Each tier has bosses I like and bosses I dislike based on the role I am in. Being I play all three roles my favorites and least favorites can vary often depending on the role I am playing.
This tier however my favorite fight as a tank, healer, ranged dps and melee dps are one in the same. Ultraxion is the most enjoyable fight this tier, heck, the most enjoyable fight in the last 5 tiers, maybe even ever. From my point of view at least.
Top 10 Reasons We Need More Fights Like Ultraxion
10) Easy Mechanics:
- Get fading light. Hit a button. Hour of Twilight. Hit a button. Sure, there is a little more to it when you include having to leave people behind, but as far as mechanics go it does not get much easier then that while still having something you need to do or you die. It makes it a fight that you can bring a new raider into and teach it to them super fast. More playing, less wiping to annoying mechanics, we need more fights like this.
9) Forgiving Mechanics:
- Okay, they are not forgiving in the way that if you mess them up you won't die, you will die, but they are forgiving that when they pop up you have time to react. This means people with an older computer might actually be able to do it. People with lower frame rate might actually be able to do it. Sure, they might need to set graphics to the lowest possible setting to be able to do it, but there is nothing in this fight what so ever that would require you to have high graphics.
Can you hit a button or defensive cooldown when you have to? That is what matters, not what you see. Having a couple of seconds to hit the button means even people with slow reactions or slow computers can still play, we need more fights like this.
8) The Ultimate Idiot Test:
- Seriously, even the best of us fail sometimes at random mechanics. Even the best of us might be a second too slow switching targets or picking up new adds. Even the best of us might make a mistake when there is a lot going on.
There is one simple thing going on here. It makes for less chance for error. It also make for the perfect chance to see who deserves to be in a raid and who doesn't. If someone keeps dying to hour they are left with 2 options. One, admit your computer/connection will not allow you to do it and sit out for someone that can actually help the group. Two, admit you are a horrible player. Either way, for raids leaders all over the world it is the best way to weed out the bad players from your group without actually ever insulting them and calling them bad.
No need to talk about bad luck. No need to talk about not seeing telling graphics. No need to talk about anything. You either can do it or can't do it which means you are either a raider or you are not a raider, we need more fights like this.
7) No Artificial Filler:
- No high fructose corn syrup, no trans fat, no monosodium glutamate. More importantly, no interrupts, no purges, no dispels, no spell steals, no CC, no snares, no slows, no stuns, no cleaves, no bullshit. You just fight the fight the way fights are supposed to be fought, we need more fights like this.
6) No Movement:
- Perhaps the only reason this is a huge plus for the fight is because it is so rare we get a fight like that but it is sure as hell fun to be able to just all stack in one place and do what it is you do. You are a tank, stand here. DPS, same place. Healer, yes, you too. The only time you might even need to consider moving is if you are a healer to get a crystal but if you have ever done the fight before you will make sure that is either a super fast grab and back or with good positioning from the start you won't even need to move for that. It allows for everyone to give maximum attention to their job so they can do it the best they can, we need more fights like this.
5) Tanking Means Something:
- It is not one of those taunt on three type of fights for tanks. It is a rotation of taunting, cooldowns, and maximizing DPS. I feel I have more to do in this one fight then in all other fights this expansion, combined, and I love it. I also love the fact I get to put more of an emphases on DPS.
From a tanking standpoint it is the only fight I felt like more then just a meat shield on. I also felt like it was the only fight where my DPS mattered. I've gotten so used to just sitting there getting beat on and taunting back and forth and that was all that mattered. That is basically what makes tanking in raids the easiest role in the game without a doubt.
Now I actually get to DPS as a tank with the added tank duties and that makes for an exicting fight while tanking. How often do I get to look at my DPS at the end of a fight and think to myself what I can improve to get more DPS out next time while tanking? Not many. I know many will say they have done more but so far my record for tank DPS is 18,892 on this fight and hot damn I had a lot of fun doing it, we need more fights like this.
4) Healing is a Rush:
- Not only do I get to go freaking psycho while healing this fight, I get a buff while doing it that makes my heals go insane. Hot damn, I feel like a DPS. My HPS are usually a sure thing to beat the top DPS by at least 10K and it feels awesome saying that. It is the true ABCs of healing, always be casting. For someone like me who prides myself on being well behaved with my healing and usually keeps my overhealing to a minimum, no matter what class I heal on, it feels nice to just let loose and spam 'em while you got 'em.
I have not done it yet but I would love to heal this fight in my AA spec on my priest. DPS and healing. I think I am going to cry I am so happy. Being able to pump it all out and race the clock with your heals is exciting. Being able to just spam heals is exciting. Seeing those huge numbers is exciting. Hell, this fight is just plain out fun to heal, we need more fights like this.
3) Patchwork was fun for a Reason:
- For DPS it is great to be able to just concentrate on doing DPS (for the most part). The no artifical filler allows the DPS to do what their title implies, dealing damage. For a damage dealer that is the most fun you can have. Later in the fight you might need to throw in some personal defensive cooldowns, but once everyone is in the grove not even that will be required any more. It is pew pew pew, it is fun fun fun and we need more fights like this this this.
2) People Can Really Excel in Different Ways:
- Most raid fights teach people the basics that every good raider should know. Mechanics. This fight with its simple press the button mechanic allows people to work on the lesser spoken about skills of a good raider. Cooldown management. Ice block, deterence, dispersion, etc, when can you stay in, when will it be available. If it is needed can you time it like a cooldown like a tank does to use it defensively. If it is not going to be needed can you use it to not have to go out for hour of twilight and increase your DPS uptime?
DPS managing cooldowns for maximum uptime for doing damage or defensively when they need to soak, healers managing cooldowns for maximum mana and healing, tanks managing cooldowns for DPS and defense, it is all about getting the most out of your class whatever role you play in this fight. Most other fights all feel like "once you get the mechanics we will down the fight" whereas this fights feels like "once we do the best we can do we will down this fight".
This is the other side of being a good raider, the one that is not talked about nearly as much as the whole mechanics thing. The timing of when to do things to get the maximum potential out of it. This fight really gives people a way to shine on the lesser talked about skills. This gives people a chance to actually play their character to the best of their ability and not be hindered by random annoyances they call mechanics, we need more fights like this.
1) A Mount:
- Last but not least, we get to have fun in the most enjoyable fight in the entire expansion with the chance to win a mount. How can you not be happy about that one? Not saying every boss should drop a mount but every one should have at least a super rare chance to get something fun like the super simian sphere, the orb of deception, you know, fun stuff, stuff that is not about loot and gear but about having a good time playing the game, we need more fights like this.
So there you go, the top 10 reasons I love the Ultraxion fight and wish we had more like it.
GQDN 3/6/2025
4 hours ago