting and 3 hours or wiping a "good" thing.
- The game has entered a state of waiting.
- And it has entered it in the worst place it has ever been.
- A place when there is nothing to do, even with free (and paid for) 90s.
- What exactly are you going to do with them?
- Go to timeless island and get some gear, kill a couple world bosses, maybe farm timeless coins for weapons.
- Then what?
- LFR?
- No thank you blizzard, I'd rather spend my weekend watching the walking dead marathon.
- Heck, I would rather spend my weekend doing anything that isn't playing WoW.
- Unless of course, if they did the right thing and already had the next expansion out now like it should have been.
- Or at least have the beta out and information flowing on a regular basis.
- But no, they would rather watch their game bleed subscriptions.
- Including ones that have been uninterrupted for many years.
- I would rather warlords be released now, even broken, then have to wait until december.
- Because if I have to wait until december I might not be around to complain about it any longer, but if it was released, even broken, I would still be paying, I would still be playing, and that is all because I would have something to complain about.
- But now, I just do not care.
- If I did, I would be posting more than this one post a week to complain about something.
- Remember, we only complain about things we like, my lack of complaints all week long kind of go to show I just don't like the game any more, at least not at the stage it is in.
- It is losing me.
- I almost decided not to even post this.
- But in the back of my head I keep posting once a week because I keep hoping something will come out to make me care again.
- They are running out of time before this grumpy elf becomes an I don't care elf.
- Cross your fingers for a beta release this week.
- Each week that passes people are canceling their subscriptions.
- The wait can not go on much longer.
- Have a great day.
The Queue: the grind
8 hours ago