I recently decided to level another hunter and work on the legendary to see how long it would take me to go from level 1 to legendary cloak. When all was said and done it took less than five days /played to get the legendary once I reached 90 on my quest from level 1 to legendary. I got very lucky, extremely lucky some might say, for some drops and also had a few bouts of unluckiness as it seems I am accustom to. You will see it took me a few weeks to get the secrets part done when it took others only 2 but I almost finished the sigil part in one week. So there was a little bit of luck involved. I also had some luck with loot drops along the way and some of those kick in my butt moments where I got the same thing over and over but not the thing I wanted.
This post will be basically useless for most to read unless you are interest in seeing what my luck was like. It will mostly just be a list of bosses killed and what I got from them, or did not get from them. Feel free to take a peek or just finish reading here. I will not share the 1-90 experience, it is just leveling and that goes by fast and there is really nothing to say about it. But I will share the 90 to legendary part of it.
If you choose to read, hope you enjoy the data and try not to laugh to hard at some of the bouts of bad luck I had because over all from 1 to legendary in less than five days /played is pretty darn fast, so I can't really complain. Be aware, this was done recently and it includes the greatly increased drop rates, more bosses the quest items can drop from and only three weeks of downtime to collect valor. It is also entirely possible I missed writing something down while I was doing it but I believe this to be about as accurate as it could be. I am pretty sure I wrote every raid boss I killed during this time period down and the things that dropped from them.
Welcome to level 90 Hunter #4.
- Item level at the moment I hit 90 was 442.
- I first made myself an entire collection of the timeless island gear and it increased my item level to 491.
- After doing my first heroic scenario for the guaranteed 516 I ended up with a chest piece, which I needed, increasing my item level to 492.
- I took a trip to Ordos and won a 559 head piece on my first kill, my coin resulted in nothing
- My first celestial kill resulted in gold with a coin getting gold as well.
- Now it was time to hit the LFRs.
- Popped by the island of thunder and grabbed myself 20 coins from the solo scenario before I started.
- While I would not need the gear, most of it, from the lower level LFRs I am an enchanter so might as well get some free sha crystals right?
- I will list bosses by instance name, wing number, boss number and then loot, if any.
- Already in progress instance. SoO W1 - 4th boss - Sigil of power and Gold.
- ToT W1 - 1st boss - Legs and Sigil of power
- ToT W1 - 2nd boss - Gold and Sigil of power
- ToT W1 - 3rd boss - Gold
- SoO W1 - 1st boss - Neck and Sigil of power
- SoO W1 - 2nd boss - Gold
- SoO W1 - 3rd boss - Gold
- Dropped group as I had already done the 4th boss earlier.
- Surprisingly enough I have yet to experience a wipe.
- Already in progress instance. HoF W1 - 2nd boss - Gold + Coin gets gold
- HoF W1 - 3rd boss - Gold + coin gets gold
- MV W1 - Boss 1 - Bracers and sigil of wisdom + Coin gets gold
- MV W1 - Boss 2 - Gold and sigil of wisdom + Coin gets gold
- MV W1 - Boss 3 - Waist and sigil of wisdom + Coin gets gold
- Item level update. Now sitting at 499 thanks to an LFR neck and the ordos helm.
- Back in HoF to continue. HoF W1 - Boss 1 - Gold and sigil of power + Coin gets neck
- Time to experience my first wipe in an LFR, not so bad so far.
- SoO W2 - Boss 1 - Wipes (1) - Ring
- SoO W2 - Boss 2 - Gold and sigil of wisdom
- SoO W2 - Boss 3 - Gold and sigil of power
- Interestingly enough my gold bag had a pair of 528 gloves in them, nice.
- SoO W2 - Boss 4 - Wipes (2) - Gold
- Already in progress instance. ToT W2 - Boss 3 - Gold
- Oh joy, another already in progress instance. HoF W2 - Boss 3 - Helm + Coin gets helm
- Two helms when that is really the only piece I don't need? Not like I needed one of that item level anyway, but I do find it humorous.
- Lets go for three in a row, join in on another already in progress instance and am locked out and can not even zone in.
- Oddly enough it gives me something I really really needed big time and outside of a weapon, probably the only thing I needed from the old LFRs.
- MV W2 - Boss 2 - I do nothing because I am locked out and get trinket and a sigil of wisdom + my coin gets another trinket
- MV W2 - Boss 3 - Head + Coin gets head
- Another 2 helms? You have got to be kidding me.
- Back to ToT to finish up W2 - ToT W2 - Boss 1 - Gold
- ToT W2 - Boss 2 - Wipes on trash (4), yes trash, not the boss, Gloves and sigil of power
- Pug time, more for gear, yes, as soon as I hit 90.
- SoO Flex W1 - Boss 1 - Gold
- SoO Flex W1 - Boss 2 - Gold + coin gets gold (trying to get a weapon, still have my leveling one)
- SoO Flex W1 - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO Flex W1 - Boss 4 - Gold
- Item level update, now sitting at 505 after adding the crafted belt to my set.
- ToT W3 - Boss 1 - Gold and sigil of wisdom
- ToT W3 - Boss 2 - Trinket and sigil of wisdom + coin gets gold (trying for pet)
- ToT W3 - Boss 3 - Gold and sigil of power
- Valor capped but not stopping for the week, there are still a lot of bosses to kill for quest items.
- Back to MV to finish W2 - MV W2 - Boss 1 - Neck + coin gets legs
- ToT W4 - Boss 1 - Gold + coin gets gold (trying for a weapon)
- ToT W4 - Boss 2 - Wipes (1) - Gold and sigil of wisdom
- ToT W4 - Boss 3 - Wipes (1) - Gold and sigil of power
- SoO W3 - Boss 1 - Wipes (2) - Gold (this one does not drop quest items, was trying more for gear at this point)
- SoO W3 - Boss 2 - Gold
- SoO W3 - Boss 3 - Wipes on trash (1) - Helm (of course since I got the 559 of ordos, what would you expect, I always win helms now it seems)
- Back to HoF to finish W2 - HoF W2 - Boss 1 - Gold + coins gets gloves
- HoF W2 - Boss 2 - Gold + coin gets legs
- ToES - Boss 1 - Shoulders + coin gets ring
- ToES - Boss 2 - Chest + coin gets waist
- ToES - Boss 3 - Gold + coin gets shoulders
- ToES - Boss 4 - Waist and sigil of wisdom + coin get helm (of course the coin gets the helm, notice a pattern here)
- End of sigil bosses for week one leaves me at 9 wisdom and 10 power. Wow that is good.
- Used Burden on shoulders
- Purchased Shado pan assault trinket
- Sha world boss - Gold + coin gets gold
- Galleon world boss - Gold + coin gets gold
- Item level update, now sitting at a comfortable at 511 at the end of week one being 90, not bad at all.
- Week 2 starts with world bosses.
- Celestials - PvP Pants + coin gets tier gloves. Awesome
- Item level now sitting at 514
- Ordos - Helm (yes, same one) + coin gets gold
- Queued up for ToES directly hoping to get the last sigil off one of the first 3 bosses so I could port out, turn it in, and come back to collect the quest item off the last boss so I would not need to do it twice.
- Didn't work out that way.
- ToES - Boss 1 - Gold + coin gets ring
- ToES - Boss 2 - Waist + coin gets gold
- ToES - Boss 3 - Gold + coin gets trinket
- ToES - Boss 4 - Gold + coin gets head token (a helm, what a surprise)
- A guild mate wanted to do a run so they offered me quick queue as a tank going with me, so I took it of course.
- SoO W1 - Boss 1 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Boss 2 - Gold and the last wisdom
- SoO W1 - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Boss 4 - Wipes {3} Gold
- A group for flex two popped up so I side tracked there.
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 1 - Gold
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 2 - Gold
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 3 - Gold
- Another person offered a quick queue, so before I went back to ToES to finish this off I took it.
- ToT W3 - Boss 1 - Gold
- ToT W3 - Boss 2 - Gold + coin gets gold (still trying for the pet on every character I bring in here if I have a coin)
- ToT W3 - Boss 3 - Gold
- Still with the tank for fast queue.
- SoO W3 - Boss 3 - Gold (surprised I did not win the freaking helm token again.)
- Now I have to do ToES again because it did not give me a sigil off the first 3 so I could port out and come back in like I expected. Fits my luck, right?
- ToES - Boss 1 - nothing because I already killed it + coin gets shoulders
- ToES - Boss 2 - nothing because I already killed it + coin gets waist
- ToES - Boss 3 - nothing because I already killed it + coin gets trinket (come on, a weapon would be nice you know)
- ToES - Boss 4 - nothing because I already killed it + coin gets waist and I loot quest item.
- Heroic Scenario - Nothing in baggie
- ToT - W4 - Boss 1 - Gold
- ToT - W4 - Boss 2 - Helm token (what do I only win helms being that is my best piece?)
- ToT - W4 - Boss 3 - Gold
- Valor capped but I keep going for stuff I might be able to get gear from.
- SoO - W2 - Boss 1 - gold (just trying for the weapon and being I am capped on valor I drop group after)
- Jumped in on a ToT normal pug for gearing purposes.
- ToT Normal - Boss 1 - Nothing + gold on coin (was trying for trinket)
- ToT Normal - Boss 2 - Back
- ToT Normal - Boss 3 - Nothing + gold on coin (was trying for trinket)
- ToT Normal - Boss 4 - Nothing + gold on coin (was trying for weapon)
- ToT Normal - Boss 5 - Nothing
- ToT Normal - Boss 6 - Tier legs
- Popped in on a SoO normal that I knew would not get far, but the second boss has a weapon and I have a coin left.
- SoO Normal - Boss 1 - Nothing
- SoO Normal - Boss 2 - Nothing + coin gets nothing (there is a surprise)
- Nalak - Gold + coin gets gold
- SoO Flex W1 - Boss 1 - Boots
- SoO Flex W2 - Boss 2 - Gold (no weapon and I am all out of coins so can't roll) :(
- SoO Flex W2 - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO Flex W2 - Boss 4 - Chest piece
- I kind of lost track of noting week changes from this point because I was just worrying about collecting valor, but as you can assume, when I continue on getting quest items that means I am done with the valor part.
- Mostly I just did things that could have upgrades and quick valor capping at this point.
- Ordos - Neck + coin gets gold (wow, 2 warforged pieces already, my main hunter only has one)
- SoO W2 - Boss 1 - (wipes 1) Gold
- SoO W2 - Boss 2 - Boots I no longer need thanks to the flex ones I got
- SoO W2 - Boss 3 - (Wipes on trash 2) Gold
- SoO W2 - Boss 4 - (Wipes on trash 1) (wipes on boss 2) Gold
- That was officially my worst LFR up to this point, not bad, I was on quite a run.
- SoO W1 - Boss 1 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Boss 2 - Weapon WOOHOO!!!! (actually woohoo is a slight understatement)
- SoO W1 - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Boss 4 - Gold
- ToT W1 - Boss 2 - Gold
- ToT W1 - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Flex - Boss 1 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Flex - Boss 2 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Flex - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Flex - Boss 4 - Gold
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 1 - Weapon (so after getting no weapons I get 2 in one night? Sounds about right for blizzard, this one is better too)
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 2 - Gold
- SoO W4 - Boss 2 - Tier Pants
- SoO W4 - Boss 3 - (Wipes on trash 2) (Wipes - 6) I give up and drop group, not killing gary today in LFR.
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 3 - Back
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 4 - Gold
- SoO W3 - Flex - Boss 1 - Gold
- SoO W3 - Flex - Boss 2 - Gold
- SoO W3 - Flex - Boss 3 - Gold
- Valor Capped
- SoO W4 - Boss 1 - Shoulder token
- Item level update now that I have the four piece set. Sitting pretty at 534 item level.
- Celestials - Gold + coin gets gold
- Ordos - Gold + coin gets legs (don't want to use it because I would lose the 4 piece right now, can't believe this new hunter has now won 4 times, 3 different pieces and my main hunter has still only won 1)
- Heroic Scenario - Nothing in baggie
- Valor capped from scenario spam
- SoO W1 - Flex - Boss 1 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Flex - Boss 2 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Flex - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Flex - Boss 4 - Gold
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 1 - Gold
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 2 - Gold
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 4 - Gold
- Next week.
- Heroic Scenario - Nothing in baggie
- SoO W1 - Flex - Boss 1 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Flex - Boss 2 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Flex - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Flex - Boss 3 - Gold
- Finished a test of valor
- Killed bllodhilt, solo of course as he is much easier now and was soloable back at the beginning by a hunter anyway.
- Silvershard Mines - 1 try (holy shit I won in one shot)
- Temple of Kotmogu - 1 try (Today I consider myself the luckiest player in warcraft. 2 battle ground wins in 2 tries as alliance when you are not playing a healer. They should put a statue of me in stormwind because that is unheard of an at this very moment I am a god.)
- After my moment of joy and excitement at getting that over so very quickly I start to collect secrets.
- ToT W4 - Boss 1 - Gold and secret
- ToT W4 - Boss 2 - Gold
- ToT W4 - Boss 3 - Gold and secret
- Already in progress run. SoO W1 - Boss 4 - Gold and secret
- Already in progress run. ToT W2 - Boss 2 - Gold
- ToT W2 - Boss 3 - Gold
- ToT W1 - Boss 1 - Trinket
- ToT W1 - Boss 2 - Gold and secret
- ToT W1 - Boss 3 - Gold
- Already in progress run. ToT W3 - Boss 3 - Gold
- Valor capped but I am not stopping.
- Purchased Shado Pan Assault wrists and ring
- Item level update, now sitting at 537
- Already in progress run - SoO W2 - Boss 3 - Trinket
- SoO W2 - Boss 4 - (Wipes 3) - Gold
- Finishing off ToT run for W3 - ToT W3 - Boss 1 - Weapon (sure, now they start dropping all the time)
- ToT W3 - Boss 2 - Gold + coin gets trinket (still trying for that pet)
- Finishing off ToT run for W2 - ToT W2 - Boss 1 - Boots
- Celestials - Gold, not using a coin here any longer as the PvP gear is no longer an upgrade and I only need the legs, so why waste it.
- Ordos - Gold and coin gets legs, yes same legs as last week.
- ToT W4 - Boss 1 - Gold
- ToT W4 - Boss 2 - Gold and secret
- ToT W4 - Boss 3 - Gold and secret
- ToT W2 - Boss 1 - (wipes 2) Gold and secret
- ToT W2 - Boss 2 - (wipes 1) Gold
- ToT W2 - Boss 3 - Gold
- Already in progress instance - SoO W1 - Boss 4 - Chest token and secret
- ToT W1 - Boss 2 - Neck and secret
- ToT W1 - Boss 3 - Gold and secret
- ToT W3 - Boss 1 - (Wipes 1) Gold and secret
- ToT W3 - Boss 2 - Gold + coin gets gold (yes still trying for that pet)
- ToT W3 - Boss 3 - Gold
- Apparently I skipped doing everything I could that week, most likely real life stuff slowed me down some, or I could have got this done even faster.
- ToT W4 - Boss 1 - Shoulder token
- ToT W4 - Boss 2 - Head token
- ToT W4 - Boss 3 - Gold and secret
- Already in progress instance. ToT W3 - Boss 3 - Gold
- Already in progress instance. ToT W2 - Boss 2 - Gold
- ToT W2 - Boss 3 - Gold
- Already in progress instance. SoO W2 - Boss 3 - Gold and Secret
- SoO W2 - Boss 4 - Gold and secret
- Already in progress instance. SoO W1 - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Boss 4 - Chest and Secret
- ToT W1 - Boss 1 - Gold
- ToT W1 - Boss 2 - Wiped 6 times, dropped group for raid time, going to do an impromptu alt run of SoO Normal, can not pass that one up.
- SoO Normal - Boss 1 - Nothing
- SoO Normal - Boss 2 - Nothing + coin gets gold
- SoO Normal - Boss 3 - Ring
- SoO Normal - Boss 4 - Nothing + coin gets gold
- SoO Normal - Boss 5 - Nothing + coin gets gold
- SoO Normal - Boss 6 - Nothing
- SoO Normal - Boss 7 - Nothing
- Had to switch to a tank because one had to leave.
- SoO Normal - Boss 11 - Nothing (one tank fight so I bought my hunter back in)
- Had to switch back to tanking again for the rest of the run.
- Continued on ToT W2. ToT W2 - Boss 1 - Gold
- Celestial - Gold
- Ordos - Gold + coin gets gold
- ToT W1 - Boss 1 - Gold
- ToT W1 - Boss 2 - Gold
- ToT W1 - Boss 3 - Gold
- ToT W2 - Boss 1 - Gold
- ToT W2 - Boss 2 - Gold
- ToT W2 - Boss 3 - Gold
- ToT W3 - Boss 1 - Gold
- ToT W3 - Boss 2 - Gold, secret, roll gets trinket (about time I get a secret but what about my pet?)
- ToT W3 - Boss 3 - Gold, secret
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 1 - Gold
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 2 - Gold and last secret
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 4 - Gold and a 21st secret because we know you always need extra right?
- Do the solo stuff nice and easy like, so much easier the 2nd time around, or is that the 7th time around?
- ToT W4 - Boss 1 - Gold
- ToT W4 - Boss 2 - Gold
- ToT W4 - Boss 3 - Gold and runestone
- Already in progress run - SoO W1 - Boss 2 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Boss 4 - Gold and runestone
- SoO W3 - Flex - Boss 1 - Gold
- SoO W3 - Flex - Boss 2 - Gold
- SoO W3 - Flex - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO W4 - Flex - Boss 1 - Gold
- SoO W4 - Flex - Boss 2 - Gold + coin gets weapon (it is a minor upgrade over my other flex weapon, can't complain but a normal one would be nice soon)
- Pug time.
- SoO - Normal - Boss 1 - Nothing, runestone
- SoO - Normal - Boss 2 - Nothing
- SoO - Normal - Boss 3 - Nothing
- SoO - Normal - Boss 4 - Nothing
- SoO - Normal - Boss 5 - Nothing
- SoO - Normal - Boss 6 - Nothing
- SoO - Normal - Boss 7 - Nothing
- SoO - Normal - Boss 8 - Nothing
- SoO - Normal - Boss 9 - Nothing + coin gets nothing
- SoO - Normal - Boss 10 - Nothing
- Reading back on this as I am cleaning it up to post I am starting to think I did not write down all my coin rolls. I am guessing if I got anything worth mentioning I would have posted it however.
- New week, lets do this.
- ToT W3 - Boss 1 - Gold and runestone
- ToT W3 - Boss 2 - Gold and coin does not get pet. :(
- I run this each week on at least 4 or 5 characters with a coin each time, you would think I would have gotten the pet by now.
- ToT W3 - Boss 3 - Gold
- ToT W4 - Boss 1 - Gold
- ToT W4 - Boss 2 - Gold and runestone
- ToT W4 - Boss 3 - Gold and runestone
- Ordos - Gold + coin gets gold
- Celestials - Gold
- SoO W3 - Boss 1 - Gold
- SoO W3 - Boss 2 - Gold
- SoO W3 - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Flex - Boss 1 - Gold and runestone
- SoO W1 - Flex - Boss 2 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Flex - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Flex - Boss 4 - Gold and runestone
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 1 - Gold
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 2 - Gold
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO W2 - Flex - Boss 4 - Gold
- SoO W3 - Flex - Boss 1 - Gold
- SoO W3 - Flex - Boss 2 - Gold
- SoO W3 - Flex - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO W4 - Flex - Boss 1 - Shoulders
- SoO W4 - Flex - Boss 2 - Gold
- SoO - Normal - Boss 4 - AoC Trinket
- SoO - Normal - Boss 5 - Gold
- SoO - Normal - Boss 6 - Gold + coin gets gold
- SoO - Normal - Boss 7 - Gold
- SoO - Normal - Boss 8 - Gold
- SoO - Normal - Boss 9 - Gold + coin gets gold
- We are on the home stretch now.
- Ordos - Legs again + coin gets gold (how many pairs of legs do I need? At least this character is an enchanter and spirits of war sell nice)
- Celestial - Gold
- ToT W3 - Boss 1 - Gold and runestone
- ToT W3 - Boss 2 - Gloves and runestone + coin gets gold (pet please, pretty please)
- ToT W3 - Boss 3 - Gold
- SoO W1 - Boss 1 - Gold and runestone
- SoO W1 - Boss 2 - Gold and runestone (last one needed)
- SoO W1 - Boss 3 - Ring and runestone (really now?)
- SoO W1 - Boss 4 - Gold and runestone (of course because everyone need them to drop off every boss after you have them all)
- ToT W4 - Boss 1 - Weapon
- ToT W4 - Boss 2 - Gold
- ToT W4 - Boss 3 - Gold and the quest item heart
- Item level check before the cloak stands at 547
- One shot the solo boss, of course, because if I could do it on a 522 hunter I can surely do it on a 547 one.
- Item level check after the cloak stands at 551
- From 90 to legendary.
There you go, every boss kill (that I remembered to record) and every item drop along the way. It was a lot faster than doing it the first time around, that is for sure, and I could have sped it up a little as it seems one week I did not do all bosses possible, or forgot to write down that I did them. Either way, there goes another hunter with the cloak.
Even now, as quick as it was, getting the legendary is still a grind. I had a great deal of luck with drops and over all some very decent LFRs for the most part and I still can understand why anyone would not want to go through that playing catch up or switching mains. So even now, much faster, getting the legendary requires a lot of time and effort put into it. Do not let my 5 days /played fool you. That was all time spent doing stuff to get to the end as fast as possible from 1 to legendary. It might not seem like a lot to look at it, but it sure was.
BTW, my alt hunter is now only 4 item levels shy of my main hunter as I write this now. He has more warforged pieces and is still sporting 2 LFR items and 3 flex items. If I could ever replace those with real items on an alt run my alt hunter would be better geared than my main hunter. Amazing how things work some times huh?
Hope your trip from 90 to legendary goes as (mostly) smooth as mine did. Do not give up, stick with it, the reward at the end is worth it.
Happy hunting.
GQDN 1/22/2025
2 hours ago
I did some counting and it seems you had to do 88 (!) *raid wings* (about a third of them not from the beginning or not to the end), plus something like 20 world bosses, plus, of course, bgs and solo scenarios.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate this is faster than before, but 88 wings is a heck of a lot of time for me (in my experience, a wing takes an hour on average, even including incomplete wings and without waiting time - I am willing to exclude waiting time completely because I still have something to do while waiting, even in a raid group for flex or normal).
Plus, since I did all of these wings many times already, the process is just super-boring - you just wait for drops, the bosses are simply an annoying obstacle. Then again, that's for me - if instead of 88 wings, it'd be 250 arenas, I'd be fine with doing it (but mostly because I'd arena anyway, without a legendary). I get that someone else might be enjoying doing the bosses again and again and again.
Most of the ToT wings, believe it or not, were 15 minute wings on a reset day. It seems a lot of the people that know how to play on alts were going through there. If I got lucky I could bang out all 4 ToT in about an hour. But yes, it is still a lot.
DeleteI did not enjoy doing them, I did them because I had to do them. But for me I would rather do them than 250 arenas. It really depends on what your style of game play is. Yesterday on my warlock I did 27 battle grounds trying to get my 2 wins (1 each). Spent the whole day doing it. Did not win once. So I would prefer t stay far the hell away from PvP. This guy just got really lucky.
And as I said at the end, even if it is sped up a great deal, it is still an amazing amount of work and effort put into it. That legendary is well earned when you finally get it.
So 5 days played over 5 weeks?
ReplyDeleteAn average of 24hrs played each week on one alt.
I can't really remember the last time I played 24hrs in a week total.
It took a lot more than 5 weeks. Remember the valor part was 3 weeks alone. I believe the sigils was 2, almost 1, the secrets were 4 and runestones 3. Sure there was some over lapping there but you are looking at more like 11 or 12 weeks, not 5.
DeleteOk, it was really hard to follow that from your post then because I only counted 5 maybe 6 weeks that you mentioned. Looking at raid instances, I only see 8 TOT W4, so there were definitely more than 5 or 6.
DeleteAnyway, I think a little more organization to the post would have been helpful. Just something to think about next time (if there ever is a next time for writing a post like this)
I kind of decided to do this spur of the moment and wrote it as I was doing it. That explains a sometimes minor lack of design.
DeleteIf there were 8 ToT 4 that would mean it could have been 11 or 12 weeks. Like I figured. The weeks collecting valor I did not do it and I know I missed it once week. So 8 +3 or 4 is 11 or 12. I am going to say 11.