- I decided to try the LFR on some other characters this week.
- As always, it was a mistake.
- When will blizzard understand that any level of difficulty in random content just does not work?
- When will I be smart enough to realize that blizzard will never learn and just quit?
- As runs go I've had worse, even if doing it this time around was not exactly fun.
- Blizzard has to do something to the LFR to try and make it fun.
- After all, we play a game to have fun don't we?
- Well, I do at least.
- I figured I would give it a try on my healers because the one hour seven minute wait for a damage dealer did not seem all that attractive and I will not tank them.
- Even if blizzard offered to send me a check in the mail for 50 bucks every time I tanked one I still would not tank one.
- The time thing is another issue all in its own.
- I think I could deal with the crap a little better if I did not have to spend so much time submerged in it.
- They keep saying LFR is something people can do on their lunch hour.
- Where are all these jobs that have 5 hour lunch hours?
- Really, I want to know, I could definitely use getting a new job where I have a 5 hour lunch hour.
- Heck, even the best of the best runs when entering the queue as a damage dealer it will take a hour sometimes, plus 20 minutes wait time.
- That is best case scenario most of the time, an hour + including the wait.
- That would mean I would need to have at least a 3 hour lunch break to do it.
- 30 minutes to get home from work, 20 minutes wait, an hour to do it, and 30 minutes back to work.
- Okay, so I would need a 2 hour 20 minutes lunch break, at least.
- So where are all these jobs blizzard talks about where you can do this on your lunch break?
- I really want to know because I must have the worlds shittiest job because my lunch hour is actually 30 minutes.
- Even if I could get home fast, by the time my queue popped I would need to be back at work.
- I think blizzard really needs to touch base with reality.
- LFR is not something that you can do on your lunch hour.
- LFR is hard core raiding without hard core skills.
- It is raiding for massive amounts of time, something reserved for those hard core raiders.
- I spent more time in one LFR than I did in the actual raid this week.
- And I raided 2 nights this week and still spent more time in one LFR.
- Yes, LFR needs to be adjusted big time.
- It needs to be made quicker, easier, and into something that might be considered fun.
- If people want challenge they can do grouped content, not random content.
- Didn't they learn from cataclysm that challenge and random do not go well together?
- Another thing they really need to change with the LFR is if you have never done it before, always give you a fresh run.
- Seriously, it is annoying doing it for the first time and needing to do it 4 freaking times before you can move to the second part.
- I joined in on my priest healer, hey, it had the baggie and I was willing to give it a shot, might as well heal right.
- I have not healed in quite some time and was still sitting on a low item level, 506 I think, but I should be more than capable of doing it.
- The required item level is only 496 after all, and I will touch on that mistake later.
- I also filled in to heal for a boss or two in ToT so if I can do that I should be fine here.
- I joined in on the last boss.
- With 5 stacks of determination.
- Well, that sure made me feel like one hell of a great healer after not having done it in so long.
- We wiped, 2 times, and then we finally finished it.
- So my "instant" healer baggie queue took 12 minutes actually, and another 50 minutes in there.
- So one hour for one boss.
- All for a baggie with nothing worthwhile in it and a repair bill that the random gold and the baggie gold did not even cover.
- That is another change they need to make to the LFR.
- It is bad enough they group you with a bunch of people that have no clue what they are doing and are unwilling to listen to people that are trying to teach them, but they make us pay for the right to be there with repair bills.
- F you blizzard, seriously.
- Remove durability losses from LFR.
- So I queue again, this time no baggie.
- Not sure why there was even a baggie last time being it took 12 minutes to get it anyway.
- But this time with no baggie I get in instantly.
- Okay, make me wait 12 minutes, give me a baggie and let me in instantly because I am really needed and I get no baggie?
- Working as intended blizzard?
- I get in on the second boss, 3 stacks of determination.
- Holy crap, not only do I still not get in on the first boss, but they give me another horrible group.
- Blizzard hates me, they really hate me.
- Even if doing the last boss I felt like a god healing, did 140K with the stacks and even finished 11th in DPS, this time around I could not help but think, I am just way too out of practice and maybe I should not queue again.
- People start dropping off the pull.
- I am doing everything I can to keep people up, rolling through every tool in my toolbox trying my best.
- We get to the rook transition and nearly half the raid is dead now and I am OOM.
- Yes, OOM that fast, when I can normally go the entire fight with no mana issues.
- People are dropping like crazy and I am feeling completely useless, I can't keep anyone up.
- Any healer knows that feeling I am talking about, the feeling of complete helplessness.
- We revive a few people and continue to push on only to see rook go into transition again but if that was not bad enough, a few seconds later, the few smart people that had switched to He transition him.
- They had 3 stacks, are you telling me they still have not figured out how to stop tunneling rook?
- We wipe.
- I run back, feeling completely useless as a healer, and consider staying for a moment, consider helping this group out, and decide for my sanity it is not worth it.
- I drop group and log off the game, feeling as if I just wasted my time and the time of 24 others, because I just could not do it.
- I feel as if the entire wipe was all my fault, like I should have done something to save them, and I couldn't.
- I log back on later that day and figure I will try again.
- Yes, I know, I am an idiot and a glutton for punishment.
- I enter queue and get in on the third boss.
- Oh come the F on.
- All I want to do is finish the damn raid, give me a fresh run.
- Again, Blizzard, if someone does not have the achievement for the wing always give them a fresh run.
- I start running toward the boss and get to where you need to run through all the sha.
- I am looking around at all the trash they did not clear and wondering, how the hell did they make it through here.
- I say, screw it, and drop group.
- Oddly enough I did not get the 15 minute deserter.
- Perhaps the game realizes I never do that, so why penalize me for it.
- Perhaps the game realized if they made me wait 15 minutes I might not try again and they would lose the pleasure of torturing me some more.
- I enter the queue again, attempt # 4 for a fresh run.
- I get a fresh run.
- We one shot the first boss, we one shot the second boss, this is more like it.
- I start to feel like this is the run I should always get, this is what all runs should be like, this is what should be considered the worst run ever, I should not be referring to it as a great run, this should be the worst any runs ever gets.
- If the worst any run ever gets is the bosses going down in one shot, with some mistakes and some deaths, but still a kill, the LFR would be fine.
- My joy of the first two bosses would not last long however, I still needed to kill the third to get my achievement and that might still end up being an issue.
- My healing numbers are getting better as I am getting more used to doing it again.
- Having a group that does not go out of their way to stress you out goes a long way in making a healer feel better.
- It was enough to make me realize that my last attempt on the protectors with that other group was not because I was out of practice but it was really just that bad of a group.
- No matter how good I was, even if I had the best of the best in gear and skill, I probably would have still not been able to heal that group.
- Made me feel a little better, but when people die and you are the healer you can not help but think it was your fault.
- I am sure other healers know exactly what I am talking about.
- Third boss becomes a brick wall however as we wipe 5 times.
- I got to go into the test for the first time as a healer however.
- I got there and was like, what the hell do I do?
- I did not prepared as a healer and did not read up on it.
- I know, that is not like me.
- Oh well, I will just heal the people in there.
- Greater heal, max health, greater heal, max health, greater heal, max health, oh, have to dispel, done, out.
- Really? Was that all there is to the healer challenge?
- Compared to the tank and the damage dealer one that one seems pretty unfair.
- You just need to go in there and basically do nothing.
- The tank one you can die in if you mess up, the damage dealer one you can die in if you mess up, the healer one can not be messed up, at least not in the LFR version.
- I have seen healers die in there, how is that even possible?
- Each stack of determination my numbers went up.
- I feel super powerful now.
- So powerful I think I might have even been able to heal that one group with this buff.
- Or maybe not.
- Woohoo, and as a disc priest, damage the boss, heal the people, this is going to rock.
- Too bad it seems like everyone else that went into the test failed at it.
- Is this the good group that one shot the first two bosses or did I turn my head and everyone left and was replaced by exact replicas?
- Jesus I have a raid, I need to leave, can we just do this.
- I started almost three hours before raid time and even if we one shot the first two bosses we ended up being stuck here and boss three and raid time is in a few minutes.
- Again, is this something you can squeeze in during a lunch break?
- I want to work at blizzard if they think lunch breaks are 5 hours long, it must rock to work there.
- We finally down it, and I am still late for my own freaking raid.
- The LFR needs a lot of fixing.
- Speaking of one fix, there is no reason my (now) 512 priest should have more life than a warrior tank.
- Okay, I did not have more life than him, but he only had 27K more life than me.
- Not right, really not right.
- He had all island 496 and 535 gear and a 437 weapon and a 442 shield and one 437 ring and one 450 trinket.
- He was not LFR ready, he should be in heroic dungeons or MV LFR.
- But no, he was our tank for one attempt.
- The group chases him, and rightfully so.
- You can not go and give out 496 gear like candy and then make the item level to get into the new LFR 496.
- It just does not work, case and point the runs I was in.
- Damage dealers doing less than 40K DPS because they had low weapons and all 496 gear and 535 island gear.
- Healers in all badly itemized 496 and 535 gear.
- Tanks like the one I mentioned.
- 40K DPS was bad, but acceptable, for MV LFR, you should not be allowed to queue for SoO if that is all you can do regardless of item level.
- They need to add some sort of minimum standards to LFR.
- Not sure how they would manage it, but something needs to be done.
- It would be really hard to create a level of acceptable performance.
- Even more so for healers, the better the group is, the less healing they need, so how would that work?
- Low heals could then be a function of being in a great group, or being a bad healer.
- I did the third part of ToT, to try and get the pet from the saurok guy, being the one that drops in LFR is unique to LFR, so I either gear it there or I never get it.
- Being you can get it with a coin as well as a drop I figured I will do that a few times each week trying to get it.
- Seems like a lot are doing it, the groups were not really all that bad and there were some decent players in it.
- But there were also some that had me scratching my head.
- I'll call it a tale of two healers, being I was healing so I noticed the other healers.
- First boss, one healer at 12K and another at 9K.
- I did not check their gear, not a lot of healing needs to be done on that first boss, maybe they were just a little slow and me and another healer that did well ate up all the healing.
- It is quite possible you know, so I do not fault them, but I noticed it.
- Second boss, more of the same, 17K and 12K this time.
- Okay, while waiting in front of the door to the third boss, no my pet did not drop, I decided to inspect them.
- The higher of the two bad healers was really lucky in LFR. They had five 528 pieces, two 540 pieces upgraded to 548, and the rest were either 526 or 530, meaning all their other stuff was upgraded once or twice. They had one bad ring, a 496.
- The lesser of the two bad healers was in mostly 450 gear, I am guessing they got in on the strength of their DPS gear and didn't exactly have decent healing gear. They had a 496 or 2, but that was about it.
- The first healer I immediately labeled a bad healer. There is no way in hell that someone that out gears me by at least 25 item levels can be doing an eighth of what I am when I am out of practice.
- Even if they were not trying they should have been able to run circles around my numbers.
- The other healer, even if they were dead last on the healing meters, earns my respect.
- They could have entered the queue as a healer and just DPSed. But no, they are actually trying to heal.
- With all those people around them that really out gear them, and possibly out skill them, of course their healing numbers were going to be low.
- They were actually trying to learn how to heal and being everyone lived and it was not even close to a problem I would never in a million years complain about someone trying to learn.
- As a matter of fact I would praise someone that is trying to learn, more so trying to learn in that most hostile of settings known and the dreaded LFR.
- Now if we were in dire need because we were having issues I might have said, we do not have the room for someone to learn, but between myself and the number two healer, anything anyone else could do was just gravy.
- Stuff like this would mess up my minimum performance idea.
- How can you really judge healers?
- Damage dealers and tanks, maybe, but healers, it is hard to judge them by numbers.
- While I might support the guy in 528 gear being shown the door the guy in the 450 gear really was doing about as good as his gear would allow him and you could tell he was just learning.
- So in theory, while saying it make sense, there is no way to make a minimum required, at least for healers.
- For damage dealers it is another story.
- I've seen more wipes to enrage timers than I have ever seen before.
- I've seen more wipes to simple mechanics than I have ever seen before.
- As I always say, the role of the damage dealer is the most important role and it has never been more apparent than in the LFRs.
- While there is a lot more to it if I simplify it damage dealers have two jobs.
- Follow mechanics and do damage.
- Both are equally important, like that one group that turned rook twice before the other two to show mechanics matter or the group that did the mechanics right on the third boss, but still did not have enough DPS to get it done until we were at 5 stacks.
- That could be judged a little easier.
- On one of the protector fights someone got the circle and despite being told before the pull to stack when you have it, and the consistent raid warnings the raid leader spammed when they were running way from everyone, they still kept running.
- It was funny seeing the entire raid chase this person and them continuing to run.
- Where is the common sense, even if they missed the prepull explanation or the big red in the middle of your screen raid warnings letters over and over, the fact that there are a dozen people chasing you should make a light bulb go over your head and say, if this many people are running to me, maybe that means I am supposed to be with them.
- I gave up and the second person I saw doing the same thing I let run away, and then used leap of faith to get them into the group at the right time.
- If they will not come to us, I will bring them too us.
- One of the few awesome uses I have found for leap of faith so far.
- On the 4th fight, the sha fight, with about 6 or 7 stacks or so when we finally downed it, we still had 5 damage dealers under 50K.
- That is a minimum performance that you can find a way to institute.
- While you can not have people heal more than people need to be healed, you can have something that says, if you are still not pulling 100K with a 35% buff and AoE phases, you should not be allowed to enter the LFR system at all, ever, until you learn how to play your class better.
- You could throw a land shark you got from blingtron and pull over 100K most likely during the add phase.
- So yeah, it seems like an entire monday random thoughts about the LFR again.
- Just be glad I do not give you the run through I did on my shaman as a healer as well.
- But I will say, I can surely feel those buffs.
- 510 item level, even without stacks of determination, pulling over 125K on all bosses, yeah, I can feel the buffs they got, big time.
- I did not even have a healing addon set up for it.
- Yes, it has been that long since I healed on my shaman because my guild has so many of them to start off with.
- Good thing every ability I have I have a mouse over macro for.
- Makes it so easy to heal if your addon crashes, or you make a stupid mistake like I did and forget you did not have a healing addon set up.
- Instead of going into details on my shamans run I will just leave it with a simple summation.
- 4 hours, and I never finished.
- Something you can do during your lunch break, as blizzard says.
- Working as intended.
- Have a great day.
GQDN 1/20/2025
1 hour ago