- I am still on my self imposed break from WoW, with the exception of raiding.
- I did however pop on yesterday and some guild members needed a tank for a random so I offered to help.
- I did my first heroics in 3 weeks.
- On my healer. The healer had to leave so we got another tank and I switched.
- One good thing was I still need one valor piece on my healer so at least the points will go to use.
- When I was leveling my warrior I got this one green weapon that looked awesome. It was just a giant stick.
- It dragged on the ground and was bigger then my dwarf.
- I still have it in my bank, I just could not throw it away, it looked awesome.
- I started a new goblin on bloodhoof for shits and giggles.
- I really love the goblin starting area.
- I only play until I am out of there but I enjoy the quests there, they are so silly.
- Goblins have the best mounts there too, I wish we had them after we left.
- I want the car with the horn and boombox.
- I want the tiny panther we ride back and forth some times, he is so cute and totally goblin (and gnome) sized.
- I want an underwater mount that is a shark with freakin' laser beams on his head.
- The goblin starting area is about as silly as silly gets in this game and it is enjoyable.
- Beginning areas are the only place there should ever be linear questing.
- One of the heroic runs I did had two guild mates on alts they wanted to gear up.
- I learned something. I do not even want to carry guild mates.
- One maybe, not two people doing 8K in a Zul.
- One of the people even needed to buy some PvP gear to be able to get in.
- I might complain about pugs but I am more critical of my guild mates. Way more critical.
- After two bosses of ZA I said lets switch to regular heroics and get you the gear you need to belong in here, your DPS sucks and we are not going to finish this with two sub par DPS.
- Not sure if they where offended or not.
- It is better they hear it from me and I make an effort to help them get better then they hear it from a pug in the form of insults and a kick.
- I know it is an alt but there is never an excuse for doing under 10K DPS in a Zul.
- Unless you are the healer.
- Or the tank. I normally float around 7K-8K on my tank.
- If I did randoms and got the buff I could probably push 10K.
- If I had any hit rating on my tank I could probably push 10K.
- If I can do it, as a tank, anyone can.
- The alt hunter said that if he had more gear he would be doing better.
- As a main hunter I shut that down instantly. I know better first hand.
- At 329 a hunter should be doing 10K in ungemmed, unenchanted, unreforged gear.
- I explained that gear means nothing. Gear only changes your maximum potential.
- A good player will do good, within respect to their gear level, no matter what.
- If everyone was given best in slot gear as soon as every patch came out I wouldn't care.
- You would still see ret paladins doing 5K, hutners doing 6K and boomkins doing 2K in Zuls even if they where in all 391s.
- Give all the gear away for all I care. Bad players will still be bad players. Gear won't fix it and giving it away might be the best way to prove that to the idiots that think gear is all that matters.
- Of course I am being sarcastic about just giving away gear but sometimes I wonder how great of a world it would be if people did not have excuses.
- I don't have time to raid often. I never win roles. I can't run dungeons all week long. I don't have to gold for BoEs. I don't have the professions for craftables.
- Well, now you have BiS gear, what is your excuse now?
- There is something so sadistically mean about saying that I would love it.
- Who am I kidding, most of the time I just let the other people rage. I am never rude in a dungeon and rarely complain unless there is something seriously wrong.
- Why don't they have all gear slots available for valor anyway?
- Because they don't want everyone looking the same.
- Who the hell cares?
- With the addition of the Barbie Fashion Playhouse next expansion everyone will look exactly like they want to anyway.
- Being I won't be able to tank in a tuxedo and a top hat I couldn't care less.
- They say it would be silly to allow people to wear stuff like that.
- We are playing a game where we go after big bad guys and kill them and they reappear next week for us to kill them again over and over and over.
- That is not silly but tanking in a tuxedo is?
- Its a game people, chill the hell out with the idea of trying to not make things silly.
- We are adults fighting dragons for goodness sake. It is silly to start out with.
- I'll show them silly.
- My dwarf will be using the big stick I have been saving damn near forever when I tank.
- Now that will be silly.
- And that will be awesome.
- Silly can be awesome.
- See gnomes on sparkle ponies for the perfect example.
- See the goblin starting area.
- How could the same company make the ultimate silly area like the goblin starting area and then in the next breath say they don't want to make things silly.
- Geez, pick a side and stay on it blizzard.
- I would love seeing more zones like the goblin starting area.
- Well, that is all for today.
- Have a great day all.
GQDN 3/26/2025
2 hours ago
Goblin starting area is fantastic. I rolled a goblin purely so I could dress him in a tux and take screenshots. Defo worth it!
ReplyDeleteReally like to read these on my lunch break at work. Brings quite a chuckle XD
ReplyDelete- Jamin