- Most of my random thoughts are about leveling today.
- It might be because I somehow managed to start three new characters this weekend.
- Leveled all three of them to 85.
- I'm just kidding of course, leveling might be easier now but not that much easier.
- I rolled a Tauren Druid and played for a little bit getting to level 12.
- Then some guild mates wanted to reroll together for fun so we picked a random server and rerolled again.
- Picked horde.
- Apparently it was an alliance server. To bad so sad.
- They where all over the place, could not get anything done in the main cities because it seemed like the alliance lived in Orgimmar.
- Rolled a Tauren Paladin this time.
- We made it to 11 as a group when we finally decided that it is not going to be much fun when outnumbered so badly on a server so we all quit.
- Next day we picked another new server and went all troll this time.
- I wanted to be a Troll Paladin but sadly the only thing Trolls can not be are paladins.
- If you can be a warrior and a priest you should be able to be a paladin.
- After all, they are only warriors and priests combined.
- I rolled another Druid, second of the weekend.
- Only made it to level 7 when I had gotten called back to my main server because I was needed for an alt raid.
- When making those characters the hardest part was naming them.
- I gave up and hit randomize and oh my god what language is that?
- Does someone actually make up these names or do they just slap the keyboard and whatever comes up they suggest?
- 98% of the names I got while playing randomize where not even something I could pronounce.
- The other 2% where just flat out horrible.
- A few didn't even have one vowel in it.
- Made me wish that once you name a character that name is yours and you can take it to every server.
- I've come to a conclusion. Naming your character is harder then anything I've ever encountered in game.
- I refuse to use alt codes.
- The game should force everyone using an alt code into a forced name change.
- They could easily get around the naming problems by having people choose a first and last name.
- Even if you where only allowed to select a last name from a drop down list of 20 or so premade selections.
- So instead of one person being named Bob you could have 20 people.
- For each race.
- They would not run out of names as easily.
- Or have names linked to things already in game.
- Like Bob, the male tauren paladin. Bob, the male troll druid. etc.
- Allowing more people to have the same name would make getting half way decent names easier.
- We would also know for sure that anyone with a stupid name was not just someone that got stressed trying to find a name and took anything, we would know they are an idiot based on their name alone.
- I have some strange names, but they are at least what normally resembles a name and is pronounceable.
- Even those strange ones are taken.
- Something should be done because if I have to choose between a stupid name that can not be pronounced or a name with alt codes, I'll just play another game or on another server. No alt codes for me and no stupid names that you can not pronounce either.
- I would rather not play a character then to play a character that not even I can say the name of.
- Speaking of rolling on a different server, they need to do something about balance.
- When there were more alliance in a horde home city then their are horde you know there is a problem.
- For a veteran player like myself it is no big deal but imagine a new player that accidentally stumbles onto that server and happens to choose the wrong side.
- Not everyone takes the new server option, some choose a server name they like.
- They could start the game, be having a great time, make their first trip to a major city, accidentally click an enemy player and tada, their game play is now over.
- They will be dead in one shot and every time they come back and resurrect they will be killed again even if only by incidental AoE.
- Balance isn't just for us 85s. Balance matters to everyone in the game.
- Server balance is a much larger issue then most people think it is, in my opinion anyway.
- That server lost 12 players because we were so overwhelmed and the thought of the future if we stayed there was not promising.
- With that type of imbalance we would never have BH or whatever the next incarnation of BH will be called.
- We ended up going the other way and joined a server that was mostly horde.
- Oops, we are part of the problem now.
- When there is imbalance and someone looks before they join a server, they will take the side that is overwhelmingly favored.
- Which only goes to further imbalance.
- They could fix this with a few things.
- If a server is overwhelmingly horde, offer anyone with an 85 that wants to reroll there 1000 gold and all 20 slot bags to roll on alliance side.
- Then add that they can not server transfer or faction transfer for one year after hitting max level.
- Might not work, but then again it might. 1000 gold and all 20 slot bags is more then ample to cover anything you will need while leveling and will take away the starting pains of starting on a new server for people that are used to having lots of gold and big bags.
- Also, make it so no more new characters of the side that is favored can be rolled.
- Design it to count only 85s (or whatever max is at the time) and whenever one side is over 60% lock that side out from making any more characters until it evens out.
- The worst deviation there should ever be is 60-40.
- When choosing a new character I now have two requirements.
- They must be able to tank or heal and they must be able quest in their tank or heal spec all the way up to 85.
- This means that I can only roll a druid, paladin, warrior or priest now. Shaman are out because questing to 85 as resto is not exactly something anyone would want to do unless they are into dying a lot.
- No DKs do not count, they do not start at 55.
- A priest can level in disc easily. Druids, paladins and warriors can quest in their tank specs no problem.
- Being warriors have no heals I kind of dismissed them too.
- So now I am left only three choices.
- Kind of sad that the pure tax is so darn high.
- The days of hybrid tax are long gone, we have a pure tax now.
- Rolling a pure DPS means hell at max level.
- Rolling anything that can tank or heal means the world is your oyster.
- Which makes me think about the changes to talent specs.
- Being they are adding a 4th spec to druids and with their super easy new talent tree designs it will be easier for them to balance because they took away choice.
- It will be also easier for them to add a 4th talent tree to any class.
- I can honestly see hunters and warlocks getting a tanking spec with this new design if they ever wanted to go that way.
- I can see mages getting a healing spec if they go that way. If a shaman can use water to heal so can a mage right?
- Poor rogues get screwed. While I can conceivably see them having a tank type spec it just does not seem as likely as the other three pure classes, even if they where very good tanks in BC with the right gear.
- I defiantly do not rogues them having a healing spec but it would be funny to see the old joke rogue bandage spec somehow turned into a reality. For humor factor only of course.
- Personally I think it is about time every class could perform at least two different roles.
- Would really stop a lot of the QQ about DPS wait time.
- It is not the fault of the mages, hunters, warlocks and rogues of the world that they can not tank or heal. I feel their pain.
- I do not feel the pain of DPS priests, shaman, druids, paladins, warriors or DKs.
- You have the ability to fix your own problem, if you choose not to then you have absolutely zero right to complain about it.
- Yes, I understand you do not want to heal or tank. You made your choice not to.
- Now shut up and wait like all the other DPS that do not have the choice.
- If you have the choice and refuse to use it, you are the only one to blame for why you are stuck waiting.
- One of the people that rolled with our little group asked a simple question.
- I've never rolled a horde before, is it really different?
- I said, nope, exact same thing just different hub cities and a lot more winning in battlegrounds.
- We have actually lost guild members because of that.
- We are at three this year already. Three people that went from alliance to horde because they got sick of losing in battlegrounds.
- More imbalance problems if you ask me.
- No easy fix for this one like there is for the server problem.
- Human nature will draw most people to the side they think they have the best chance of winning on.
- If all the people that are serious about PvP roll horde it is going to keep getting worse for the alliance.
- While it is true alliance suck at battlegrounds it is partly because all the people that like to PvP roll horde.
- Makes you wonder if it is really PvP they like or if it is winning they like.
- I am not much of a PvPer myself but if I were I would prefer to test my skill, meaning being alliance against the vastly superior horde.
- Being horde just seems like you are taking the easy route to a win.
- While taking it easy is fun sometimes, it doesn't seem like it would be really fulfilling from a game play standpoint to have all the winning handed to you on a silver platter.
- At least in my opinion.
- In a way it makes sense. All we ever hear is about people wanting things easier, they all want instant gratification.
- When it comes to PvP if you want instant gratification and easy content (PvP wise) you roll horde.
- It turns the causal raider / hard core raider comparison into the casual PvPer / hard core PvPer one.
- If you want quick and easy content (PvP) roll horde. If you want a challenge and to test your skills and prove you are better then someone else, roll alliance.
- Hard core PvPers roll alliance. Nice tag line, think it would draw over good horde players to alliance?
- I doubt it. Sooner or later the losing will get to them and they will go back to horde for the easy wins.
- There is only so much anyone can lose before they give up or switch to the winning team.
- Then again, I am not one that should speak against taking it easy.
- I've been playing a tank more this expansion because I decided to take it easy and it does not get any easier in this game then playing a tank.
- Way to much pressure on the DPS end of things but that is a post in itself.
- If only tanking randoms was not a world of hell I might actually enjoy tanking more.
- I guess that is the balance for the role, tanking itself is stupid easy. Dealing with other people is amazingly hard.
- I skip the middle man and just do not do randoms, so I keep my tanking life nice and easy.
- Makes it a little interesting when you gear up through raids only and have horrible luck with drops.
- Part of the fun for me. Every upgrade I get is really a good feeling.
- No spamming heroics for me to get upgrades on my tanks.
- Each upgrade I get I paid for with blood and broken bones in a raid, not from doing (what should be) easy content for points.
- Makes me proud of my gear.
- Not sure why really. Getting raid gear is much easier then grinding heroics with horrible players for gear. And much faster too.
- Guess tanking is easier all the way around. At least when you stay out of heroics.
- Th...th... th... thats all folks.
- Have a great day.
GQDN 2/11/2025
3 hours ago