- I am thinking about hunters only today it seems.
- Maybe it is a sign I miss playing a little bit?
- I think for boss fights the hunter minimum range should be removed.
- I can accept that for PvP purposes if hunters had no minimum range it would mean playing a hunter gets much easier.
- It would also mean beating a hunter would get much harder.
- I think I can live with that.
- Better than being a free kill.
- I love seeing a hunter in PvP, even as another hunter it is a free kill.
- All kidding aside, some boss fights are hell on hunters because of minimum range.
- I learned that even more having four hunters in a raid the other day.
- Thank god I was tanking and it was not five.
- There were two other hunters online that where not in the raid but are raiders.
- Where the hell did all these hunters come from?
- You would figure with the way the world of hunters has been there would be less of them around and not more.
- Perhaps people are finally starting to get the hang of focus.
- Perhaps they are new hunters and focus is all they ever knew.
- While I have started to really love focus there are still some fights where it sucks.
- Kiting with focus is not exactly what I would call fun, or easy.
- With mana I could kite from the north end of a continent to the south end and never lose a step.
- Now I have to work at it.
- The horror.
- Going back to minimum range in PvP, I think I have the fix for hunters and that.
- Leave range as is and give hunters back dragonhawk, the one that combined hawk and beast.
- Come to think about it, bring back beast.
- It would work better combining them if we had both of them first, don't you think?
- Then let agility convert to dodge again like it used to.
- There you go, just fixed hunters for PvP, some at least.
- I know why they ditched beast and dragonhawk.
- 78% dodge at the end of wrath for me.
- I could tank better than some tanks when I had my stamina gear on.
- Yes, I had a full set of end game gear for raiding and another with all stamina gems and enchants.
- And the two pieces of T5 of course.
- It is almost always required for soloing old content, at least it was in wrath.
- I would like to see an updated version of that gear but I doubt they would ever make something that powerful again for the soloing hunter.
- With gear inflation the heal is just too huge as it is.
- The drawback of it is that it has no stats on it because it is T5 and that is what makes it a difficult choice sometimes.
- If the gear was updated with the same ability, it would be a given, not a choice.
- Choice is what separates the good players with the bad ones.
- Good players make good choices, bad players make bad choices.
- Lets get back to minimum range.
- There are a few fights where there is no minimum range issues with hunters so it can't be hard for them to code being they have already done it.
- Now do that for all boss fights and we are set.
- That's all for now, have a great day.
The Queue: Blue Wednesday
2 hours ago
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