- I've always wanted an in game pony and now we have one.
- I mounted the pony at the darkmoon faire and rode it around making wee sounds.
- Then I tried to make a run for it.
- I'm stealing this baby and no one can stop me.
- I would have made it too if not for those meddling kids.
- The pony despawned on me.
- I guess pony thief is not something I will be adding to my list of accomplishments.
- My Gnome would so love to have one of those as a mount.
- Would also love to get one on my Tauren paladin.
- That poor pony would have such back problems.
- Trying the raid finder on a Sunday was a lot different from doing it on Tuesday.
- Tuesday was like running a dungeon.
- Sunday was like running a zul dungeon on the day of release.
- Many wipes, but we did it, not exactly what I would call fun, but at least it got accomplished.
- I told you once the non raiders got to 372 that the looking for raid would become a lot harder.
- After one wipe a new healer came in he said, the greatest healer is wow has arrived to save you.
- I knew this would not turn out well.
- Anyone that thinks that they are that good most likely sucks.
- He did his best to prove me wrong by posting the healing meters after each failed attempt and showing how massive his heals where compared to the other five healers.
- He showed us.
- He healed more during a wipe then anyone else did.
- I should have posted the over healing meters.
- One attempt he had 17K HPS and I was 5th with 10K HPS.
- Makes me look bad right?
- He had 87% over healing done.
- The others above me where all around 10K, close to me, just a little above me, I was lower 10Ks.
- They where all around 30% over healing.
- I was 8% over healing.
- I pride myself on healing people that actively need healing.
- Hello, mr greatest healer in wow, when it comes to effective healing, you got owned.
- Big time.
- We wiped over and over and the greatest healer in wow gave up telling us even as good as he is he can not do all the healing by himself, the other healers all suck.
- He dropped, we beat the boss next attempt.
- Really helps when you do not have someone trying to top the charts and someone trying to, you know, actually do their job and heal people that need to be healed.
- How dare they ask the greatest healer in wow to heal people that need heals.
- That would ruin the super awesome HPS he gets from spamming one person that doesn't even need to be healed.
- I looked at the charts to see if he was healing himself. Was sure he was, selfish people that are all about their numbers are usually all about themselves.
- I was wrong, he was healing me.
- Maybe he was smarter then I thought.
- He was keeping the most effective healer up.
- We really need to find a way to teach these tards in game that it is not all about the numbers.
- You can do 100K HPS, but if you are not healing the people that need it, you are useless as a healer.
- It looked like about 15 of the 25 people there had a clue.
- That is still better then I expected for a sunday.
- When I first got in I was in a group that had two bosses down.
- Crap, forgot to look if it where already in progress.
- Please wipe, please wipe.
- Wipe, drop group, no deserter, queue up again, get fresh run.
- I refuse to go into an already in progress run.
- If I could loot every time I am there I would not mind, being I can only loot once a week, I want to run only once and I want a full run.
- They are going to need to do something about that. Getting people to stay for an in progress run is going to be hard.
- Unless the people are just in it for the 250 valor that is.
- Every wipe, people come and go. Every down, people come and go. Every trash pull, people come and go.
- It is amazing these things are getting done at all.
- On the ball boss it was two ranged people that ended up bouncing the ball back and forth because no one else was smart enough to move.
- How we kept them up is beyond me.
- 5 people died on the first boss because they did not go behind the rocks.
- When it comes to idiot checks that one it is.
- Even if you do not know the fight there are a few telling signs on what to do there.
- 1) Being told to run for cover. (not sure if that is DBM or in game, I'm pretty sure it is in game)
- 2) Everyone else running and hiding.
- 3) Black stuff under your feet.
- 4) Your life total going down.
- This is the true idiot check.
- If you can not adapt to this, even if you did not know it before hand, you will never be a raider.
- Ever.
- I capped out four characters on valor this week.
- I never capped four in one week. Might be 6 capped if I have time tonight. Not sure if I will.
- The new dungeons are easy but they can also be hard when you do not have the right make up.
- Tyrande with no melee it hard. A tank can only interrupt so many of those things.
- With no melee to split interrupt duty with and low DPS, that fight is near impossible.
- Wiped over and over and over on that one. Healers dropping like crazy.
- One DK complained that he could not handle all the interrupts alone and blamed the tank for not helping.
- Looking at recount after three attempts with him, the tank interrupt 16, he interrupted 0.
- He was right, he could not handle it alone because he was not doing it alone. He was not doing it at all.
- As I always say, the first person to complain is usually the person that is doing something wrong.
- They have to pass the blame to someone else before it gets noticed that they are the bad player.
- They dropped, we got a warrior that was insane with interrupts.
- Tank dropped after the next wipe however.
- Healer complained they people need to stay out of the bad.
- We got a DK tank now.
- Next attempt, the healer dies when the boss is still 70%.
- Again, the first person to complain is usually the bad player.
- We did the last 70% with no healer.
- The DK and warrior where insane with interrupts.
- Me, on my mage, and the hunter, never took any damage.
- See, super easy fight, do not even need a healer, if the interrupts are done right.
- Is there something in there that drains mana?
- Did the fight on my bear, no problem tanking it.
- Did the fight on my warrior, no problem tanking it.
- Did the fight on my paladin, oom 20 seconds into the fight.
- I never run oom on my paladin.
- Good thing I had so much threat on the boss from that point on I just white hit and used what little mana I could regen for interrupts.
- Wiped twice before I came up with the idea to do nothing after I generated enough initial threat.
- Have no idea why I was oom right at the pull each time.
- I can see that fight being hell on paladins because of that. Or was it just me.
- Saw nothing in the dungeon journal about draining mana.
- Oh well, we did it. I just felt completely useless tanking that as a paladin.
- Was healing one that we got Sylvanas on first.
- Walk in, tank pulls the second we port in.
- I try my best to play catch up but even pouring out everything I could the tank goes down on that first trash pack.
- The DK switches to blood presence and I keep the DK up.
- I love smart players that can adapt.
- I revive the tank but am now oom so I sit to drink.
- The tank heals themselves, paladin, and runs into the next pack as I am still drinking.
- I pop up and start healing.
- Holy crap I can not keep this tank up for nothing.
- Tank goes down, DK picks up the mobs again, I keep the DK up.
- Rez, sit to drink, tank charges in.
- The three DPS have a brain, they are all standing right next to me as we watch the tank get mauled to death.
- I never get up to heal, I never even consider it. The DPS never moved to help, doesn't look like they even considered it.
- Tank drops, I tell the DK that he was easier to heal then the tank was.
- The DK says he inspected the tank and they where in all PvP gear.
- The mage said, specing into prot does not make someone a tank.
- The shadow priest agrees.
- Nice to know that when I made a stand to not heal the tank, all the DPS where on my side.
- You can gear up fast in those things if you are a caster DPS.
- My mage was 354, I did all three only once, 370 at the end.
- The quest rewards where really caster centric.
- That and I got two drops as well.
- I think I broke my mage however.
- I was doing 15k-18K DPS at 354.
- I am doing 10K-12K at 370.
- What is wrong with this picture.
- Yes, I am still hit capped at least for heroics.
- No clue how my DPS dropped like that.
- Really enjoying the new dungeons even if with some groups you still end up with some wipes.
- Tyrande and Azshara seem to be the only ones that turn into wipefests when people do not know what to do.
- The others seem rather easy to wing it as long as the person has half a brain.
- You know, as long as they are not the type that die to the black stuff on the first boss in DS.
- Was tanking on one Azshara attempt and we had 5 mages up at once.
- Bad DPS on that fight can really be hell.
- Am amazed that we lasted that long.
- Those mages hurt.
- The more I play with randoms I have come to the conclusion that as long as you have some gear and some skill being a tank really is the easiest job in the game.
- While I did have a few wipes that where my fault, reminder, do not charge the zombie in the Sylvanas fight because it is instant death, all the pressure is really on the DPS.
- Even the fights that are hard on healers, with the right DPS they are easy.
- If everyone is doing 12K and executing correctly, then the fights are easy.
- From healing them all multiple times I can tell you that the dragon packs before Baine are the hardest healing in any of them.
- If you can avoid those packs, avoid them.
- They can rip a 380 geared tank to shreds in seconds.
- I do not want to see what they would do to a 353 tank, and those are the tanks it was made for.
- Had one healer in one of the runs complain as soon as they ported in and saw the tank was just at the item level needed to be there say, how come I always get the shitty tanks.
- Excuse me mr I am so awesome I was born with gear and never needed to gear up, but did it ever occur to you that the tank was supposed to be there to get gear.
- Having a lower item level does not mean you are a shitty tank. It just means you are not over geared for the content yet.
- We wiped, the healer insulted the tank over and over, then the healer dropped group.
- New healer came in, we had no problems after that.
- So was the 353 tank the problem or was the "I was born with gear" healer the problem?
- Some people have gotten so used to over gearing content I think they forgot how to play.
- I wish I where on my 353 tank when that healer came in.
- I would have said, I can tank this in 333, can you heal it in 333? Put up or shut up, over gearing content does not make you a good player.
- I think that is the problem with a great deal of players today in the game.
- They go into content that they over gear completely and then complain it is so easy.
- Dude, you over gear it, it is supposed to be easy.
- I want to create a set of gear, greens and blues 333 or under only, no enchants, no reforging, nothing, and tank all the dungeons.
- I'll bet I can do it. The Zuls will be the only ones I can see being a problem.
- That and trash packs. We need DPS with CC behind me. Trash is harder then bosses.
- The bears before the bear boss will be nearly impossible.
- I think I will have to do this on my warrior, the best class in the game for tank kiting.
- Cool, I think I found a nice new challenge for me to undertake.
- Now to find a few victims to help me.
- Uh, healer and DPS I mean.
- I hate when people come into a dungeon and insult someone without even seeing what they can do based on their gear alone.
- I really wish I could slap someone upside the head sometimes through the internet.
- 353 item level dungeons are meant for 353 item level players.
- Stop bitching if you get a 353 player in one.
- Admittedly, as a tank or a healer, being 353 and stepping into them can be a little imposing.
- When you are "at level" you really need the people around you to be at the top of their game.
- No F'N around when you are barely the item level to be there.
- The 353 tank ended up doing just fine, when he did not have a healer that was all full of himself behind him.
- I think the game needs to give gentle reminders to people that play the game that they are not really as good as they think they are.
- You know, like the tooltips on the load screen.
- Tip: You still suck. Yes, you.
- That would be the best tip ever.
- I can even see someone flying into a nerd rage because their game just insulted them.
- Not like it would work, no one reads those things anyway.
- Love on the Jaina fight when I tell people, step in the fire or we will die.
- The smart ones always come back with something like, but the tips told me not to stand in the fire.
- Always good for a giggle.
- Did an hour of twilight, got to the end, said, maybe we should do a quick OD 3D while we are here to get thrall a better mount.
- People enjoyed that one.
- Really, we helped thrall once, he had a crap land mount, not even an epic land mount.
- Now he is the one that is going to save the world and he doesn't even have a mount anymore.
- He has been downgraded to ghost wolf only.
- I think thrall deserves a drake mount.
- At the rate he is moving the next time we see him he will never go faster than walking speed.
- Poor guy keeps getting downgraded.
- So much for giving thanks for helping to save the whole world.
- Well, thats all for today.
- Have a great day all.
GQDN 1/20/2025
4 hours ago
QUOTE: "Did the fight on my paladin, oom 20 seconds into the fight."
ReplyDeleteHrm... Thats odd. Judgment is the way a pallytank gets mana back, And its been patched that you get mana even when the judgment misses. Some mana drain mechanic at play? Having a very small base mana pool makes pallytanks vulnerable to mana-drains.
Ellifain @ Khaz'Goroth (Retired)
I watched other paladin tanks doing it when I was DPSing or healing and they are all oom nearly instantly as well. So I guess it is not just me.
ReplyDeleteNothing in the dungeon journal shows that she has a mana drain. Not sure what is going on there.
Some Glitch/Bug/Feature then like General Vezzax that prevents mana returns then?
ReplyDeleteEllifain @ Khaz'Goroth (Retired)
I do hope they fix it. It is an annoying fight for that reason only. I hate standing there just waiting, hoping, I have the mana to get the interrupt.