This post in one in a series of posts that will be in regards to
garrisons and professions in Warlords of Draenor and how they interact
with each other, and on their own.
Unlike previous expansions professions are much more involved this
expansion, even if somewhat simplified at the same time. Being tied to
buildings in the garrisons it not only opens up more options but
different options to either supplement a profession you already have or
fill the role of a profession you do not have.
Note: As warlords is still in beta, it is possible some of this information might change before the expansion is released. Inscription, even with less than 3 weeks to release, is still very much an unfinished product. The information included here is done to the best of my ability.
Spotlight on Inscription
List or all materials you will need to make all items in your inscription skill book:
Inks and Pigments: Warbinders Ink, War Paints, Cerulean Pigment.
Elements: Sorcerous Earth, Sorcerous Water.
Misc: Light Parchment, Simple Wood, Savage Blood. (from level 3 garrison barn building)
Herbs: Frostweed, Nagrand Arrowbloom. (for leveling only)
Inscription went through many changes this expansion but I will be focusing on the new items. It is worth noting that research has changed. Each level of inks has its own research now that could discover a glyph that is made with that ink.
Secrets of Draenor Inscription: Currency (cooldown)
2 - Cerulean Pigment
Warbinders Ink: Material
2 - Cerulean Pigment
War Paints: Material (cooldown)
10 - Cerulean Pigment
Note: there are over 75 new and many other changed glyphs, instead of listing them all, I am just listing one, to show what is needed of the new materials. All draenor based glyphs requires the same materials.
Glyph of ...: One of many new glyphs
3 - Warbinders Ink, 1 - Light Parchment
Research: Warbinders Ink: Discovers a glyph made with warbinders ink, if you know all glyphs made with warbinders in, discovers a glyph made with a lesser ink.
3 - Warbinders Ink, 3 - Light Parchment
Weapons: (part of the warlords crafted 3)
Crystalfire Spellstaff: Item level 630 intellect staff with 2 random secondary stats
100 - War Paints, 1 - Simple Wood
Etched Blade Warstaff: Item level 630 agility staff with 2 random secondary stats
100 - War Paints, 1 - Simple Wood
Shadowtome: Item level 630 intellect offhand with 2 random secondary stats
50 - War Paints, 10 - Light Parchment
Warmasters Firestick: Item level 630 intellect wand with 2 random stats
100 - War Paints, 1 - Simple Wood
Ocean Tarot: 540 item level, +69 main stat, 1 random enhancement
5 - War Paints, 1 - Light Parchment
Laughing Tarot: 565 item level, +87 main stat, 1 random enhancement
5 - War Paints, 1 - Light Parchment
Savage Tarot: 585 item level, +105 main stat, 1 random enhancement
5 - War Paints, 1 - Light Parchment
Card of Omens: Flip the card and win from 1 copper to 6000 gold. (makes 10)
5 - War Paints, 10 - Light Parchment
Darkmoon Card of Draenor: Create a random darkmoon card of Draenor
10 - War Paints, 1 - Light Parchment
Inferno Tarot: Upgrade a 640 inscription trinket to 655
150 - War Paints, 30 Sorcerous Water, 15 - Savage Blood
Molten Tarot: Upgrades a 655 inscription trinket to 655
200 - War Paints, 40 Sorcerous Earth, 15 - Savage Blood
Mystical Crystal: Upgrades a 630 inscription weapon to 640
150 - War Paints, 30 Sorcerous Water, 15 Savage Blood
Glorious Crystal: Upgrades a 640 inscription weapon to 655
200 - War Paints, 40 Sorcerous Earth, 15 - Savage Blood
Volatile Crystal: Reroll the secondary stats on a 630 or higher inscription weapon
10 - War Paint, 5 - Cerulean Pigment
Darkmoon Trinkets: (part of the warlords crafted 3)
Note: at the time of this writing these trinkets do not seem finished, they all have the same proc and none seem to be healer trinkets.
Note: Darkmoon Card of Draenor can end up making joker cards like iron joker, moon joker, war joker or vision joker which can be used for any missing card of that set.
Knights Badge: 640 item level, +175 bonus armor, chance on hit to gain 1396 critical strike for 20 seconds.
1 - Iron Deck
Sandman's Pouch: 640 item level, +175 intellect, chance on hit to gain 1396 critical strike for 20 seconds.
1 - Moon Deck
Skull of War: 640 item level, +175 agility or strength, chance on hit to gain 1396 critical strike for 20 seconds.
1 - War Deck
Winged Hourglass: 640 item level, +175 intellect, chance on hit to gain 1396 critical strike for 20 seconds.
1 - Visions Deck
Non-Scribes can use a Draenic Mortar to mill Draenor herbs which can be crafted with 5 blackiron ore in your scribes quarters. Scribes will have no need for this item.
Learning Draenor Inscription:
You will receive a quest
early on from a draenei chest for alliance or a bladespire chest for
horde that will start a quest line. Once you've completed the small quest line you will receive Draenor Inscription and Garrison Blueprint: Scribes Quarters, Level 1. If you the scribes quarters quest line as a member of the horde you will also get Prestige Card: The Turn which disguises you as a magma crawler when you complete the quest. As of this writing there is no alliance equivalent.
Draenor inscription, once clicked on and learned, will boost your
maximum inscription skill to 700 and will teach you all of the
following skills. Secrets of Draenor Inscription and War Paints,
which you should start doing
immediately as they are cooldown abilities, as well as the patterns for Card or Omens, Laughing Tarot, Ocean Tarot and Savage Targot. All other inscription patterns
listed above but not listed as being learned
from the manual will need to be purchased with the currency you create
from the daily cooldown for secrets of draenor inscription or through research discovery.
If you have the scribes quarters in your garrison there will be (currently unnamed)
(horde) or Eric Broadoak (alliance) whom you can purchases the
from right there in your scribes quarter. If you do not have a scribes quarters on your
garrison you can travel to your hub near ashran and purchase
the plans from the appropriate vendors there.
There are no items that you need both the scribes quarters and the inscription ability
to make so as a scribe you will be able to make everything with or
without a scribes quarters, when the time comes for you to make that decision.
Once you have learned everything there is to learn, you can continue to
make secrets of draenor inscription to purchase a small pouch of coins.
It remains to be seen if this will be worthwhile come live but it is
nice to see that there might still be a reason to keep doing the daily
secret cooldown after the 29 days it would take to purchase all the
Spotlight on The Scribes Quarters:
This section will contain two parts. One if you have inscription as a profession, one if you do not.
If you have Inscription as a Profession:
Level 1 Scribes Quarters:
Once you complete the small quest, mentioned above, that will award you
the garrison blueprint for a level 1 scribes quarters and you will be able to
build your scribes quarters.
A level 1 scribes quarters will take 1 hour to build and requires 150 gold and 50 garrison resources.
A level 1 scribes quarters allows you to produce 7 work orders at a time.
Level 2 Scribes Quarters:
A level 2 scribes quarters requires you to have a level 2 town hall.
A level 2 scribes quarters requires you to have set up your talador outpost or be level 96.
A level 2 scribes quarters will take 1 hour to build and requires 300 gold and 100 garrison resources.
A level 2 scribes quarters allows you to produce 14 work orders at a time.
A level 2 scribes quarters allows you to assign a follower with the inscription trait to work there.
The blueprint for the level 2 scribes quarters is available for
purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your
garrison town hall for 750 gold.
Alternatively you can purchase the blueprints with an Outpost Building Assembly Notes item from Torgg Flexington (horde) or Kinkade Jakobs (alliance) at your ashran base.
Two copies of Outpost Building Assembly Notes can be obtained free from
questing by completing the outpost quest line, in both Spires of Arak and
Gorgrond. This could effectively save you 1500 gold.
Level 3 Scribes Quarters:
A level 3 scribes quarters requires you to have a level 3 town hall.
A level 3 scribes quarters requires you to have completed the [Working More Orders] achievement and be level 100.
A level 3 scribes quarters will take 1 hour to build and requires 500 gold and 300 garrison resources.
A level 3 scribes quarters will allow you to produce 21 work orders at a time.
The blueprint for the level 3 scribes quarters is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above,
from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town
hall for 1000 gold.
Work Orders:
The scribes quarters work orders require 10 cerulean pigment to produce and each order
takes 4
hours to finish. It will award you with war paint and
sometimes one or more sorcerous elements needed for inscription. Having
a higher level scribes quarters, which allows you to produce more work orders,
means you need to
in to check less often. Orders will stack up if you are not online for
a while and you will not miss out on anything. So if you have a 21
order queue you would only need to collect your products and place new
orders every 84 hours, which is three and a half days, making this
fantastic for those alts you sometimes forget to log into.
Working Follower:
Once your scribes quarters reaches level 2 you will be allowed to
assign a
worker to help there. The worker must have inscription as a trait as
just any worker can be assigned to any building. A follower working in
any garrison building does not gain experience. Consider leveling your
follower first before placing them as a worker in one of your
buildings. Workers at the scribes quarters have a small chance to
the materials you get when filling work orders, depending on their
level, the higher the better of course. Also, if you have a follower
working at your scribes quarters you will be able to craft Draenor Merchant Orders, which require 2 light parchment and 4 cerulean pigment to make. The merchant order only has a 1 day duration but if you manage to craft 2 of the same type and merge them together it can create a merchant order or a large merchant order which can be sold for gold, 75 or 225 depending on size. Seems like gamblers might like this little building perk but it serves no real in game use.
Pros to having the profession:
Increased war paint generation to make gear and items faster, chance for additional materials from work orders.
If you do not have Inscription as a Profession:
Most things will remain the same with a few notable exceptions.
You will not be able to build an scribes quarters on your garrison until you level your town hall to level 2.
Once you have a level 2 town hall you learn all level 1 profession
building blueprints, so do not worry that you were incapable of doing
the quest.
You will be able to make a draenic mortar, card of omens, launching tarot, ocean tarot and savage tarot with a level 1 scribes quarters.
You will be able to make the etched blade warstaff, shadowtime and darkmoon card of draenor with a level 2 scribes quarters.
You will be able to make the Crystalfire Spellstaff and Warmasters Firestick with a level 3 scribes quarters.
You will not be able to make any of the items to upgrade trinkets.
You will not be able to make any of the items to upgrade weapons.
You will not be able to make any glyphs.
Cons to not having inscription as a profession:
Slower generation of war paints, the requirement of having to have
a certain level building to craft stuff, and not being able to craft
your own gear upgrades or glyphs. While
not horrible by any means, being a scribe offers more options.
Catching up or Switching to Inscription in Warlords:
Even as a level 1 scribe you can do the quest that will get you
the scribes quarters blueprints for your garrison along with the draenor inscription which when
learned teaches you some items you can make. Also, as a side bonus,
even if you are a skill level 1, once you use the draenor inscription item you will
attain a max level of 700, meaning no need to ever go back to train up
Some of patterns learned, while being native to draenor, do not need a high
profession skill level to create. You can craft a few of them, and all others you
learn, at level 1. Inscription, unlike other professions which can make everything at level 1 only has a couple of things that can be made at that low of a level. New glyphs will not need 600 sill to make but they will need at least 295. This means
you can level up from 1 to
catching up, through making patterns with just draenor based
materials. However, it is not as easy as it is with the other professions.
In addition to that there are many items you can find in the world that
will help increase your inscription skill and will speed you along up to
a skill
level of 600, where you will now be working on current content as the only
things that will continue to give you skill ups. All drops
that start these skill gaining quests are dropped from random mobs and
a inscription skill level of 1, so you can start from the bottom up. All
these are turned in at your garrison. For inscription these seem more important to leveling up from 1 to max in draenor than they are for the other professions.
Faintly Magical Vellum: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 5 Cerulean Pigment
Ruined Painting: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 10 Frostweed
Tattered Scroll: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 5 Frostweed
Torn Card: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 4 Nagrand Arrowbloom
Waterlogged Book: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 10 Frostweed
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GQDN 3/13/2025
36 minutes ago
yup, thanks again, another one to need to know (actually, my main toons can do all the professions, so the info is definately appreciated.). I am really wondering why it seems WoD professions have become complicated, as... weeellll, a lot of things have become, such as fishing.
ReplyDeleteOnward thru the fog!
Fishing isn't complicated, so to speak, it is just overly involved. I will have that, sort of, coming up. I will not be going deeply into fishing however as to level it is simple enough, cast and catch. The only people that would really need to know more are ones going for Nat Pagle as a follower, and I will be doing a detailed post on how to get him.
DeleteGlad you are liking them.
Yes, thanks again, this continues to be very helpful. With the crafted 3 items rule, is there a strategy you'll use on which 3 to have for your main? Or would the weapon be the main item to have and the other 2 a preference?
Welcome, glad you are liking it.
DeleteI am thinking it will just wait and see really. Plan to go directly into raiding heroic, or at least normal, which drops better gear than the crafted gear is even if it were fully upgraded.
I would not want to rush to craft myself a new piece of gear only to get a drop that is better, and there will be a lot of chances for that. Even more so being it needs such HUGE amounts of materials to make the crafted gear. So I am going to stockpile and fill in spaces with the crafted 3.
If I do craft anything, it would be the weapon. As a hunter, even more so as MM, that lives off weapon damage, that seems the only thing worth taking the risk of wasting materials on at the get go.