- Noblegarden is always a fun holiday event.
- I must say I love being a rabbit while collecting eggs.
- I collected 586 eggs to get my 500 needed for the mount on my main.
- I ended up with so many extra things it was insane.
- On one mage that I was trying to get the poly spell on I got the mount out of an egg.
- They say random is random but sometimes I think the game likes to mess with people.
- The character I wanted it on had to work for it.
- The character I did not want it on was given it super early.
- In my guild about a dozen people have the mount so far.
- Every single one of them found it.
- Five people I talked to not in my guild that have it, found it.
- All the people on my blog roll, found it.
- I had to buy it.
- The game hates me, it really does.
- Reminds me of when I was grinding the baron run.
- Got the super rare epic sword twice in one day, 5 times over all.
- Still never got the mount.
- I'll bet if I were looking for the sword I would have a dozen mounts by now.
- And no sword.
- I like noblegarden because it is one of the best designed holiday events.
- It leaves everything in the players hands if you are willing to put in the effort.
- You get out of it what you put into it, some random number generator love can make it easier of course, but it is not needed, you can still get everything.
- More of the game needs to be designed like that.
- I hate the random number generator.
- Brewfest mounts? Got them on multiple characters.
- Not on my main.
- Headless horseman mount? Got it on multiple characters.
- Not on my main.
- See why I hate the random number generator?
- This is why I love grinds.
- Tell me I have to do something 1000 times to get the mount and I will do it.
- I like to earn things, not be given them just because I am lucky.
- Not saying I do not have luck, just not on my main.
- My shaman wins everything. Even things I do not want.
- The only thing my shaman has hell with is the healing shield in LFR.
- She has lost it twice to a retribution paladin.
- I keep putting tickets in to blizzard, they basically said it is working as intended even if they did not use those exact words.
- I want to know how a retribution paladin getting a +100 roll bonus on a shield with spirit on it is intended.
- 15 tickets about it so far, still no answer.
- Amazing that there are that many incompetent people working at blizzard.
- Would it really be that hard for one of them to say that it was wrong for the paladin to get the roll bonus and they will look into getting it fixed but to not hold my breath.
- Are they not allowed to tell the truth?
- Back to luck, my shaman has it.
- She wins everything when in randoms. Orb? I always win. Lock box? I always win. Gear I need (back when I needed it)? I always win. Gear everyone is disenchanting? I always win.
- My priest is my only character with a four piece set so far.
- If I play her once a month it is a lot.
- So she has some nice luck too.
- She already has the horseman mount and countless other things my main does not have.
- It is just my main I am not lucky with.
- That is one of the reasons I like noblegarden, you can earn everything, if you are willing to put the time and effort into it.
- It is also good because it does not have any part that is like the school of hard knocks.
- Who was the genius over at blizzard that came up with the idea of sending millions of people into battlegrounds that have never PvPed before and then labeling them by making them have a pet out that screams "I am not a PvPer so come farm me for free honor".
- Someone really had a hard on for non PvPers and wanted to make their life hell.
- Achievement Completed!
- That is the bane of existence of many people going for the meta achievement.
- I know of 2 people personally that only need that one thing.
- Reading the forums you will find countless others, that have everything, for at least three years, and still can not get that one.
- Not to mention, that achievement teaches people the wrong way to play the battlegound.
- You force non PvPers into PvP, make them flag themselves as non-PvPers just there for an achievement, and then try to make them do something that will most likely cause them to lose the battlegound.
- Nice way to get non PvPers into PvP blizzard.
- NOT!
- Change the achievement to something like kill 10 of each race of the opposing faction while your orphan is out and it makes it easier to attain.
- It also makes it so that way they might actually learn how to play the battlegound.
- It also makes it so they have a vested interest in doing well and winning instead of focusing only on doing a task that might cause you to lose the game.
- OMG, doing it in a way that might make non-PvPers get interested in PvP.
- How dare I suggest something like that.
- There is one thing that is hard in noblegarden now that there is no central hub.
- Finding horde characters of the female sex over level 18 is not an easy task on my server.
- While my server is close to the 50%/50% break down when it comes to alliance/horde, it seems they do not like dalaran.
- On a horde you could have gotten females of all alliance races within minutes of getting to dalaran.
- I spent hours there on my mage looking for horde females and could not find them.
- Hell, I could not find many horde at all.
- And I know how to get into the horde area as an alliance character.
- There where none in their area either.
- They must have forgot the way to dalaran.
- Or maybe they do not know that there is a port to org in dalaran.
- Dalaran is just a nicer place to be, not sure why everyone is not back there again.
- I sent my mage on an adventure to find horde females.
- Went by the horde egg areas, only brill was easily approachable.
- Heck, I could hang out in brill with no problem.
- If you are a hordie and want to get eggs, go to brill.
- Spent 40 minutes there looking for a female.
- There were a total of 8 players there in 40 minutes time and never more then 4 at one time.
- I did see one undead female, she was only level 8 however.
- I yelled out, get leveling, find eggs later.
- I don't think she understood me.
- Went to molten front.
- Watched the tumble weeds roll by as it was just me and one alliance character in the whole place.
- Went to tol barad, figured people still do those right?
- The sound of the crickets was near deafening.
- I did see three other people there, all alliance.
- The horde must be all eggs hunting or all afraid to leave org.
- I went past the low level areas again and learned one thing.
- Spring rabbits do not care about faction.
- They will mate with anybodies rabbit, they do not care who owns it.
- It was funny hanging out in brill and having my bunny mate with one of the hordes bunnies.
- It was good for a laugh even if it didn't help find any females.
- That would have been a fun part of the meta achievement to add.
- Instead of just one for mating in your areas have one that also makes you bring your bunny to mate in other areas.
- Back to dal and took a chance and put ears on a troll druid that was just floating there in bat form.
- I love the troll druid flight form, best off all flight forms by a long shot.
- Woohoo, female.
- Not like you could tell with the name.
- What ever happened to the good old days where names actually looked like names and they looked male or female.
- I think half the people that create characters now just slam their head on the keyboard and whatever comes up, that is their name.
- If things keep up like this for the horde they are going to go extinct.
- There are no females to perpetuate the species.
- Outside of that one achievement however, which without dalaran as a hub will be a little work, this is the best and easiest holiday event to get the meta achievement for.
- You can get everything you need just from collecting eggs.
- And collecting eggs turns you into a bunny.
- Reason enough to love this event.
- Have a great day, happy hunting.
GQDN 1/20/2025
5 hours ago
Lovely post :)
ReplyDeleteI collected lots and lots of eggs to buy the mount. No drop, no elegant dress (not that I need it - I have it from previous years), one rabbit pet that I gave to my daughter :)
I took can cope with grind over luck - still smarting over Lumpy at Christmas :(
Happy Noblegarden to you!
You always say things so well. I've always thought that the Noblegarden event was well designed that way, Just keep trying and you get the whole thing title and all, even on a low level character. I really wish they would make more holidays like that. I really agree about the whole RNG thing it, annoys me to no end, I have notoriously bad luck. The horde is somewhat short on females.