- Another Monday and another new mount.
- Maybe I should change the title to Mount Mondays.
- Not a rare one this time, an achievement one.
- I finally finished Cataclysm hero.
- I assembled a group just for the purpose of helping me with headed south.
- I swear that one if the bane of hunters.
- All because of minimum range.
- So many things are going to change when minimum range is gone.
- I must say for soloing that there are so many times I wish minimum range was already gone.
- Sometimes it can be hell to get a boss off you because bosses can not be slowed.
- Just one shot with a misdirect is all I ask and when you need it most you can never get it.
- I soloed blackwing lair this weekend for the first time ever.
- All thanks to seeing a video of how to solo the unsoloable first boss.
- Died like 6 times trying to get the timing down but once I got it down the fight is not really even a fight.
- Then again, what do you expect for a level 60 raid.
- There were a few fun moments soloing that however.
- Running through the area where you are slowed was an effort in seeing how much you can deal with getting annoyed.
- That had to be the hardest part of the whole thing.
- And the last fight, if you never did it enough to know, bring extra bows.
- Otherwise it is going to be a very long fight.
- As weird as it might sound, I've always carried extra ranged weapons around.
- At least I do not need to carry two types of ammo any more.
- So many times I have broken my weapon and it is not do to lack of repairs.
- I never pass an option to repair.
- Just seems bows break often.
- Nef broke four bows on that fight.
- He has an ability that breaks a random classes weapon.
- When you are the only class there, it is not really random, your weapon will break.
- What are the odds I would have five on me?
- I had the one I was using, the one I had it transmogged into for fun, my old one from the TB dailies because it has no sell price and I did not feel like throwing it away, one green one I got while in there and the bow I got from deathwing in the raid finder.
- I needed them all.
- Good thing soloing it made me more than 2 grand.
- I spent over 100 in repairs, just for my bows.
- Talking about doing fun things I finally got my light of dawn too.
- Only managed to get 6 of 12 in 25 man heroic back in wrath.
- Only managed to get 3 more so far this expansion because apparently even over gearing it ICC it way to hard for the average player.
- Got sin and LK now, so only need 1 more on heroic to have them all on heroic.
- Still wiped about 6 times too.
- Oddly enough, not one of those wipes to defile.
- Sad part is that the group was 25 people that had all done heroic, all did it back when it was current, but all only did it on 10.
- Some did it on 25, but not many.
- So you had 25 people that all knew the fight, and we still wiped, over gearing it to an insane level and we still wiped.
- We could do deathwing normal while sleeping but we can not do something we hugely over gear as easily.
- I know you will say normal vs heroic but I would say 85 content vs 80 content.
- I wonder why people still say that wrath was easy mode.
- Check your numbers fanboys, LK was how fights are supposed to be.
- I want all last bosses to be like that.
- That and two lockout again.
- I want to tame a worgen on my hunter.
- I can tame a worg, so I should be able to tame a worgen.
- Speaking of worgen, have you noticed all the wrogen racism in the game?
- I was soloing Old Hillsbrad Foothills on my worgen rogue when I noticed it reach all new levels.
- You know that guy you talk to after you are done that will port you back to the entrance?
- Well, he took one look at me and said, no way I am porting you dog boy.
- I even switched to human form and tried.
- He hit me with a rolled up newspaper like I soiled the carpet or something.
- I was stuck hoofing it.
- He doesn't like worgen.
- That is not all even, worgen hate is all over the place in the game.
- People hate worgen, even Marrowgar in ICC won't spike one because he must think they are pets and he would never waste a bone spike on a pet.
- So why can't I tame one?
- Remember that short time when we could tame one?
- I never got one sadly.
- I had already done the quest.
- Wait, there is more.
- The path up to Azshara in Well, worgens can not use mount form, they need a real mount.
- More worgen hate.
- But wait, sometimes that worgen racism can be a good thing.
- I've soloed BC heroics on many characters, to grind rep, to make money, to look for patterns, etc.
- So I can say I have a fair deal of experience with them and enough of a test base to get a feel for drops and such.
- Gems that drop in the heroics are on a low drop rate scale right?
- When you solo things on your worgen, you will always get a gem, on every single boss.
- You know how on some rare, and I do mean very rare occasions, the bosses will drop two pieces of rare loot and the end bosses will drop two pieces of epic loot?
- When my worgen solos BC stuff every single boss not only drops a gem, they always drop two pieces of rare loot and end bosses always drop two rares and two epics.
- Yeap, worgens get extra loot when soloing BC content.
- I am not kidding.
- I've soloed BC heroics 100s of times and never seen drops like my worgen rogue gets.
- Every time there is a chance to get something, except mounts, my worgen gets it.
- A chance a gem will drop? He gets a gem.
- A chance two rare loot pieces will drop? He gets two.
- A chance two epic loot pieces will drop? He gets two.
- Not once in a while, not more often than normal, nope, every single time.
- I guess it is the games way of making reparations for the racist treatment of worgen in old hillsbrad foothills?
- Now if only I can get that guy to give me a port back to the entrance.
- I wonder what other things there are that treat worgen differently.
- I am sure there have to be many I did not even notice.
- I know there are a few that I missed mentioning.
- I just want to tame one.
- A worgen warrior as my tank pet.
- A worgen rogue as my DPS pet.
- How about a worgen priest as a healing pet?
- Come to think of it, why aren't there any healing pets?
- Don't give me the spirit beasts argument either.
- You need to be lucky enough to catch one in a reasonable about of time or spend your life waiting to catch one, so that is not an option.
- Do you think it would be fair to tell a priest they have to be lucky enough to kill a mob that is a rare spawn that everyone wants before they can have their heal spells?
- No one else needs to get lucky or work to get their abilities, hunters shouldn't have to either.
- Not to mention, it only works in one spec.
- I want an atonement pet, like an atonement priest.
- Every time it does damage it heals itself or its master for damage equal to the attack.
- Now that would be an awesome freaking pet for soloing.
- It would also give hunters the holy trinity for itself.
- A tank pet, a DPS pet and a healer pet.
- Atonement pets now.
- Please, I've been a good hunter, can I have one for Christmas?
- I am out of here, time to go daydream of atonement pets.
- Have a great day everyone.
Welcome To Rinascita
5 hours ago
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