- I used the new report feature for the first time this weekend.
- It does make things a lot easier being able to report for a specific thing instead of just reporting everything as spam.
- I reported someone for language.
- I am usually pretty easy going, language does not bother me.
- I've been known to go off sounding like a truck driver myself on more than one occasion.
- But sometimes enough is just enough and how the language is being used just adds up.
- Ever have one of those moments where enough is enough and you just want to yell shut the hell up?
- Yeah, it was like that.
- On one of my alt servers I actually feel that way with my guild sometimes.
- It is a social leveling guild.
- I don't so much mind the social part even if I am kind of the anti social type but some people make you wonder.
- How do these people even manage to get out of bed in the morning without breaking their necks?
- They ask questions about everything.
- Then ask the same question again after it has been answered.
- Then ask it a third time just for good measure.
- And the do this for everything, yes, everything.
- Where is the skinning trainer? Ask a guard.
- Where is the mining trainer? Ask a guard
- Where is the flight master? Ask a guard.
- Where is...
- I swear I give up with them, I want to make a macro that says something like this.
- Wowhead.com is an amazing tool, people have been using it to find things, finish quests and answer questions for ages. Maybe you should check it out.
- That is the teach a man to fish approach, answering them is the giving them a fish approach.
- I want to start teaching these people how to fish on their own.
- I don't get it, when I first started and had a question I used google and looked for the answer.
- Only if I still could not find it would I ask in guild.
- There are also people that drone on and on endlessly about everything in guild chat.
- They say what they are eating, when they are going bio, what they are doing in game, what they want to drop in the dungeon they are in, you name it.
- It makes me want to say, you are typing in the wrong screen, I think you meant to put that in your twitter or facebook.
- Twitter or facebook is where you are supposed to put mindless dribble like you are eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, not guild chat.
- Twitter or facebook is meant for useless updates about your life that no one wants to hear anyway.
- Even after a few people in the guild have told the people that do that, no one cares, they still do it.
- We have a few people in the guild that have put each other on ignore.
- Welcome to the world of social guilds.
- In my guild we would just kick the person if they did not grasp the concept that guild chat is not twitter.
- I noticed how odd the auction houses can be on different servers.
- On my main server borean leather sells like wildfire for big gold.
- On that server, the one with the social guild from hell, I would be losing money listing it.
- It makes sense to vendor the stuff on that server.
- I am not kidding.
- I am also not vendoring it.
- I am sure it has to rebound, but I wish I knew why it was like that.
- Another kicker on that server that I can often buy stuff off the market just to vendor it.
- I did that when I first started on that sever.
- Five silver buy outs for things I can vendor for 20 silver might not sound like much, but when you are first starting that is pretty awesome.
- One of the people in our guild is trying to learn to tank.
- He reminds me of one of the people in that other guild, where I just want to ignore him.
- He doesn't get it, he doesn't listen, he doesn't want to learn, he doesn't put in the effort.
- He is the reason the game is going down hill.
- He sees someone else do it easily and thinks that he should be able to as well.
- He shouldn't need gems, he shouldn't need enchants, he shouldn't need tank gear, he shouldn't need to grind to get better gear because 318 DPS pieces are fine for tanking DS.
- He, ladies and gentleman, is the reason the game is going down hill.
- I try to help but there is only so much I can do.
- I refuse to run with him any more.
- I am always willing to help, no matter what is required of me.
- But I live by the rule that I only help people that are willing to help themselves.
- He will end up raiding because with the 25% you can easily handle carrying a super sub par undergeared off tank for the very rare occasion they might be needed in DS.
- However, just because you can do content doesn't mean you should be doing content.
- The worst part is the game gives this person the idea they are a raider because they can do it.
- Stop doing that to people blizzard.
- Remove looking for raid.
- Stop making people that can't even tie their shoes think they are raiders.
- I can bang out keys on the piano, doesn't make me a pianist.
- Just because you can kill a few bosses, doesn't make you a raider.
- Funny part is, I was talking to a fellow long time raider yesterday and saying how I considered raiding the be the easiest part of the game, at least on the normal raid level.
- He disagreed.
- I could write a whole article on why I think raiding in the easiest part of the game and I just might some day.
- What it comes down to is that in a raid everything in predictable.
- With the rare exception of the random number generator screwing with you there are no surprises in a raid.
- Burn time is burn time for the DPS and the on use trinkets are even kind enough to line up with most fights as if they where designed for it, odd huh?
- Tanks use coolodwns at a a predetermined moment that happens to come exactly at the time their cooldown is off cooldown, talk about luck right.
- The big oh shit healing moment comes at the same time every time and always happens to be during a part of the fight where everyone is stacked up for better healing, isn't that just super peachy.
- Yeah, raiding is about as easy as easy gets, it is just the mechanics that take time to learn but the fights themselves are easy.
- The random number generator is hell. The one true hard part of any raid.
- We all have had out random number generator hell.
- Al'Akir comes to mind.
- Remember that hell at first?
- Wipe, wipe, wipe, woohoo good RNG, kill.
- It was like that most weeks until we started to over gear it some and could brute force our way around the RNG sometimes.
- Outside of RNG however, raids are just a matter of learning the patterns for all roles.
- Once you learn them, it is super easy.
- That is also why I do not do heroics.
- More mechanics to learn to fight the same fight?
- No thanks, not interested.
- I could do it if I wanted to, just don't feel like learning more about a fight I can already beat with my eyes closed just to try and make it interesting again.
- I'll kill a boss just for the sake of killing it because I have nothing to do just for fun.
- Heroics are more work to learn to kill something you already killed. No thanks, not fun.
- Oddly enough, if heroics where activated, I would consider them part of the fight and want to do them all.
- Like ulduar was. FL could be activated to have four towers up, so I did it, just for fun.
- Same fight, just harder. Now that was a fun heroic version.
- Heroic should be the same fight, just with more life, more damage, more everything, to make you press your ability to the max, it should not be about, lets learn yet another annoying mechanic.
- Have to love a couple of the DS heroic fights for as much as the place really sucks.
- Their heroic version is the same as their normal version, just with the more of something approach.
- More people with fading light, more bloods hitting, now that is good heroic design.
- Same exact fight, just with a little more to deal with.
- No added mechanics.
- Just wish they where activated and not switch to heroic like it is now.
- Mechanics are fun when they are new, they are challenging when learning them, they are annoying once you do them for the ten thousandth time.
- To all those people, myself included, that say raiding is easier now than ever before I have something to tell you.
- It is harder now than ever before, we just know everything they have to throw at us, so we adapt faster being we have done it before.
- Raiding has not become easier, we have become better.
- That is why people like that new tank suck so bad.
- With no raiding experience whatsoever even something as easy as dragon soul can be hard for them.
- You know, I think I need the new expansion to come out.
- I've always been grumpy, but when I start complaining about my own guilds you know things are getting bad.
- Maybe it is time to make another hunter.
- Have a great day.
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