- I think hugging a random tauren druid is good luck.
- While farting around yesterday doing some mount runs and stuff I saw a tauren druid just standing there and gave him a hug.
- I walked into MT and the mount dropped.
- I was so happy. One more thing to cross off my bucket list.
- Now to get the pet.
- Not sure what inspired me to hug the druid, he was there and it seemed like a funny thing to do.
- I originally walked right past him and actually turned around to go back and hug him before I continued on my way.
- But now no tauren druid will ever be safe from getting random hugs from me.
- I went on to find two more rares to get me closer to frostbitten.
- And I was not even looking for them, was heading to do the UP mount run.
- I signed up for the arena league pass.
- I love doing that.
- Missed it last year, totally slipped my mind.
- For someone that is not much of a PvPer I enjoy the ever living hell out of the arena league.
- Two years ago I finished slightly under the 50/50 mark I wanted for bare minimum.
- This year I plan to be over .500.
- I think I will have two teams.
- One will be a DK, resto shaman and a MM hunter.
- The hunter is me of course.
- The other will be a MM hunter, a disc priest and a frost mage.
- That one the hunter isn't me, the disc priest is.
- Not the greatest makeups I agree, but I always have a huge amount of fun on that server win or lose.
- I think what it boils down to is that is a PvP only server.
- No need to worry about PvE, just get yourself ready for head to head combat.
- And you get to pick and choose all your gear, enchants, gems, glyphs, etc, for free.
- It makes it all about skill and not about gear.
- That is how PvP should be.
- It should not be about who has the most gear, but who has the best game plan and the best ability to carry it out.
- I am so hyped for arena league this year, even more so after missing it last year.
- I think one of the reasons I like it so much is I can set up for PvP only.
- For me one of the biggest problems with a good PvP set up is that it is nothing like my PvE one as far as display, binds and macros go.
- Not to mention a different spec and we only have two to begin with.
- I am looking forward to mists for that.
- MM is MM now, no MM PvP spec, MM DPS spec, MM dungeon spec, MM special spec for special fights.
- In mist MM is MM. There is no thought involved in making your spec.
- For as lame as that is, for as much as I hate having choice taken away from me, I do like that I will not need to respec to go back and forth between PvP and PvE.
- It could actually make me PvP more.
- Now if only they would remove PvP gear completely I would be happy.
- That is the last piece of the puzzle blizzard needs to fix.
- The removal of making our own spec decisions actually makes switching back and forth easier.
- The removal of having to have special gear is the next step.
- Maybe sooner or later blizzard will get the clue and lose the special PvP gear concept.
- Gear is gear.
- Think of it from a true fantasy aspect.
- Do you think a knight wears different armor if he is fighting angry dogs or another person?
- Nope, gear is gear.
- Being blizzard is always many years late with everything they do, perhaps they will finally get it right the expansion after the one after mists?
- Let them have their fun turning one useless stat (resilience) into two useless stats (PvE power and PvP defense) in their effort to make things easier to transition.
- The people that play the game know what they are doing is not the solution, but they will never listen to reason, they need to see it fail before they do something about it.
- While doing my dungeon runs for mounts I kept thinking I want AoE looting now.
- Whenever I run some old content it makes me want AoE looting even more.
- Currently that has to be the number 1 thing I am looking forward to mists for.
- I think the minimum range thing is the second thing I look forward to most while soloing.
- I can't tell you the number of times I am stuck having to run away or disengage, or chain slow, just to get that last shot or two in.
- It is not like they where going to kill me if they got to me, but I can't kill them if they get to me.
- Now I will just stand my ground and let them get one or two shots in and then blow their brain out with a shotgun blast to the head at point blank range.
- Not very hunterly, but hey, what can I do.
- It is better than running like a scared bunny rabbit when I can just stand there and kill them instead.
- Great for multi mobs out in the world too.
- Instead of rounding up 20 or so mobs and then dropping a trap to slow them and/or a disengage to get some distance so I can multi them down now I just position myself and multi them point blank.
- Have to love that one baby.
- Yeap, no minimum range is number 2 on the list at the moment.
- I wonder what I will be able to solo at 90 that I can't now.
- I know it will make TK so much easier.
- Phase three is a bitch, it is the only thing that ever gets me.
- 1, 2, 4 and 5 are a joke, 3 is deadly.
- I read some things where people say to draw them out of the room.
- I wish I knew what the hell they where talking about.
- The doors are always closed when I do it.
- Makes me think I am doing something wrong when I solo it.
- Or look at it another way, I am doing something right.
- I don't need tricks to get it done, I just wipe a lot before I get it done.
- I guess I will trade using a trick for making it easier even if it almost seems like cheating.
- Saving the repair bills is not the issue, making it a quicker in and out is.
- I can officially solo the twins in AQ40 now.
- That is something I would have never through possible.
- I bet if I hugged a taruen druid before I went into a raid I can solo anything.
- Seems they are good luck, or at least one was yesterday.
- Make sure to hug a tauren druid, and have a great day.
GQDN 1/20/2025
4 hours ago
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