Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Random Thoughts

- There is something wrong with my hunter, I think I need to send him to an in game psychiatrist or something.

- I did 19K DPS on nearly every fight for the last two weeks.

- Not bad at all, not great either.  I've done better many times and worse many times.

- Random dungeon 15% buff?  19K

- Random dungeon 0% buff? 19K

- No cooldowns? 19K

- Cooldowns?  19K

- Heroism?  19K

- No heroism?  19K

- BH?  19K on both bosses.

- BoT? 19K across the board.

- Halfus?  Of course you can guess.  38K.

- BWD?  19K across the board.

- FL? 19K across the board.

- A nice selection of buffs, heroism, and all cooldowns?  19K.

- No buffs, no cooldowns, on target dummy?  19K

- No matter what I do I do 19K.  Only the last two weeks however.  I sense a disturbance in the force.

- No, my recount is not broken, I had people I was running with check theirs because I started to question that.  They seem to always tell me I did 19K.

- That is freakin' weird.

- I tried to bear tank again this week, first time since the first month of Cataclysm.

- My bear was quite dusty.  First shot she took a puff of smoke went into the air from the dust that had built up on her.

- Bear tanking seems a lot better then it was when Cataclysm took off.

- I must admit I love bear tanking, except when it comes to packs with multiple casters.

- If gear actually appeared on a bear I would be mogging bunny ears on my helm for my bear in a heart beat.

- A big bear running around with bunny ears would be priceless.

- They jump like they think they are bunnies to begin with.

- I want bunny ears on my bear.

- Over all I had no issues with tanking with my bear at all and it was better then my last run with it when cataclysm first came out.

- I might actually run enough heroics to replace all that 318 gear now.

- My bear finally got their looking for more achievement.

- In case you do not remember, that means teaming with 10 random players.

- The bear has been max level since the LFD first appeared and had run probably a hundred dungeons in wrath and at least 10 or 12 normals before this weekend in cataclysm.

- Goes to show you that I only run with guildies mostly.

- My warrior got his looking for more a few weeks ago.

- Complete proof that I do not like to random with tanks.

- I hate randoms.

- My hunters broken 19K would be top DPS in 99 out of 100 randoms.

- That is part of the reason I hate randoms.

- I ran a few on my mage this weekend.

- I suck at my mage.

- Two runs, top DPS both runs.

- When I suck, have no real gear and I am number one, you have a problem.

- Speaking of DPS, bear tanking DPS is insane.

- In crappy gear for the most part, two PvP pieces just to get the item level (and a 358 PvP piece is still way better then a 308 PvE piece), the BoE gloves of Zul and boots from JP and I was pulling upwards of 14K DPS on AoE pulls.

- Top DPS.  Scary when your tank in crap gear can out DPS you.

- Doing a couple of randoms on my bear and on my warrior I can say I like the threat changes.  I had some issues with over zealous DPS doing 20K+ but over all it was a lot easier to keep aggro then it was before.

- I don't stress it when guild members do it because I tease them about it.  I don't tank randoms however because if I don't know you, don't pull threat off me or I will let you die.

- I look at it this way.  My guild mates know me, I want them to test me, I want them to make me a better tank,  I do not mind if it causes a wipe.

- If you are a random DPS and take aggro from me you are a bad DPS.  I did not ask you to test me.  I do not want you to make me better, I want you to help me get the dungeon done as fast as we can.

- Amazing how who you play with makes such a huge difference.

- Did a BWD with some guild members the other week, a few of which where never there.  We wiped a couple of times on a few bosses due to people not knowing the fights well enough.  Didn't bother me at all.

- If I join a pug and we wipe like that, I am out of there after a third wipe on anything.

- I do not leave right away, I give everyone on chance unless I can see it is going to be impossible.

- Pugs on my server only know how to wipe.

- They can do it in ways you could never imagine.  Trust me, if it took skill to wipe, my server would be the top ranked server when it comes to skill.

- So many times I was left asking, how the hell did we just wipe.  And no one could figure it out either.

- Raid finder is a disaster before they even added it. 

- If people can not do pugs with vent, with an agreed upon raid leader how the hell do you think they will work with no vent and everyone wanting to be a leader?

- Raid finder is dead before it even started.

- Unless they want to give you patchwork type fights as the only raid boss in the raid finder.

- I still see many wipes ahead for us.

- I will still try it anyway.  I have to see how bad people are.

- In a strange way I like seeing horrible players from other servers.

- It makes me feel better about the horrible players on my server.

- Every week, it seems, I will come across someone that makes me thankful I am not on their server.

- I could continue with random thoughts on the raid finder but then it would ruin one awesomely grumpy filled post about it that I have in mind.

- That reminds me of a run I had the other day on my healer in a random.

- I come in to a fresh ZA and they are talking in party about the firelands raid they are doing that night and how they can not take someone because their gear just is not good enough for heroics, they can't even pull 30K.

- Do you really need 30K for firelands heroics?  If so I hope my hunter gets out of his funk so I can go back to doing 24-26 and start working my way to 30.

- None of them pulled even 12K over the course of the run.

- No, they where not alts, they had all 378 with a smattering of 391 gear.

- These are the people that are going to make the raid finder fail.

- People who think 30K DPS is needed, but can barely do one third of that themselves.

- It is like the person yelling gogogo in a random when they are dead last in DPS behind the tank by a long shot.

- Gogogo is annoying enough to begin with, do not even consider saying it unless it is 100% certain you are the best player in there.

- The ZA people apparently found someone to carry them through heroic raids and they will now expect random people to carry them as well.

- For a guild doing heroic firelands they really sucked.  The tank could not hold aggro, even with the horrible DPS they had.  He was losing bosses to healing aggro even.

- Makes sense because all 4 of the people needed to be healed as if they where tanking.  They stood in everything, they took damage from places I did not even know caused damage.  I HPS was probably through the roof.

- I wonder how people can get that far in content being so bad.

- It is astounding really.  Do they bang their head against a boss until they get lucky?  Because with these people I can assure you, it was not skill that downed any bosses.  They where not even skilled enough to down ZA bosses if it where not for me carrying them by having to heal 4 tanks the entire run.

- They must have much better healers then I am in their guild because I barely kept us from having any wipes in a 5 man we all way over geared.  I could imagine how hard it is to raid heal these morons in gear appropriate content.

- I'll bet these are the people on the forums that call every other player that has not done the same content as them baddies.

- Someone in trade said something fantastic the other day.  Yes, in trade.

- If you have to keep telling people how great you are you probably aren't very good at all.

- That was a response to a few mages on my server thinking they are the best mages in all of WoW and always fighting over how great they are in trade.

- I'll bet that firelands talk from those people was meant to make me feel bad being I have no firelands kills on my shaman at all.

- They where just looking for someone that would ooh and aah at how cool they where because they where doing heroic FL when the healer had not yet.

- I am a grumpy elf, I do not ooh and aah, I am cynical, sarcastic and sometimes too blunt for my own good but I never ooh and aah.

- Unless it is something like a bear jumping around in bunny ears.

- If that does not deserve an ooh or an aah then not much really does.

- I hear the fat lady signing, so have a great day all.

- Make sure to head to the forums and insult every one that has not done the content you have, it makes you cool.

- See, I can do sarcasm.

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