- After questing through Hyjal on an alt that never quested there to open up the molten front stuff I can say that Blizzard has done a bang up job of phasing there.
- To bad every thing else they ever touched trying to phase it seems to be horrible.
- Remember the summoning stone at ICC? The worst phasing ever.
- How can one company do the same thing in many places but only do it well once?
- Perhaps this is a sign of things to come, extend the guys contract who designed Hyjal and don't let anyone but him do phasing ever again.
- My lock is now 85. Time to let it sit there and do nothing again forever.
- Role playing gnomes has to be the easiest class to role play.
- Females just have to go on and on about rainbows and bunny rabbits and males just need to run around frantically until something blows up and laugh like crazy.
- A gnome blowing something up is just natural.
- Also, if you forget about lore it is easy to just write it off as you are a gnome, it is an accomplishment to remember your name never the less your history.
- Dwarves are the one that I would always expect to know the most about their history in role play.
- They should get a new ability just for being a dwarf, it would be a CC called bore. You talk for 2 seconds and put anything to sleep.
- Blood elf females could get a new one called hair flip. They flip their hair and it stuns a mob of equal or lesser height.
- Male blood elves would get a new ability called ambiguity, where they try to convince a mob they are actually male and it confuses them.
- I would have to be a 1% chance to fail and confuse the blood elf male, changing him into a female for 1 hour.
- Not like anyone would notice.
- Male night elves are ugly. Male blood elves are female.
- WTB Male elves that actually look decent.
- Did you know you can heal through a toxic link even if people never move?
- I learned the hard way when I had a mildly retarded warlock in my group that stood dead center of the room and was unlucky enough to get hit by every one of them.
- Despite everyones effort to run away, where the lock was positioned made it impossible to break the link so I needed to heal through it.
- People told the lock to move, even pointed out afterward about their error.
- The lock never said anything.
- We should have kicked them for being an idiot just based on the fact that they would not even reply to a direct question and not the fact they did not move.
- No one was even rude about it.
- Players like that always make me feel like I am a bad healer.
- Did an HoO on my priest and had one person die to being bubbled because no one switched. Next it bubbled the tank and I broke it out. Then it bubbled me and I died. Then it bubbled someone else and they died.
- When it was over I had to say something even if I am usually quite polite.
- I said, I do not mean to be rude but do any of you have any clue what you are doing?
- Three said they did it many times before, one said it was their first time.
- I'll give the first timer a pass but the other three are idiots, sorry.
- I felt like such a horrible healer that run. DPS where dying left and right because they where idiots.
- One bad run makes me forget 20 good ones and want to run for the hills.
- What is up with enhancement shamans threat generation. You would think they are tanks.
- Watched as a guild mate waited for a few seconds before attacking and took aggro on the first hit.
- The mage was burning 18K from the start and the tank was holding perfect against that.
- One stormstrike from the shaman and he took aggro.
- I watched as this happened over and over again.
- Speaking of mages, I got mine up to 350 item level now and pulled a new all time high. 36K.
- 36K on an alt that is still missing gems, enchants, and has lesser gear then my hunter.
- My hunter has 20 item levels on my mage I am have never even come close to pulling 36K on any fight.
- I must be doing something wrong.
- If I pull 27K I am really happy.
- I tanked a trash run for firelands this weekend with some of the better pug players on my server.
- Mind you, I do not think they are better, they are just known to be the best available fill ins.
- Not one of them was over 11K in two runs.
- When I do a guild trash run we usually do not have anyone under 14K.
- Unless we are just looking to fill that last spot.
- I don't know about you but I would rather have a guild mate way undergeared and unskilled doing 6K then get a pug to fill that spot.
- It makes me wonder how these people are considered some of the best pug players if they are not even barely acceptable for T11 content while wearing T12 gear.
- I've said it before but it deserves being said again, my server sucks.
- There is only one person I know of on the server that ranks in world highest DPS for current fights and the only reason I know that is because he thinks that makes him the best player on the server so he tells everyone in trade how great he is all day long every day.
- People like that make me wish recount was never created.
- Like the DK on my server who loves to make alts just to ask who the best DK on the server is.
- He gets upset when people do not say it is him and tries to lead the conversation to him.
- On rare occasion there is someone in trade with half a brain that is kind enough to point out to him that just because they are the best geared DK on the server does not mean they are the best DK on the server.
- Numbers confuse people it seems.
- Top DPS does not mean best DPS.
- Top gear score does not mean top player.
- Heck, raid progressions does not mean anything either.
- I see defenders running around all over my server and whenever I run into them in pugs they suck.
- Tanks that can't hold threat even with a misdirect on them.
- Healers that can't heal even single target, never the less two people taking damage at the same time.
- DPS that stand in bad and can still only pull 6K.
- How did these people even get the title?
- I know they nerfed T11 but they did not nerf it to the level to stupidity being able to make it through.
- I would not care if it were my own girlfriend, if she was that bad of a player she is not coming on my raid.
- Maybe I need to lighten up.
- My warrior is finally growing up. I replaced his fun invisibly belt tinker with the tanking one.
- Not that it is really a great tinker.
- I just love having little buttons to click for cooldowns.
- Each time I hit a button it makes me feel as if I am one step closer to god mode, at least for a few seconds.
- C - Shield Wall, Z - Shield Block, Woohoo, I am unhittable baby.
- Why do they call it unhittable when I can still be hit?
- Probably because I am unhittable in a sense that I will never take a full melee swing when I pop shield wall. Every hit will either be a miss, a 30% hit or a 60% hit.
- I'll be waiting on the incoming nerf to that. If my gear sucks and I have already reached the unhittable soft cap then I am sure that there are geared tanks out there that passed it ages ago.
- Speaking of nerfs, where is the blood DK nerf? Come on, they can solo LK now.
- Sure, some serious skill is required, but their potential is way to high.
- Create DK, spec blood, start moving, never stop for any reason, keep moving until you hit 85, never once fall under 90% health.
- That is coming from someone with no skill playing a DK. Like I've said before, DKs are bank characters and profession whores on every server for me, nothing more, nothing less.
- Anyone with even limited skill at playing one could probably smoke me in speed and ease of use.
- Speaking of speed, my shaman will be 85 before 4 full days played. No refer a friend, no heirlooms, no guild.
- If I had R-a-F, heirlooms and a guild I am sure I could do 1 -85 in less then 20 hours. (And as low as 5 hours if I planned it perfectly. Really, I am not kidding.)
- I see something REALLY wrong with this.
- Do you?
- I need a name plate add on that puts the name plates on people feet.
- Lets get real, even a tauren tanking can not see the top of most mobs.
- Plates at their feet and I can see my aggro on everything nice and easy.
- I like easily assessable information.
- When I am ranged I do not mind, I can see the next town over with as far as I keep my camera out.
- When tanking, I like to be right up on things and I can't see anything.
- I guess this is why I love single target tanking and hate multi mob tanking.
- Like the damn scorpions in flirelands.
- No matter what I do I can never keep them all on me.
- Do they even follow normal aggro tables?
- I've had ones run from me that showed me having a huge threat lead on them.
- They go and smack someone around and come back to me.
- I'll have to guess that is by design.
- Still hate it. When I tank I want everything on me. If everything is not on me, I am not doing my job.
- Same with healing. If I can not keep people up I am not doing my job.
- At least with healing I have found a let them die comfort zone.
- That is new to this expansion. Some people just deserve to die.
- However, if I am capable of saving them without risking someone else I still do.
- Habit.
- I think azeroth needs some real cities.
- Lots of houses we can go in, empty and cookie cutter even.
- Would be great for role players.
- Even better if gnome could blow them up and the next day they get rebuilt.
- I would make it my own personal mission to destroy every house in the zone every day.
- It would be a great way to pass the time while bored.
- Speak of that, is there a way to access trade while not in a city?
- I want to watch trade to see if someone is buying or selling something that I could benefit from or pugging something I want in.
- I just hate sitting around doing nothing in a city. It is not my style.
- Not to mention trade rots the brain most of the time.
- Would be so much nicer if I could go around blowing up houses while glancing at trade once in a while looking for a pug to join in on.
- Now that would be awesome.
- Have a great day, and to all you real life gnomes don't blow up your own house.
GQDN 1/20/2025
4 hours ago
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