- Got my new baby hunter to level 77 now.
- 1 day 5 hours and a few minutes.
- Will it beat my old record?
- I am making sure not to get city rested, that would speed it up even more and I just want to see how fast I can do it with a total quest grind.
- Hunters really are the best levelers.
- Started a new rogue on rift as well.
- Only played for a few hours, made it to level 8.
- Making it a tank.
- It is amazing how different the two games are when it comes to leveling.
- A few hours of leveling a rogue in WoW I could be level 30, not 8.
- Rift is no push over compared to WoW either. I've died more times getting to level 8 than I have leveling my last 4 characters to 85 combined in WoW.
- I remembered one of the things I disliked about rift.
- Way to many abilities, I mean seriously, I have more skills at level 8 than my 85 rogue has.
- I think WoW has spoiled me to want everything simple.
- Was in looking for raid with a guild mate and he had to go, was just waiting on the roll to finish but because some jerk just left group without rolling he was waiting forever.
- He finally gave up and dropped.
- Two seconds later the rolls finished, he won two tier pieces.
- Murphy's law at its finest.
- The GMs where nice about it and sent them to him.
- That is another LFR update they need to make.
- If people move to the next boss, still assign the loot to them.
- I can not tell you the number of times I roam around after it is over and still see loot on the bodies in the first part.
- If people drop and win, send them the loot in the mail too.
- Or at least skip the person that won and give it to the second highest.
- Letting loot get lost like that is bad design. They need to do something.
- Not saying this for me, I would not have won anything, he is on a different token then I am, I just hate seeing things like that.
- Simple common sense fixes that are not done, that is one of the reasons people complain about WoW.
- They do not hold the rights to that however, I think every online game I have ever played is like that.
- The more common sense the fix it, the less likely it is to get fixed.
- Why is that?
- Tried to do a FTA this weekend, did all but Org and something about PvPers popped into mind after the second wipe in Org.
- PvPers are a bunch of whiny little bitches.
- Excuse the language but there is no other way to explain it.
- We tried to get Org first because we all know the routine.
- The others are all super easy but that one is hard, still have not done it on any character this expansion.
- Get the hard one out of the way and have some fun.
- That was the intention.
- One wipe and half the people left group crying that it was too hard.
- I said, apparently you people do not do PvE, PvEers do not give up after one wipe.
- We decided to do the others. Knocked out TB, UC and SM no problem.
- SM is always fun because the mobs are still old school.
- They stop following after a little while. They believe me when I FD.
- New mobs don't. I FD, they keep beating on me.
- Trust me, I've died a few times that way while trying to do some window shopping in Org when I was bored.
- Apparently they do not like foreigners shopping at their stores.
- SM is also fun because the only people there are usually lower levels and they just stand around and watch.
- I find that humorous. Maybe because I would do the same thing.
- When done with the other three we did another attempt at Org and wiped again being they knew we where coming back after we steamrolled the other three.
- It was our group of 40 vs the boss, the guards, and roughly 90 horde.
- We lasted 8 minutes.
- I consider that a huge success.
- After our FTA run the horde decided to dish out some revenge.
- They started in exodar and I assembled a group to be ready for the next move.
- I was in darn when they started to come.
- Hit have group and we surprised them, they never had a clue.
- 12 people from my guild wiped out a 40 man horde raid in Darn.
- Twice.
- We had others come join for the second wave, but they never really reassembled to put a good effort into it.
- Hey, at least we wiped in Org, they wiped in Darn.
- This round goes to alliance.
- I love PvP in the world environment but it is so rare.
- It is also nearly impossible to keep groups together for it.
- Some people do not have the heart for dying and give up so fast.
- When starting to PvP that is the first thing I noticed I needed to learn to accept.
- I might not be a great PvPer by any measure but it did make me a better player.
- Accepting death was an important factor.
- If you can't do that, you can't PvP.
- The funniest part is that all the people that dropped group when we had that first wipe where the PvPers.
- People decked in all conquest gear were crying like babies because we wiped on the hardest leader in the game, either side.
- PvEers in mostly justice gear listened to rules, stuck it out, and racked up a lot of achievements.
- I think that is the key to why we did not get Org the second time around.
- Well, that and being greatly outnumbered.
- Doing org is like a PvE raid, you need to assign roles and people need to stick to them.
- Send your PvP geared players to the door to handle people coming in and let your PvE geared players take out the NPCs.
- Get a good balance, and it might be a challenge, but it is doable.
- The PvEers where willing to try again, the PvPers where too busy crying to attempt again.
- Without a good core of PvPers to handle the door we would not get it done.
- I thought PvPers where supposed to be more accepting of death, not less.
- The PvPers where crying to much to try again so we gave up for the day.
- I will get org sooner or later and I will get it at prime time, no late night or early morning BS for me.
- When I get it I want to get it, not be given it.
- This whole thing has showed me a recent change in my guild as far as content goes.
- We are primarily a raiding guild but lately we have been attracting a lot of PvPers.
- Not sure why, but it seems to be the in thing lately.
- We even have people that used to raid not signing up any more to raid, they would rather PvP.
- Guess we might have to drop one raid team soon if this keeps up, but at least people are having fun again with the game.
- I keep leveling new hunters because it is fun for me and my guild is getting into PvP a lot more because they find it fun.
- Fun is the most important thing in the game so whatever floats their boat I am all for it.
- I say the looking for raid is the reason for all this change.
- I'll explain in a post later why I think the looking for raid has changed the landscape of the game completely.
- I am still not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing however.
- I am liking that I can actually get some world PvP in again even if we are losing one of our raid teams in the process.
- So no more wednesday team means more time to level alts, play PvP, or just do other things for fun.
- I think I can handle that. We still have the friday team and the thursday team.
- I wonder what our progression would look like if I could get the same people together for wednesday, thursday and friday to raid instead of them being three completely different groups.
- Ah, the joys of a casual guild and the delicate balance of trying to keep everyone happy.
- As it stands now, we have a lot of happy people in guild being we are doing a little bit of everything.
- Can't complain about anything there.
- Have a great day all.
GQDN 1/20/2025
5 hours ago
I'm sorry, I don't really have anything to add, except to say that I really enjoy your posts but usually read them from a place where I can't post comments. So... just pretend there's a witty remark or congratulatory comment from me in every one of your posts for the last months, OK?
ReplyDeleteI am glad you enjoy them.
From the context I take it you mean with the 'PvPers' Conquest geared toons - which is mostly gained by Arena.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I remember, Arena players are too often a pain in the neck in Battlegrounds as well, as they don't stick to objectives and just muck about 'for the lulz, don't take BG's too serious' (understandable from their PoV as they already gain stronger gear from Arena).
Dropping the Rating requirement on the Conquest gear will probably only have made this attitude worse.