- Have you ever had a dream about warcraft?
- I had a weird on last night.
- Not about a boss we are working on, an achievement I am hunting for, or a rare mount I want to drop.
- No, those are standard things that might enter someones subconscious and be found in a dream.
- It was as if I was dreaming about another expansion completely, different zones, different raids.
- Perhaps it is my subconscious mind telling me what my conscious mind already knows.
- I am ready to move on from draenor.
- There is nothing more to explore here.
- Nothing more I am interested in at least.
- You usually forget most of your dreams and are just left with fleeting images.
- But there was one raid fight I remember a bit about.
- It was a vehicle fight but not really, more a special duty fight.
- One that you would not always put the hunter on, like usual.
- Can't recall what the heck we are fighting, but one person need to be in a machine on the left, one on the right and one in the middle.
- It would make the fight "easier" to be in the machines, but it could be done without them, just much harder.
- Kind of a varied difficulty level depending on which machines you choose to use, if any.
- Maybe an achievement tied to doing it without any of them.
- Yeah, I have weird dreams sometimes.
- At least on the rare occasion I remember them.
- Or bits of them.
- I finally won something off the new pet battle they added with the patch.
- Everyone else I know is on their 4th or 5th pet, I am just happy to have my first.
- On the bright side, I have way more pocket lint than all of them.
- I bet they are so jealous.
- A friend that had quit the game during cataclysm came back recently and has been leveling up.
- He mentioned he was on a quest that lead him into a dungeon and he did not realize it and tried to do it and got stomped on by the elites.
- Who of us has not done that?
- I know I have in the past.
- I offered to come help him out.
- I said I can solo mists dungeons no problem.
- He said, really?
- I said, I was soloing them on heroic at 90, I don't think they will be a problem at 100.
- I then realized he was 92.
- What the hell are you still doing in mists content, you should be on draenor already.
- I picked up him, brought him over to timeless island to open a few chests, crafted him a 630 weapons and then pushed him through the dark portal and said, see you on the other side.
- He was just questing through mists content and being he was leveling he thought that was where he was supposed to be.
- As he was 92 in the summit I can guess two things.
- They really sped up leveling in mists, and he must have been doing every quest.
- He sounded completely lost.
- Everything he knew about the game was changed, different.
- This is a guy who downed heroic lich king back when it was current.
- He might have not been tops in the world or anything, but he knew the basic ins and outs enough.
- And here he was coming back feeling completely lost.
- The game needs to change to keep moving forward, no one will deny that, but from his questions and knowing he was a good player before that understood things, it is just proof that they changed way too much.
- Basically he took some time off and came back to a game that is not the game he remembered.
- That is why so many returning players just turn around and quit.
- They came back to play the game they like and this is not the same game any more.
- So yes, things need to change, but they also need to stay the same enough that people who left can come back without feeling the disconnected that he is feeling.
- If it were not for him running in me and others that knew him and are helping him now he would have quit again already.
- It is not that things changed for him, he could accept change.
- It is that they are completely foreign to him.
- The game as it is now is not the warcraft he knew moving forward, it is a completely different game.
- Having played all this time and been around for all the changes it is harder for me to see.
- But viewing it through his eyes, I understand.
- Maybe that game is more welcoming to new players, because they do not have the past to grasp to, than it is to returning players who are trying to remember it as it was and seeing nothing familiar.
- And we already know that warcraft is not a very welcoming place for new players to begin with.
- Can't wait to see what the sub numbers are like in 3 or 6 months.
- When people like him that came back and didn't have friends to help them along just got scared away because of the huge sweeping changes.
- Speaking of changes, they can not add flying back soon enough.
- Where is it already?
- Went to do some digs for archaeology and once I finished one site and saw the other was all the way up top around all those hills in nagrand I started to head there and said, screw it, and went back to my garrison.
- I really seriously despise nagrand for that reason and that reason only.
- All that wasteful boring running around for no reason other than to make the game seem fuller.
- You know what would make the game seem fuller to me?
- Flying.
- If I could fly I would have continued with archaeology.
- Instead I went back to my garrison, tried to get into a few groups, had no luck, logged out and went to watch reruns of NCIS.
- It was more entertaining that anything warcraft had to offer without flying, that is for sure.
- Speaking of not being able to get into any groups, that was my entire weekend.
- On a 661 warrior.
- Ruk group, tank or DPS, declined instantly.
- Ruk group, tank or DPS, wait 5 minutes and it times out.
- Ruk group, tank or DPS, it was on auto accept, Ruk was already dead when I zoned in and people were leaving group, darn, too late.
- Ruk group, tank or DPS, wait 5 minutes and it times out.
- Ruk group, tank or DPS, wait a little over 2 minutes, declined.
- Ruk group, tank or DPS, declined about 30 seconds in.
- Ruk group, tank or DPS, declined instantly, but this one was my fault, they only had 3 more spots and it did say healers only, I just did not read, can't blame them for the decline.
- Ruk group, tank or DPS, waited just shy of four minutes to get declined.
- Ruk group, tank or DPS, declined about 2 minutes in.
- Why am I even still trying?
- Stopped trying, logged out for the night at the pull site and said screw this game for the night.
- Next day as I am cycling through starting missions on all my characters I log into my warrior, having forgot I left him there.
- I figured I would look for a group instead of just going back to do missions.
- Hey, I am already there right?
- First attempt, wait 5 minutes and it times out.
- Second attempt, declined after 2 minutes.
- Third attempt, declined 1 minute in from a group that didn't even have a tank which left me scratching my head.
- Forth attempt I get into a group that is just starting.
- I wait, roughly 45 minutes before we pull.
- I get gold and gold.
- Admittedly there was only one thing I could have used from there so getting what I needed was a slim chance and then adding my luck to the mix it was an absolute zero chance.
- But after all that waiting and annoyance it would have been nice to win something for the effort.
- Or at least win more gold.
- This case I only died once, so the winning gold and rolling gold at least covered my repair costs, but most times even with all the gold from the boss and rolling it doesn't even come close to touching the cost of the repair.
- It is just not worth trying to get into groups for the world boss.
- Sure I wanted a shot at the mount, and I was looking for that one upgrade I could get, but screw it, for that long of a wait, it is just not worth it.
- I think I have come to a conclusion for my alts.
- It would be faster to farm for gold to buy a carry than it would to try to get into a group that can actually do the content.
- If you ask me, that is a HUGE design flaw on blizzards part.
- When you can farm enough gold to pay for a carry through content faster than you can find a group capable of doing the content, that means the content isn't tuned correctly for the masses.
- Joined a highmaul heroic pug on my priest trying to get some gear.
- Yes, I like to keep my alts at least slightly geared, you have a problem with that?
- Somehow ended up as co lead of it after the first boss.
- On braken I say, I'll pop shrooms.
- First mushroom spawns and is instantly healed.
- We survive, I type in raid, "do not heal schrooms until I pop them" in all caps.
- Next one spawns, healed instantly, we wipe.
- I ask my friend who is co leading this pug if he noticed who it was that was healing it, I had not noticed.
- He didn't.
- My own fault for not paying closer attention.
- I stress it once again, do not heal the mushrooms, I will handle when to pop them, once up you can help keep them up, but I, and only me, should be healing them at first.
- Next pull, the second the mushroom spawns I see the other disc priest spin with a penance.
- I call for an instant wipe, kick the priest, make some changes, and we down it on the next attempt.
- How hard it is the really follow that one simple rule?
- And even as a priest, if you are afraid I might not be quick enough you shield it, CoW it, you can protect it without actually healing it.
- If you do not know
when to pop it, you should keep away from it, simple really.
- Why was that priest healing it when they were told not to multiple times.
- I don't get people sometimes.
- Well, most times actually.
- I really think I am disconnected from the rest of the player base most of the time.
- As if I live in one world and everyone else lives in another.
- And their world just wants to destroy mine.
- Yesterday I decided I wanted to do something on my hunter, so I figured I would look through the group finder listing and see if there was anything interesting I could join.
- I spent the better part of 2 hours trying to find a group.
- Garrison raid invasions, wait 5 minutes, times out.
- Someone just looking for a third for their invasion, I said in comment, I'll help, declined.
- Someone looking for help on first boss of BWL saying it can not be soloed, I put, I'll help and show you how you can solo it for next time, declined.
- Time after time I keep applying to things just to help other people, not things I needed, just looking for something to do to have some fun, maybe meet some new people, make new friends, to play a game, and I get declined.
- Figured just doing something for "fun" was out of the question because apparently people that want help don't want
my help, so lets see if I can do some raids, just for practice.
- BRF heroic, fresh, I put I have 9/10 experience, get declined after 2 minutes.
- BRF heroic, on maidens, I put know fight, will do boat, get declined within seconds.
- BRF heroic, on operator, I put know fights and train patterns, get declined.
- I try a few more, in progress, declined, fresh, declined, in progress declined, fresh, declined.
- I figure I'll just shoot for normal, I over gear it by a fair margin, I just want some practice, maybe it will be easier getting into one of those.
- Declined, declined, declined, declined, declined.
- I am sensing a pattern here.
- I try for haghmaul heroic, even highmaul normal.
- Declined, declined, declined.
- Screw it, maybe people don't want hunters, maybe they just don't want
- I am feeling very unwanted right about now.
- I just logged off and did not log back on again for the weekend.
- I know it is just a streak of bad luck.
- They could have just as easily accepted my under geared rogue which I suck at as decline my well geared hunter which I am capable with.
- Just luck of the draw.
- But I can't help but feel as if I am starting to get a complex.
- And this is why I wish they still had the old system in play.
- I would much rather just list my name as looking for a heroic BRF run, any boss, and go about doing those annoying because we do not have flying dig sites in nagrand while I wait for someone to find me.
- At least that way I would have been playing the game as opposed to what happened.
- I wasted two hours trying to find a group and ended up logging off wondering if the game is worth 15 dollars a month any more.
- Please blizzard, add back the old way of letting me list what I am looking for.
- Because at this rate, I am not sure how many more declines I can take before I just give up.
- And yes, I know I can start my own group.
- That is not the issue.
- If I wanted to "run" a group I would.
- I just wanted to join a group that I can sit back and pew pew in.
- I guess you can't always get what you want.
- Mick was right.
- Have a great day.