This post in one in a series of posts that will be in regards to
garrisons and professions in Warlords of Draenor and how they interact
with each other, and on their own.
Unlike previous expansions professions are much more involved this
expansion, even if somewhat simplified at the same time. Being tied to
buildings in the garrisons it not only opens up more options but
different options to either supplement a profession you already have or
fill the role of a profession you do not have.
Note: As warlords is still in beta, it is possible some of this information might change before the expansion is released.
Spotlight on Jewelcrafting:
List or all materials you will need to make all items in your jewel crafting skill book:
Gems: Taladite Crystal.
Herbs: Fireweed, Frostweed, Gorgrond Flytrap, Nagrand Arrowbloom, Starflower, Talador Orchid.
Ore: True Iron Ore, Blackiron Ore.
Elements: Sorcerous Air, Sorcerous Earth, Sorcerous Fire.
Misc: Savage Blood. (from level 3 garrison barn building)
Note: There are no gem colors in warlords, all gems can go in all slots.
Critical Strike Taladite: +35 Critical Strike
1 - Taladite Crystal, 5 - Fireweed
Haste Taladite: +35 Haste
1 - Taladite Crystal, 5 - Frostweed
Mastery Taladite: +35 Mastery
1 - Taladite Crystal, 5 - Starflower
Multistrike Taladite: +35 Multistrike
1 - Taladite Crystal, 5 - Nagrand Arrowbloom
Stamina Taladite: +35 Stamina
1 - Taladite Crystal, 5 - Talador Orchid
Versatility Taladite: +35 Versatility
1 - Taladite Crystal, 5 - Gorgrond Flytrap
Greater Critical Strike Taladite: +50 Critical Strike
50 - Taladite Crystal, 10 - Sorcerous Air, 5 - Fireweed
Greater Haste Taladite: +50 Haste
50 - Taladite Crystal, 10 - Sorcerous Air, 5 - Frostweed
Greater Mastery Taladite: +50 Mastery
50 - Taladite Crystal, 10 - Sorcerous Air, 5 - Starflower
Greater Multistrike Taladite: +50 Multistrike
50 - Taladite Crystal, 10 - Sorcerous Air, 5 - Nagrand Arrowbloom
Greater Stamina Taladite: +50 Stamina
50 - Taladite Crystal, 10 - Sorcerous Air, 5 - Talador Orchid
Greater Versatility Taladite: +50 Versatility
50 - Taladite Crystal, 10 - Sorcerous Air, 5 - Gorgrond Flytrap
Rings: (part of the warlords crafted 3)
Glowing Blackrock Band: 585 item level, strength and 2 random enchantments, BoP
5 - Taladite Crystal, 5 - Blackiron Ore
Glowing Iron Band: 540 item level, strength and 2 random enchantments, BoP
5 - Taladite Crystal, 5 - True Iron Ore
Shifting Blackrock Band: 585 item level, agility and 2 random enchantments, BoP
5 - Taladite Crystal, 5 - Blackiron Ore
Shifting Iron Band: 540 item level, agility and 2 random enchantments, BoP
5 - Taladite Crystal, 5 - True Iron Ore
Whispering Backrock Band: 585 item level, intellect and 2 random enchantments, BoP
5 - Taladite Crystal, 5 - Blackiron Ore
Whispering Iron Band: 540 item level, intellect and 2 random enchantments, BoP
5 - Taladite Crystal, 5 - True Iron Ore
Glowing Taladite Ring: 640 item level, strength and 2 random enchantments
100 - Taladite Crystal, 10 - True Iron Ore, 10 - Blackiron Ore
Shifting Taladite Ring: 640 item level, agility and 2 random enchantments
100 - Taladite Crystal, 10 - True Iron Ore, 10 - Blackiron Ore
Whispering Taladite Ring: 640 item level, intellect and 2 random enchantments
100 - Taladite Crystal, 10 True Iron Ore, 10 - Blackiron Ore
Necks: (part of the warlords crafted 3)
Glowing Iron Choker: 550 item level, strength and 2 random enchantments, BoP
5 - Taladite Crystal, 10 - True Iron Ore
Shifting Iron Choker: 550 item level, agility and 2 random enchantments, BoP
5 - Taladite Crystal, 10 - True Iron Ore
Whispering Iron Choker: 550 item level, intellect and 2 random enchantments, BoP
5 - Taladite Crystal, 10 - True Iron Ore
Glowing Taladite Pendant: 640 item level, strength and 2 random enchantments
100 - Taladite Crystal, 10 - True Iron Ore, 10 - Blackiron Ore
Shifting Taladite Pendant: 640 item level, agility and 2 random enchantments
100 - Taladite Crystal, 10 - True Iron Ore, 10 - Blackiron Ore
Whispering Taladite Pendant: 640 item level, intellect and 2 random enchantments
100 - Taladite Crystal, 10 - True Iron Ore, 10 - Blackiron Ore
Taladite Amplifier: Upgrades a 640 jewel crafting item to 655
150 Taladite Crystal, 30 Sorcerous Earth, 15 - Savage Blood
Greater Taladite Amplifier: Upgrades a 655 jewel crafting item to 665
200 - Taladite Crystal, 40 Sorcerous Air, 15 - Savage Blood
Taladite Recrystalizer: Reroll the secondary stats on a jewel crafting item 640 or higher
10 - Taladite Crystal, 10 - True Iron Ore
Secrets of Draenor Jewelcrafting: Currency (cooldown)
5 - Blackrock Ore
Taladite Crystal: Material (currency)
20 - Blackrock Ore, 10 - True Iron Ore
Prismatic Focusing Lens: Project a prismatic beam on your current target.
1 - Sorcerous Earth
Reflecting Prism: Swap appearances with a party member.
1 - Sorcerous Fire
Learning Draenor Jewelcrafting:
You will receive a quest
early on from a draenei chest for alliance or a bladespire chest for
horde that will start a quest line. Once you've completed the small quest line you will receive Draenor Jewelcrafting and Garrison Blueprint: Gem Boutique, Level 1. A member of the horde faction will also get the Blazing Diamond Pendant toy when finishing the quest. At the moment of this writing there is no way for an alliance only player to get this toy.
Draenor jewel crafting, once clicked on and learned, will boost your
maximum jewel crafting skill to 700 and will teach you all of the
following skills. Secrets of Draenor Jewelcrafting and Taladite Crystal,
which you should start doing
immediately as they are cooldown abilities, as well as the patterns for all rare quality rings and necks. All other jewel crafting patterns
listed above but not listed as being learned
from the manual will need to be purchased with the currency you create
from the daily cooldown for secrets of draenor jewel crafting.
If you have the gem boutique in your garrison there will be Dorogarr
(horde) or Costan Highwall (alliance) whom you can purchases the
from right there in your gem boutique. If you do not have a gem boutique on your
garrison you can travel to your hub near ashran and purchase
the plans from the appropriate vendors there.
There are no items that you need both the gem boutique and the jewel crafting ability
to make so as a jewel crafter you will be able to make everything with or
without the gem boutique when the time comes for you to make that decision.
Once you have learned everything there is to learn, you can continue to
make secrets of draenor jewelcrafting to purchase a small pouch of coins.
It remains to be seen if this will be worthwhile come live but it is
nice to see that there might still be a reason to keep doing the daily
secret cooldown after the 79 days it would take to purchase all the
Spotlight on The Gem Boutique:
This section will contain two parts. One if you have jewel crafting as a profession, one if you do not.
If you have Jewelcrafting as a Profession:
Level 1 Gem Boutique:
Once you complete the small quest, mentioned above, that will award you
the garrison blueprint for a level 1 gem boutique and you will be able to
build your gem boutique.
A level 1 gem boutique will take 1 hour to build and requires 150 gold and 50 garrison resources.
A level 1 gem boutique allows you to produce 7 work orders at a time.
Level 2 Gem Boutique:
A level 2 gem boutique requires you to have a level 2 town hall.
A level 2 gem boutique requires you to have set up your talador outpost or be level 96.
A level 2 gem boutique will take 1 hour to build and requires 300 gold and 100 garrison resources.
A level 2 gem boutique allows you to produce 14 work orders at a time.
A level 2 gem boutique allows you to assign a follower with the jewel crafting trait to work there.
The blueprint for the level 2 gem boutique is available for
purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your
garrison town hall for 750 gold.
Alternatively you can purchase the blueprints with an Outpost Building Assembly Notes item from Torgg Flexington (horde) or Kinkade Jakobs (alliance) at your ashran base.
Two copies of Outpost Building Assembly Notes can be obtained free from
questing by completing the outpost quest line, in both Spires of Arak and
Gorgrond. This could effectively save you 1500 gold.
Level 3 Gem Boutique:
A level 3 gem boutique requires you to have a level 3 town hall.
A level 3 gem boutique requires you to have completed the [Working More Orders] achievement and be level 100.
A level 3 gem boutique will take 1 hour to build and requires 500 gold and 300 garrison resources.
A level 3 gem boutique will allow you to produce 21 work orders at a time.
The blueprint for the level 3 gem boutique is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above,
from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town
hall for 1000 gold.
Work Orders:
The gem boutique work orders require 5 blackiron ore to produce and each order
takes 4
hours to finish. It will award you with a taladite crystal and
sometimes one or more sorcerous elements needed for jewel crafting. Having
a higher level gem boutique, which allows you to produce more work orders,
means you need to
in to check less often. Orders will stack up if you are not online for
a while and you will not miss out on anything. So if you have a 21
order queue you would only need to collect your products and place new
orders every 84 hours, which is three and a half days, making this
fantastic for those alts you sometimes forget to log into.
Working Follower:
Once your gem boutique reaches level 2 you will be allowed to
assign a
worker to help there. The worker must have jewel crafting as a trait as
just any worker can be assigned to any building. A follower working in
any garrison building does not gain experience. Consider leveling your
follower first before placing them as a worker in one of your
buildings. Workers at the gem boutique have a small chance to
the materials you get when filling work orders, depending on their
level, the higher the better of course. Also, if you have a follower
working at your gem boutique you receive a daily quest that when completed can award you a bag which can contain between 150 to 300 gold.
Pros to having the profession:
Increased taladite crystal generation to make gear and gems faster, chance for additional materials from work orders.
If you do not have Jewelcrafting as a Profession:
Most things will remain the same with a few notable exceptions.
You will not be able to build an gem boutique on your garrison until you level your town hall to level 2.
Once you have a level 2 town hall you learn all level 1 profession
building blueprints, so do not worry that you were incapable of doing
the quest.
You will be able to make the rare rings and necks with a level 1 gem boutique.
You will be able to make all uncommon gems and the taladite recrystalizer with a level 2 gem boutique.
You will be able to make all the epic rings and necks with the level 3 gem boutique.
You will not be able to make any of the items to upgrade armor.
You will not be able to make any of the greater gems.
You will not be able to make the reflecting prism.
You will not be able to make the prismatic focusing lens.
Cons to not having jewelcrafting as a profession:
Slower generation of taladite crystals, the requirement of having to have
a certain level building to craft stuff, and not being able to craft
your own gear upgrades, vanity items or better gems. While
not horrible by any means, being a jewel crafter offers more options.
Catching up or Switching to Jewelcrafting in Warlords:
Even as a level 1 jewel crafter you can do the quest that will get you
the gem boutique blueprints for your garrison along with the draenor jewelcrafting which when
learned teaches you some items you can make. Also, as a side bonus,
even if you are a skill level 1, once you use the draenor jewelcrafting item you will
attain a max level of 700, meaning no need to ever go back to train up
The patterns learned, while being native to draenor, do not need a high
profession skill level to create. You can craft them, and all others you
learn, at level 1. Yes, this means you can craft the 640 gear and the
items to upgrade it to 655 and then 665 and the +35 and +50 gems even at level 1 skill. This means
you can level up from 1 to
catching up, through making patterns with just draenor based
In addition to that there are many items you can find in the world that
will help increase your jewel crafting skill and will speed you along up to
a skill
level of 600, where you will now be working on current content as the only
things that will continue to give you skill ups. All drops
that start these skill gaining quests are dropped from random mobs and
a jewelcrafting skill level of 1, so you can start from the bottom up. All
these are turned in at your garrison.
Cracked Band: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 2 Blackiron Ore
Crumbling Statue: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 5 True Iron Ore and 5 Blackiron Ore
Crushed Locket: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 2 True Iron Ore
Crystal Shards: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 4 Blackiron Ore
Headless Figurine: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 6 True Iron Ore
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Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Garrisons and Professions: Spotlight on Enchanting & The Enchanters Study
This post in one in a series of posts that will be in regards to
garrisons and professions in Warlords of Draenor and how they interact
with each other, and on their own.
Unlike previous expansions professions are much more involved this expansion, even if somewhat simplified at the same time. Being tied to buildings in the garrisons it not only opens up more options but different options to either supplement a profession you already have or fill the role of a profession you do not have.
Note: As warlords is still in beta, it is possible some of this information might change before the expansion is released.
Spotlight on Enchanting:
List or all materials you will need to make all items in your enchanting skill book:
Dust and Shards: Draenic Dust, Luminous Shard, Temporal Crystal.
Elements: Sorcerous Air, Sorcerous Earth, Sorcerous Fire, Sorcerous Water.
Ore: Blackrock Ore, True Iron Ore. (leveling to 600 only)
Cloak Enchants:
Breath of Critical Strike: Cloak, +100 Critical Strike
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Haste: Cloak, +100 Haste
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Mastery: Cloak, +100 Mastery
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Multistrike: Cloak, +100 Multistrike
1- Luminous Shard
Breath of Versatility: Cloak, +100 Versatility
1 - Luminous Shard
Gift of Critical Strike: Cloak, +100 Critical Strike +10% Movement Speed
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Air
Gift of Haste: Cloak, +100 Haste +10% Movement Speed
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Earth
Gift of Mastery: Cloak, +100 Mastery +10% Movement Speed
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Water
Gift of Multistrike: Cloak, +100 Multistrike +10% Movement Speed
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Fire
Gift of Versatility: Cloak, +100 Versatility +10% Movement Speed
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Air
Neck Enchants:
Breath of Critical Strike: Neck, +40 Critical Strike
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Haste: Neck, +40 Haste
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Mastery: Neck, +40 Mastery
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Multistrike: Neck, +40 Multistrike
1- Luminous Shard
Breath of Versatility: Neck, +40 Versatility
1 - Luminous Shard
Gift of Critical Strike: Neck, +75 Critical Strike
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Fire
Gift of Haste: Neck, +75 Haste
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Air
Gift of Mastery: Neck, +75 Mastery
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Earth
Gift of Multistrike: Neck, +75 Multistrike
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Water
Gift of Versatility: Neck, +75 Versatility
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Fire
Ring Enchants:
Breath of Critical Strike: Ring, +30 Critical Strike
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Haste: Ring, +30 Haste
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Mastery: Ring, +30 Mastery
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Multistrike: Ring, +30 Multistrike
1- Luminous Shard
Breath of Versatility: Ring, +30 Versatility
1 - Luminous Shard
Gift of Critical Strike: Ring, +50 Critical Strike
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Water
Gift of Haste: Ring, +50 Haste
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Fire
Gift of Mastery: Ring, +50 Mastery
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Air
Gift of Multistrike: Ring, +50 Multistrike
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Earth
Gift of Versatility: Ring, +50 Versatility
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Water
Weapon Enchants:
Mark of the Bleeding Hollow: Sometimes increase mastery by 500 for 12 seconds.
15 - Temporal Crystal, 10 - Sorcerous Air
Mark of the Frostwolf: Sometimes increase multistrike by 500 for 6 seconds, may stack 2 times.
15 Temporal Crystal, 10 -Sorcerous Water
Mark of Shadowmoon: Sometimes increase spirit by 500 for 15 seconds.
15 - Temporal Crystal, 10 - Sorcerous Fire
Mark of the Shattered Hand: Sometimes bleed for 1500, sometimes an additional 4500 over 6 seconds.
1 - Temporal Crystal
Mark of the Thunderlord: Sometimes increase crit by 500 for 6 seconds, additional crits while active may extend time.
15 - Temporal Crystals, 10 - Sorcerous Air
Mark of Warsong: Sometimes increase haste by 1000, decreasing my 10% every 2 seconds.
15 - Temporal Crystals, 10 - Sorcerous Fire
Enchanted Dust: Make someone shine for 5 minutes.
1 - Draenic Dust
Luminous Shard: Material
20 - Draenic Dust
Secrets of Draenor Enchanting: Currency (cooldown)
5 - Draenic Dust
Temporal Crystal: Material (cooldown) May create sorcerous fire or air.
1 - Luminous Shard
Learning Draenor Enchanting:
You will receive a quest early on from a draenei chest for alliance or a bladespire chest for horde that will start a quest line. Once you've completed the small quest line you will receive Draenor Enchanting and Garrison Blueprint: Enchanters Study, Level 1.
Draenor enchanting, once clicked on and learned, will boost your maximum enchanting skill to 700 and will teach you all of the following skills. Secrets of Draenor Enchanting and Temporal Crystal, which you should start doing immediately as they are cooldown abilities, as well as the patterns for Breath of Critical Strike, Haste, Mastery, Multistrike and Versatility for rings as well as Breath of Versatility for the neck.
All other enchanting patterns listed above but not listed as being learned from the manual will need to be purchased with the currency you create from the daily cooldown for secrets of draenor enchanting.
If you have the enchanters study in your garrison there will be Yukla Greenshadow (horde) or Ayada the White (alliance) whom you can purchases the plans from right there in your enchanters study. If you do not have an enchanters study on your garrison you can travel to your hub near ashran and purchase the plans from the appropriate vendors there.
There are no items that you need both the enchanters study and the enchanting ability to make so as an enchanter you will be able to make everything with or without an enchanter study, when the time comes for you to make that decision.
Once you have learned everything there is to learn, you can continue to make secrets of draenor enchanting to purchase a small pouch of coins. It remains to be seen if this will be worthwhile come live but it is nice to see that there might still be a reason to keep doing the daily secret cooldown after the 54 days it would take to purchase all the patterns.
Spotlight on The Enchanters Study:
This section will contain two parts. One if you have enchanting as a profession, one if you do not.
If you have Enchanting as a Profession:
Level 1 Enchanters Study:
Once you complete the small quest, mentioned above, that will award you the garrison blueprint for a level 1 enchanters study and you will be able to build your enchanters study.
A level 1 enchanters study will take 1 hour to build and requires 150 gold and 50 garrison resources.
A level 1 enchanters study allows you to produce 7 work orders at a time.
Level 2 Enchanters Study:
A level 2 enchanters study requires you to have a level 2 town hall.
A level 2 enchanters study requires you to have set up your talador outpost or be level 96.
A level 2 enchanters study will take 1 hour to build and requires 300 gold and 100 garrison resources.
A level 2 enchanters study allows you to produce 14 work orders at a time.
A level 2 enchanters study allows you to assign a follower with the enchanting trait to work there.
The blueprint for the level 2 enchanters study is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town hall for 750 gold.
Alternatively you can purchase the blueprints with an Outpost Building Assembly Notes item from Torgg Flexington (horde) or Kinkade Jakobs (alliance) at your ashran base.
Two copies of Outpost Building Assembly Notes can be obtained free from questing by completing the outpost quest line, in both Spires of Arak and Gorgrond. This could effectively save you 1500 gold.
Level 3 Enchanters Study:
A level 3 enchanters study requires you to have a level 3 town hall.
A level 3 enchanters study requires you to have completed the [Working More Orders] achievement and be level 100.
A level 3 enchanters study will take 1 hour to build and requires 500 gold and 300 garrison resources.
A level 3 enchanters study will allow you to produce 21 work orders at a time.
The blueprint for the level 3 enchanters study is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town hall for 1000 gold.
Work Orders:
Enchanting study work orders require 5 draenic dust to produce and each order takes 4 hours to finish. It will award you with a temporal crystal or temporal crystal shards depending on your current enchanting skill level and sometimes one or more sorcerous elements needed for enchanting. Having a higher level enchanters study, which allows you to produce more work orders, means you need to log in to check less often. Orders will stack up if you are not online for a while and you will not miss out on anything. So if you have a 21 order queue you would only need to collect your products and place new orders every 84 hours, which is three and a half days, making this fantastic for those alts you sometimes forget to log into.
Working Follower:
Once your enchanters study reaches level 2 you will be allowed to assign a worker to help there. The worker must have enchanting as a trait as not just any worker can be assigned to any building. A follower working in any garrison building does not gain experience. Consider leveling your follower first before placing them as a worker in one of your buildings. Workers at the enchanters study have a small chance to increase the materials you get when filling work orders, depending on their level, the higher the better of course. Also, if you have a follower working at your enchanters study you will be able to craft illusion scrolls for your weapons that will give them a different look than their actual enchant.
List of past illusions you can put on your weapons are as follows. They all have the appearance of the original enchant of old.
Illusions for All:
Agility, Battlemaster, Beserking, Blood Draining, Crusader, Elemental Force, Executioner, Fiery Weapon, Greater Spellpower, Jade Spirit, Landslide, Lifestealing, Mending, Mongoose, Power Torrent, Rivers Song, Spellsurge, Striking, Unholy
Shaman Only:
Earthliving, Flametongue, Frostbrand, Rockbiter, Windfury.
Hidden, Poisoned (rogue only)
Pros to having the profession:
Increased temporal crystal generation to make enchants faster, chance for additional materials from work orders.
If you do not have Enchanting as a Profession:
Most things will remain the same with a few notable exceptions.
You will not be able to build an enchanters study on your garrison until you level your town hall to level 2.
Once you have a level 2 town hall you learn all level 1 profession building blueprints, so do not worry that you were incapable of doing the quest.
You will be able to make all breath ring enchants, luminous shards, enchanted dust, and mark of the shattered hand weapon enchant with a level 1 enchanters study.
You will be able to make all other breath enchants and gift ring enchants with a level 2 enchanters study.
You will be able to make all other gift enchants as well as disenchant items using your enchanters study at level 3.
You will not be able to make any weapon enchants.
You will not be able to make any temporal crystals.
Cons to not having enchanting as a profession:
No generation of temporal crystals, the requirement of having to have a certain level building to craft stuff, and not being able to craft your own weapon enchants. While not horrible by any means, being an enchanter offers more options. Best for a hunter as they do not need any weapon enchants that the enchanters study has to offer, so they lose nothing in the process.
Catching up or Switching to Enchanting in Warlords:
Even as a level 1 enchanter you can do the quest that will get you the enchanters study blueprints for your garrison along with the draenor enchanting which when learned teaches you some items you can make. Also, as a side bonus, even if you are a skill level 1, once you use the draenor enchanting item you will attain a max level of 700, meaning no need to ever go back to train up again.
The patterns learned, while being native to draenor, do not need a high profession skill level to create. You can craft them, and all others you learn, at level 1. Yes, this means you can craft top end enchants the moment you pick up enchanting, even weapon enchants. This means you can level up from 1 to catching up, through making patterns with just draenor based materials.
In addition to that there are many items you can find in the world that will help increase your enchanting skill and will speed you along up to a skill level of 600, where you will now be working on current content as the only things that will continue to give you skill ups. All drops that start these skill gaining quests are dropped from random mobs and require an enchanting skill level of 1, so you can start from the bottom up. All of these are turned in at your garrison.
Cracked Wand: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 5 Draenic Dust
Felled Totem: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 4 Black Rock Ore
Gnarled, Splintered Staff: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 5 True Iron Ore
Ritual Mask Shards: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 3 Draenic Dust
Torn Voodoo Doll: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 10 Draenic Dust
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Unlike previous expansions professions are much more involved this expansion, even if somewhat simplified at the same time. Being tied to buildings in the garrisons it not only opens up more options but different options to either supplement a profession you already have or fill the role of a profession you do not have.
Note: As warlords is still in beta, it is possible some of this information might change before the expansion is released.
Spotlight on Enchanting:
List or all materials you will need to make all items in your enchanting skill book:
Dust and Shards: Draenic Dust, Luminous Shard, Temporal Crystal.
Elements: Sorcerous Air, Sorcerous Earth, Sorcerous Fire, Sorcerous Water.
Ore: Blackrock Ore, True Iron Ore. (leveling to 600 only)
Cloak Enchants:
Breath of Critical Strike: Cloak, +100 Critical Strike
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Haste: Cloak, +100 Haste
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Mastery: Cloak, +100 Mastery
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Multistrike: Cloak, +100 Multistrike
1- Luminous Shard
Breath of Versatility: Cloak, +100 Versatility
1 - Luminous Shard
Gift of Critical Strike: Cloak, +100 Critical Strike +10% Movement Speed
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Air
Gift of Haste: Cloak, +100 Haste +10% Movement Speed
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Earth
Gift of Mastery: Cloak, +100 Mastery +10% Movement Speed
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Water
Gift of Multistrike: Cloak, +100 Multistrike +10% Movement Speed
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Fire
Gift of Versatility: Cloak, +100 Versatility +10% Movement Speed
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Air
Neck Enchants:
Breath of Critical Strike: Neck, +40 Critical Strike
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Haste: Neck, +40 Haste
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Mastery: Neck, +40 Mastery
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Multistrike: Neck, +40 Multistrike
1- Luminous Shard
Breath of Versatility: Neck, +40 Versatility
1 - Luminous Shard
Gift of Critical Strike: Neck, +75 Critical Strike
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Fire
Gift of Haste: Neck, +75 Haste
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Air
Gift of Mastery: Neck, +75 Mastery
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Earth
Gift of Multistrike: Neck, +75 Multistrike
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Water
Gift of Versatility: Neck, +75 Versatility
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Fire
Ring Enchants:
Breath of Critical Strike: Ring, +30 Critical Strike
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Haste: Ring, +30 Haste
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Mastery: Ring, +30 Mastery
1 - Luminous Shard
Breath of Multistrike: Ring, +30 Multistrike
1- Luminous Shard
Breath of Versatility: Ring, +30 Versatility
1 - Luminous Shard
Gift of Critical Strike: Ring, +50 Critical Strike
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Water
Gift of Haste: Ring, +50 Haste
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Fire
Gift of Mastery: Ring, +50 Mastery
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Air
Gift of Multistrike: Ring, +50 Multistrike
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Earth
Gift of Versatility: Ring, +50 Versatility
4 - Temporal Crystal, 3 - Sorcerous Water
Weapon Enchants:
Mark of the Bleeding Hollow: Sometimes increase mastery by 500 for 12 seconds.
15 - Temporal Crystal, 10 - Sorcerous Air
Mark of the Frostwolf: Sometimes increase multistrike by 500 for 6 seconds, may stack 2 times.
15 Temporal Crystal, 10 -Sorcerous Water
Mark of Shadowmoon: Sometimes increase spirit by 500 for 15 seconds.
15 - Temporal Crystal, 10 - Sorcerous Fire
Mark of the Shattered Hand: Sometimes bleed for 1500, sometimes an additional 4500 over 6 seconds.
1 - Temporal Crystal
Mark of the Thunderlord: Sometimes increase crit by 500 for 6 seconds, additional crits while active may extend time.
15 - Temporal Crystals, 10 - Sorcerous Air
Mark of Warsong: Sometimes increase haste by 1000, decreasing my 10% every 2 seconds.
15 - Temporal Crystals, 10 - Sorcerous Fire
Enchanted Dust: Make someone shine for 5 minutes.
1 - Draenic Dust
Luminous Shard: Material
20 - Draenic Dust
Secrets of Draenor Enchanting: Currency (cooldown)
5 - Draenic Dust
Temporal Crystal: Material (cooldown) May create sorcerous fire or air.
1 - Luminous Shard
Learning Draenor Enchanting:
You will receive a quest early on from a draenei chest for alliance or a bladespire chest for horde that will start a quest line. Once you've completed the small quest line you will receive Draenor Enchanting and Garrison Blueprint: Enchanters Study, Level 1.
Draenor enchanting, once clicked on and learned, will boost your maximum enchanting skill to 700 and will teach you all of the following skills. Secrets of Draenor Enchanting and Temporal Crystal, which you should start doing immediately as they are cooldown abilities, as well as the patterns for Breath of Critical Strike, Haste, Mastery, Multistrike and Versatility for rings as well as Breath of Versatility for the neck.
All other enchanting patterns listed above but not listed as being learned from the manual will need to be purchased with the currency you create from the daily cooldown for secrets of draenor enchanting.
If you have the enchanters study in your garrison there will be Yukla Greenshadow (horde) or Ayada the White (alliance) whom you can purchases the plans from right there in your enchanters study. If you do not have an enchanters study on your garrison you can travel to your hub near ashran and purchase the plans from the appropriate vendors there.
There are no items that you need both the enchanters study and the enchanting ability to make so as an enchanter you will be able to make everything with or without an enchanter study, when the time comes for you to make that decision.
Once you have learned everything there is to learn, you can continue to make secrets of draenor enchanting to purchase a small pouch of coins. It remains to be seen if this will be worthwhile come live but it is nice to see that there might still be a reason to keep doing the daily secret cooldown after the 54 days it would take to purchase all the patterns.
Spotlight on The Enchanters Study:
This section will contain two parts. One if you have enchanting as a profession, one if you do not.
If you have Enchanting as a Profession:
Level 1 Enchanters Study:
Once you complete the small quest, mentioned above, that will award you the garrison blueprint for a level 1 enchanters study and you will be able to build your enchanters study.
A level 1 enchanters study will take 1 hour to build and requires 150 gold and 50 garrison resources.
A level 1 enchanters study allows you to produce 7 work orders at a time.
Level 2 Enchanters Study:
A level 2 enchanters study requires you to have a level 2 town hall.
A level 2 enchanters study requires you to have set up your talador outpost or be level 96.
A level 2 enchanters study will take 1 hour to build and requires 300 gold and 100 garrison resources.
A level 2 enchanters study allows you to produce 14 work orders at a time.
A level 2 enchanters study allows you to assign a follower with the enchanting trait to work there.
The blueprint for the level 2 enchanters study is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town hall for 750 gold.
Alternatively you can purchase the blueprints with an Outpost Building Assembly Notes item from Torgg Flexington (horde) or Kinkade Jakobs (alliance) at your ashran base.
Two copies of Outpost Building Assembly Notes can be obtained free from questing by completing the outpost quest line, in both Spires of Arak and Gorgrond. This could effectively save you 1500 gold.
Level 3 Enchanters Study:
A level 3 enchanters study requires you to have a level 3 town hall.
A level 3 enchanters study requires you to have completed the [Working More Orders] achievement and be level 100.
A level 3 enchanters study will take 1 hour to build and requires 500 gold and 300 garrison resources.
A level 3 enchanters study will allow you to produce 21 work orders at a time.
The blueprint for the level 3 enchanters study is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town hall for 1000 gold.
Work Orders:
Enchanting study work orders require 5 draenic dust to produce and each order takes 4 hours to finish. It will award you with a temporal crystal or temporal crystal shards depending on your current enchanting skill level and sometimes one or more sorcerous elements needed for enchanting. Having a higher level enchanters study, which allows you to produce more work orders, means you need to log in to check less often. Orders will stack up if you are not online for a while and you will not miss out on anything. So if you have a 21 order queue you would only need to collect your products and place new orders every 84 hours, which is three and a half days, making this fantastic for those alts you sometimes forget to log into.
Working Follower:
Once your enchanters study reaches level 2 you will be allowed to assign a worker to help there. The worker must have enchanting as a trait as not just any worker can be assigned to any building. A follower working in any garrison building does not gain experience. Consider leveling your follower first before placing them as a worker in one of your buildings. Workers at the enchanters study have a small chance to increase the materials you get when filling work orders, depending on their level, the higher the better of course. Also, if you have a follower working at your enchanters study you will be able to craft illusion scrolls for your weapons that will give them a different look than their actual enchant.
List of past illusions you can put on your weapons are as follows. They all have the appearance of the original enchant of old.
Illusions for All:
Agility, Battlemaster, Beserking, Blood Draining, Crusader, Elemental Force, Executioner, Fiery Weapon, Greater Spellpower, Jade Spirit, Landslide, Lifestealing, Mending, Mongoose, Power Torrent, Rivers Song, Spellsurge, Striking, Unholy
Shaman Only:
Earthliving, Flametongue, Frostbrand, Rockbiter, Windfury.
Hidden, Poisoned (rogue only)
Pros to having the profession:
Increased temporal crystal generation to make enchants faster, chance for additional materials from work orders.
If you do not have Enchanting as a Profession:
Most things will remain the same with a few notable exceptions.
You will not be able to build an enchanters study on your garrison until you level your town hall to level 2.
Once you have a level 2 town hall you learn all level 1 profession building blueprints, so do not worry that you were incapable of doing the quest.
You will be able to make all breath ring enchants, luminous shards, enchanted dust, and mark of the shattered hand weapon enchant with a level 1 enchanters study.
You will be able to make all other breath enchants and gift ring enchants with a level 2 enchanters study.
You will be able to make all other gift enchants as well as disenchant items using your enchanters study at level 3.
You will not be able to make any weapon enchants.
You will not be able to make any temporal crystals.
Cons to not having enchanting as a profession:
No generation of temporal crystals, the requirement of having to have a certain level building to craft stuff, and not being able to craft your own weapon enchants. While not horrible by any means, being an enchanter offers more options. Best for a hunter as they do not need any weapon enchants that the enchanters study has to offer, so they lose nothing in the process.
Catching up or Switching to Enchanting in Warlords:
Even as a level 1 enchanter you can do the quest that will get you the enchanters study blueprints for your garrison along with the draenor enchanting which when learned teaches you some items you can make. Also, as a side bonus, even if you are a skill level 1, once you use the draenor enchanting item you will attain a max level of 700, meaning no need to ever go back to train up again.
The patterns learned, while being native to draenor, do not need a high profession skill level to create. You can craft them, and all others you learn, at level 1. Yes, this means you can craft top end enchants the moment you pick up enchanting, even weapon enchants. This means you can level up from 1 to catching up, through making patterns with just draenor based materials.
In addition to that there are many items you can find in the world that will help increase your enchanting skill and will speed you along up to a skill level of 600, where you will now be working on current content as the only things that will continue to give you skill ups. All drops that start these skill gaining quests are dropped from random mobs and require an enchanting skill level of 1, so you can start from the bottom up. All of these are turned in at your garrison.
Cracked Wand: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 5 Draenic Dust
Felled Totem: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 4 Black Rock Ore
Gnarled, Splintered Staff: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 5 True Iron Ore
Ritual Mask Shards: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 3 Draenic Dust
Torn Voodoo Doll: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 10 Draenic Dust
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Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Garrisons and Professions: Spotlight on Inscription and The Scribes Quarters
This post in one in a series of posts that will be in regards to
garrisons and professions in Warlords of Draenor and how they interact
with each other, and on their own.
Unlike previous expansions professions are much more involved this expansion, even if somewhat simplified at the same time. Being tied to buildings in the garrisons it not only opens up more options but different options to either supplement a profession you already have or fill the role of a profession you do not have.
Note: As warlords is still in beta, it is possible some of this information might change before the expansion is released. Inscription, even with less than 3 weeks to release, is still very much an unfinished product. The information included here is done to the best of my ability.
Spotlight on Inscription
List or all materials you will need to make all items in your inscription skill book:
Inks and Pigments: Warbinders Ink, War Paints, Cerulean Pigment.
Elements: Sorcerous Earth, Sorcerous Water.
Misc: Light Parchment, Simple Wood, Savage Blood. (from level 3 garrison barn building)
Herbs: Frostweed, Nagrand Arrowbloom. (for leveling only)
Inscription went through many changes this expansion but I will be focusing on the new items. It is worth noting that research has changed. Each level of inks has its own research now that could discover a glyph that is made with that ink.
Secrets of Draenor Inscription: Currency (cooldown)
2 - Cerulean Pigment
Warbinders Ink: Material
2 - Cerulean Pigment
War Paints: Material (cooldown)
10 - Cerulean Pigment
Note: there are over 75 new and many other changed glyphs, instead of listing them all, I am just listing one, to show what is needed of the new materials. All draenor based glyphs requires the same materials.
Glyph of ...: One of many new glyphs
3 - Warbinders Ink, 1 - Light Parchment
Research: Warbinders Ink: Discovers a glyph made with warbinders ink, if you know all glyphs made with warbinders in, discovers a glyph made with a lesser ink.
3 - Warbinders Ink, 3 - Light Parchment
Weapons: (part of the warlords crafted 3)
Crystalfire Spellstaff: Item level 630 intellect staff with 2 random secondary stats
100 - War Paints, 1 - Simple Wood
Etched Blade Warstaff: Item level 630 agility staff with 2 random secondary stats
100 - War Paints, 1 - Simple Wood
Shadowtome: Item level 630 intellect offhand with 2 random secondary stats
50 - War Paints, 10 - Light Parchment
Warmasters Firestick: Item level 630 intellect wand with 2 random stats
100 - War Paints, 1 - Simple Wood
Ocean Tarot: 540 item level, +69 main stat, 1 random enhancement
5 - War Paints, 1 - Light Parchment
Laughing Tarot: 565 item level, +87 main stat, 1 random enhancement
5 - War Paints, 1 - Light Parchment
Savage Tarot: 585 item level, +105 main stat, 1 random enhancement
5 - War Paints, 1 - Light Parchment
Card of Omens: Flip the card and win from 1 copper to 6000 gold. (makes 10)
5 - War Paints, 10 - Light Parchment
Darkmoon Card of Draenor: Create a random darkmoon card of Draenor
10 - War Paints, 1 - Light Parchment
Inferno Tarot: Upgrade a 640 inscription trinket to 655
150 - War Paints, 30 Sorcerous Water, 15 - Savage Blood
Molten Tarot: Upgrades a 655 inscription trinket to 655
200 - War Paints, 40 Sorcerous Earth, 15 - Savage Blood
Mystical Crystal: Upgrades a 630 inscription weapon to 640
150 - War Paints, 30 Sorcerous Water, 15 Savage Blood
Glorious Crystal: Upgrades a 640 inscription weapon to 655
200 - War Paints, 40 Sorcerous Earth, 15 - Savage Blood
Volatile Crystal: Reroll the secondary stats on a 630 or higher inscription weapon
10 - War Paint, 5 - Cerulean Pigment
Darkmoon Trinkets: (part of the warlords crafted 3)
Note: at the time of this writing these trinkets do not seem finished, they all have the same proc and none seem to be healer trinkets.
Note: Darkmoon Card of Draenor can end up making joker cards like iron joker, moon joker, war joker or vision joker which can be used for any missing card of that set.
Knights Badge: 640 item level, +175 bonus armor, chance on hit to gain 1396 critical strike for 20 seconds.
1 - Iron Deck
Sandman's Pouch: 640 item level, +175 intellect, chance on hit to gain 1396 critical strike for 20 seconds.
1 - Moon Deck
Skull of War: 640 item level, +175 agility or strength, chance on hit to gain 1396 critical strike for 20 seconds.
1 - War Deck
Winged Hourglass: 640 item level, +175 intellect, chance on hit to gain 1396 critical strike for 20 seconds.
1 - Visions Deck
Non-Scribes can use a Draenic Mortar to mill Draenor herbs which can be crafted with 5 blackiron ore in your scribes quarters. Scribes will have no need for this item.
Learning Draenor Inscription:
You will receive a quest early on from a draenei chest for alliance or a bladespire chest for horde that will start a quest line. Once you've completed the small quest line you will receive Draenor Inscription and Garrison Blueprint: Scribes Quarters, Level 1. If you the scribes quarters quest line as a member of the horde you will also get Prestige Card: The Turn which disguises you as a magma crawler when you complete the quest. As of this writing there is no alliance equivalent.
Draenor inscription, once clicked on and learned, will boost your maximum inscription skill to 700 and will teach you all of the following skills. Secrets of Draenor Inscription and War Paints, which you should start doing immediately as they are cooldown abilities, as well as the patterns for Card or Omens, Laughing Tarot, Ocean Tarot and Savage Targot. All other inscription patterns listed above but not listed as being learned from the manual will need to be purchased with the currency you create from the daily cooldown for secrets of draenor inscription or through research discovery.
If you have the scribes quarters in your garrison there will be (currently unnamed) (horde) or Eric Broadoak (alliance) whom you can purchases the plans from right there in your scribes quarter. If you do not have a scribes quarters on your garrison you can travel to your hub near ashran and purchase the plans from the appropriate vendors there.
There are no items that you need both the scribes quarters and the inscription ability to make so as a scribe you will be able to make everything with or without a scribes quarters, when the time comes for you to make that decision.
Once you have learned everything there is to learn, you can continue to make secrets of draenor inscription to purchase a small pouch of coins. It remains to be seen if this will be worthwhile come live but it is nice to see that there might still be a reason to keep doing the daily secret cooldown after the 29 days it would take to purchase all the patterns.
Spotlight on The Scribes Quarters:
This section will contain two parts. One if you have inscription as a profession, one if you do not.
If you have Inscription as a Profession:
Level 1 Scribes Quarters:
Once you complete the small quest, mentioned above, that will award you the garrison blueprint for a level 1 scribes quarters and you will be able to build your scribes quarters.
A level 1 scribes quarters will take 1 hour to build and requires 150 gold and 50 garrison resources.
A level 1 scribes quarters allows you to produce 7 work orders at a time.
Level 2 Scribes Quarters:
A level 2 scribes quarters requires you to have a level 2 town hall.
A level 2 scribes quarters requires you to have set up your talador outpost or be level 96.
A level 2 scribes quarters will take 1 hour to build and requires 300 gold and 100 garrison resources.
A level 2 scribes quarters allows you to produce 14 work orders at a time.
A level 2 scribes quarters allows you to assign a follower with the inscription trait to work there.
The blueprint for the level 2 scribes quarters is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town hall for 750 gold.
Alternatively you can purchase the blueprints with an Outpost Building Assembly Notes item from Torgg Flexington (horde) or Kinkade Jakobs (alliance) at your ashran base.
Two copies of Outpost Building Assembly Notes can be obtained free from questing by completing the outpost quest line, in both Spires of Arak and Gorgrond. This could effectively save you 1500 gold.
Level 3 Scribes Quarters:
A level 3 scribes quarters requires you to have a level 3 town hall.
A level 3 scribes quarters requires you to have completed the [Working More Orders] achievement and be level 100.
A level 3 scribes quarters will take 1 hour to build and requires 500 gold and 300 garrison resources.
A level 3 scribes quarters will allow you to produce 21 work orders at a time.
The blueprint for the level 3 scribes quarters is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town hall for 1000 gold.
Work Orders:
The scribes quarters work orders require 10 cerulean pigment to produce and each order takes 4 hours to finish. It will award you with war paint and sometimes one or more sorcerous elements needed for inscription. Having a higher level scribes quarters, which allows you to produce more work orders, means you need to log in to check less often. Orders will stack up if you are not online for a while and you will not miss out on anything. So if you have a 21 order queue you would only need to collect your products and place new orders every 84 hours, which is three and a half days, making this fantastic for those alts you sometimes forget to log into.
Working Follower:
Once your scribes quarters reaches level 2 you will be allowed to assign a worker to help there. The worker must have inscription as a trait as not just any worker can be assigned to any building. A follower working in any garrison building does not gain experience. Consider leveling your follower first before placing them as a worker in one of your buildings. Workers at the scribes quarters have a small chance to increase the materials you get when filling work orders, depending on their level, the higher the better of course. Also, if you have a follower working at your scribes quarters you will be able to craft Draenor Merchant Orders, which require 2 light parchment and 4 cerulean pigment to make. The merchant order only has a 1 day duration but if you manage to craft 2 of the same type and merge them together it can create a merchant order or a large merchant order which can be sold for gold, 75 or 225 depending on size. Seems like gamblers might like this little building perk but it serves no real in game use.
Pros to having the profession:
Increased war paint generation to make gear and items faster, chance for additional materials from work orders.
If you do not have Inscription as a Profession:
Most things will remain the same with a few notable exceptions.
You will not be able to build an scribes quarters on your garrison until you level your town hall to level 2.
Once you have a level 2 town hall you learn all level 1 profession building blueprints, so do not worry that you were incapable of doing the quest.
You will be able to make a draenic mortar, card of omens, launching tarot, ocean tarot and savage tarot with a level 1 scribes quarters.
You will be able to make the etched blade warstaff, shadowtime and darkmoon card of draenor with a level 2 scribes quarters.
You will be able to make the Crystalfire Spellstaff and Warmasters Firestick with a level 3 scribes quarters.
You will not be able to make any of the items to upgrade trinkets.
You will not be able to make any of the items to upgrade weapons.
You will not be able to make any glyphs.
Cons to not having inscription as a profession:
Slower generation of war paints, the requirement of having to have a certain level building to craft stuff, and not being able to craft your own gear upgrades or glyphs. While not horrible by any means, being a scribe offers more options.
Catching up or Switching to Inscription in Warlords:
Even as a level 1 scribe you can do the quest that will get you the scribes quarters blueprints for your garrison along with the draenor inscription which when learned teaches you some items you can make. Also, as a side bonus, even if you are a skill level 1, once you use the draenor inscription item you will attain a max level of 700, meaning no need to ever go back to train up again.
Some of patterns learned, while being native to draenor, do not need a high profession skill level to create. You can craft a few of them, and all others you learn, at level 1. Inscription, unlike other professions which can make everything at level 1 only has a couple of things that can be made at that low of a level. New glyphs will not need 600 sill to make but they will need at least 295. This means you can level up from 1 to catching up, through making patterns with just draenor based materials. However, it is not as easy as it is with the other professions.
In addition to that there are many items you can find in the world that will help increase your inscription skill and will speed you along up to a skill level of 600, where you will now be working on current content as the only things that will continue to give you skill ups. All drops that start these skill gaining quests are dropped from random mobs and require a inscription skill level of 1, so you can start from the bottom up. All of these are turned in at your garrison. For inscription these seem more important to leveling up from 1 to max in draenor than they are for the other professions.
Faintly Magical Vellum: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 5 Cerulean Pigment
Ruined Painting: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 10 Frostweed
Tattered Scroll: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 5 Frostweed
Torn Card: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 4 Nagrand Arrowbloom
Waterlogged Book: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 10 Frostweed
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Unlike previous expansions professions are much more involved this expansion, even if somewhat simplified at the same time. Being tied to buildings in the garrisons it not only opens up more options but different options to either supplement a profession you already have or fill the role of a profession you do not have.
Note: As warlords is still in beta, it is possible some of this information might change before the expansion is released. Inscription, even with less than 3 weeks to release, is still very much an unfinished product. The information included here is done to the best of my ability.
Spotlight on Inscription
List or all materials you will need to make all items in your inscription skill book:
Inks and Pigments: Warbinders Ink, War Paints, Cerulean Pigment.
Elements: Sorcerous Earth, Sorcerous Water.
Misc: Light Parchment, Simple Wood, Savage Blood. (from level 3 garrison barn building)
Herbs: Frostweed, Nagrand Arrowbloom. (for leveling only)
Inscription went through many changes this expansion but I will be focusing on the new items. It is worth noting that research has changed. Each level of inks has its own research now that could discover a glyph that is made with that ink.
Secrets of Draenor Inscription: Currency (cooldown)
2 - Cerulean Pigment
Warbinders Ink: Material
2 - Cerulean Pigment
War Paints: Material (cooldown)
10 - Cerulean Pigment
Note: there are over 75 new and many other changed glyphs, instead of listing them all, I am just listing one, to show what is needed of the new materials. All draenor based glyphs requires the same materials.
Glyph of ...: One of many new glyphs
3 - Warbinders Ink, 1 - Light Parchment
Research: Warbinders Ink: Discovers a glyph made with warbinders ink, if you know all glyphs made with warbinders in, discovers a glyph made with a lesser ink.
3 - Warbinders Ink, 3 - Light Parchment
Weapons: (part of the warlords crafted 3)
Crystalfire Spellstaff: Item level 630 intellect staff with 2 random secondary stats
100 - War Paints, 1 - Simple Wood
Etched Blade Warstaff: Item level 630 agility staff with 2 random secondary stats
100 - War Paints, 1 - Simple Wood
Shadowtome: Item level 630 intellect offhand with 2 random secondary stats
50 - War Paints, 10 - Light Parchment
Warmasters Firestick: Item level 630 intellect wand with 2 random stats
100 - War Paints, 1 - Simple Wood
Ocean Tarot: 540 item level, +69 main stat, 1 random enhancement
5 - War Paints, 1 - Light Parchment
Laughing Tarot: 565 item level, +87 main stat, 1 random enhancement
5 - War Paints, 1 - Light Parchment
Savage Tarot: 585 item level, +105 main stat, 1 random enhancement
5 - War Paints, 1 - Light Parchment
Card of Omens: Flip the card and win from 1 copper to 6000 gold. (makes 10)
5 - War Paints, 10 - Light Parchment
Darkmoon Card of Draenor: Create a random darkmoon card of Draenor
10 - War Paints, 1 - Light Parchment
Inferno Tarot: Upgrade a 640 inscription trinket to 655
150 - War Paints, 30 Sorcerous Water, 15 - Savage Blood
Molten Tarot: Upgrades a 655 inscription trinket to 655
200 - War Paints, 40 Sorcerous Earth, 15 - Savage Blood
Mystical Crystal: Upgrades a 630 inscription weapon to 640
150 - War Paints, 30 Sorcerous Water, 15 Savage Blood
Glorious Crystal: Upgrades a 640 inscription weapon to 655
200 - War Paints, 40 Sorcerous Earth, 15 - Savage Blood
Volatile Crystal: Reroll the secondary stats on a 630 or higher inscription weapon
10 - War Paint, 5 - Cerulean Pigment
Darkmoon Trinkets: (part of the warlords crafted 3)
Note: at the time of this writing these trinkets do not seem finished, they all have the same proc and none seem to be healer trinkets.
Note: Darkmoon Card of Draenor can end up making joker cards like iron joker, moon joker, war joker or vision joker which can be used for any missing card of that set.
Knights Badge: 640 item level, +175 bonus armor, chance on hit to gain 1396 critical strike for 20 seconds.
1 - Iron Deck
Sandman's Pouch: 640 item level, +175 intellect, chance on hit to gain 1396 critical strike for 20 seconds.
1 - Moon Deck
Skull of War: 640 item level, +175 agility or strength, chance on hit to gain 1396 critical strike for 20 seconds.
1 - War Deck
Winged Hourglass: 640 item level, +175 intellect, chance on hit to gain 1396 critical strike for 20 seconds.
1 - Visions Deck
Non-Scribes can use a Draenic Mortar to mill Draenor herbs which can be crafted with 5 blackiron ore in your scribes quarters. Scribes will have no need for this item.
Learning Draenor Inscription:
You will receive a quest early on from a draenei chest for alliance or a bladespire chest for horde that will start a quest line. Once you've completed the small quest line you will receive Draenor Inscription and Garrison Blueprint: Scribes Quarters, Level 1. If you the scribes quarters quest line as a member of the horde you will also get Prestige Card: The Turn which disguises you as a magma crawler when you complete the quest. As of this writing there is no alliance equivalent.
Draenor inscription, once clicked on and learned, will boost your maximum inscription skill to 700 and will teach you all of the following skills. Secrets of Draenor Inscription and War Paints, which you should start doing immediately as they are cooldown abilities, as well as the patterns for Card or Omens, Laughing Tarot, Ocean Tarot and Savage Targot. All other inscription patterns listed above but not listed as being learned from the manual will need to be purchased with the currency you create from the daily cooldown for secrets of draenor inscription or through research discovery.
If you have the scribes quarters in your garrison there will be (currently unnamed) (horde) or Eric Broadoak (alliance) whom you can purchases the plans from right there in your scribes quarter. If you do not have a scribes quarters on your garrison you can travel to your hub near ashran and purchase the plans from the appropriate vendors there.
There are no items that you need both the scribes quarters and the inscription ability to make so as a scribe you will be able to make everything with or without a scribes quarters, when the time comes for you to make that decision.
Once you have learned everything there is to learn, you can continue to make secrets of draenor inscription to purchase a small pouch of coins. It remains to be seen if this will be worthwhile come live but it is nice to see that there might still be a reason to keep doing the daily secret cooldown after the 29 days it would take to purchase all the patterns.
Spotlight on The Scribes Quarters:
This section will contain two parts. One if you have inscription as a profession, one if you do not.
If you have Inscription as a Profession:
Level 1 Scribes Quarters:
Once you complete the small quest, mentioned above, that will award you the garrison blueprint for a level 1 scribes quarters and you will be able to build your scribes quarters.
A level 1 scribes quarters will take 1 hour to build and requires 150 gold and 50 garrison resources.
A level 1 scribes quarters allows you to produce 7 work orders at a time.
Level 2 Scribes Quarters:
A level 2 scribes quarters requires you to have a level 2 town hall.
A level 2 scribes quarters requires you to have set up your talador outpost or be level 96.
A level 2 scribes quarters will take 1 hour to build and requires 300 gold and 100 garrison resources.
A level 2 scribes quarters allows you to produce 14 work orders at a time.
A level 2 scribes quarters allows you to assign a follower with the inscription trait to work there.
The blueprint for the level 2 scribes quarters is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town hall for 750 gold.
Alternatively you can purchase the blueprints with an Outpost Building Assembly Notes item from Torgg Flexington (horde) or Kinkade Jakobs (alliance) at your ashran base.
Two copies of Outpost Building Assembly Notes can be obtained free from questing by completing the outpost quest line, in both Spires of Arak and Gorgrond. This could effectively save you 1500 gold.
Level 3 Scribes Quarters:
A level 3 scribes quarters requires you to have a level 3 town hall.
A level 3 scribes quarters requires you to have completed the [Working More Orders] achievement and be level 100.
A level 3 scribes quarters will take 1 hour to build and requires 500 gold and 300 garrison resources.
A level 3 scribes quarters will allow you to produce 21 work orders at a time.
The blueprint for the level 3 scribes quarters is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town hall for 1000 gold.
Work Orders:
The scribes quarters work orders require 10 cerulean pigment to produce and each order takes 4 hours to finish. It will award you with war paint and sometimes one or more sorcerous elements needed for inscription. Having a higher level scribes quarters, which allows you to produce more work orders, means you need to log in to check less often. Orders will stack up if you are not online for a while and you will not miss out on anything. So if you have a 21 order queue you would only need to collect your products and place new orders every 84 hours, which is three and a half days, making this fantastic for those alts you sometimes forget to log into.
Working Follower:
Once your scribes quarters reaches level 2 you will be allowed to assign a worker to help there. The worker must have inscription as a trait as not just any worker can be assigned to any building. A follower working in any garrison building does not gain experience. Consider leveling your follower first before placing them as a worker in one of your buildings. Workers at the scribes quarters have a small chance to increase the materials you get when filling work orders, depending on their level, the higher the better of course. Also, if you have a follower working at your scribes quarters you will be able to craft Draenor Merchant Orders, which require 2 light parchment and 4 cerulean pigment to make. The merchant order only has a 1 day duration but if you manage to craft 2 of the same type and merge them together it can create a merchant order or a large merchant order which can be sold for gold, 75 or 225 depending on size. Seems like gamblers might like this little building perk but it serves no real in game use.
Pros to having the profession:
Increased war paint generation to make gear and items faster, chance for additional materials from work orders.
If you do not have Inscription as a Profession:
Most things will remain the same with a few notable exceptions.
You will not be able to build an scribes quarters on your garrison until you level your town hall to level 2.
Once you have a level 2 town hall you learn all level 1 profession building blueprints, so do not worry that you were incapable of doing the quest.
You will be able to make a draenic mortar, card of omens, launching tarot, ocean tarot and savage tarot with a level 1 scribes quarters.
You will be able to make the etched blade warstaff, shadowtime and darkmoon card of draenor with a level 2 scribes quarters.
You will be able to make the Crystalfire Spellstaff and Warmasters Firestick with a level 3 scribes quarters.
You will not be able to make any of the items to upgrade trinkets.
You will not be able to make any of the items to upgrade weapons.
You will not be able to make any glyphs.
Cons to not having inscription as a profession:
Slower generation of war paints, the requirement of having to have a certain level building to craft stuff, and not being able to craft your own gear upgrades or glyphs. While not horrible by any means, being a scribe offers more options.
Catching up or Switching to Inscription in Warlords:
Even as a level 1 scribe you can do the quest that will get you the scribes quarters blueprints for your garrison along with the draenor inscription which when learned teaches you some items you can make. Also, as a side bonus, even if you are a skill level 1, once you use the draenor inscription item you will attain a max level of 700, meaning no need to ever go back to train up again.
Some of patterns learned, while being native to draenor, do not need a high profession skill level to create. You can craft a few of them, and all others you learn, at level 1. Inscription, unlike other professions which can make everything at level 1 only has a couple of things that can be made at that low of a level. New glyphs will not need 600 sill to make but they will need at least 295. This means you can level up from 1 to catching up, through making patterns with just draenor based materials. However, it is not as easy as it is with the other professions.
In addition to that there are many items you can find in the world that will help increase your inscription skill and will speed you along up to a skill level of 600, where you will now be working on current content as the only things that will continue to give you skill ups. All drops that start these skill gaining quests are dropped from random mobs and require a inscription skill level of 1, so you can start from the bottom up. All of these are turned in at your garrison. For inscription these seem more important to leveling up from 1 to max in draenor than they are for the other professions.
Faintly Magical Vellum: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 5 Cerulean Pigment
Ruined Painting: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 10 Frostweed
Tattered Scroll: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 5 Frostweed
Torn Card: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 4 Nagrand Arrowbloom
Waterlogged Book: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600
Requires: 10 Frostweed
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Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Garrisons and Professions: Spotlight on Engineering and The Engineering Works
This post in one in a series of posts that will be in regards to
garrisons and professions in Warlords of Draenor and how they interact
with each other, and on their own.
Unlike previous expansions professions are much more involved this expansion, even if somewhat simplified at the same time. Being tied to buildings in the garrisons it not only opens up more options but different options to either supplement a profession you already have or fill the role of a profession you do not have.
Note: As warlords is still in beta, it is possible some of this information might change before the expansion is released.
Spotlight on Engineering:
List or all materials you will need to make all items in your engineering skill book:
Engineering: Gearspring Parts.
Ore: Blackiron Ore, True Iron Ore.
Cloth: Sumptuous Fur.
Dust and Shards: Temporal Crystal.
Elements: Sorcerous Air, Sorcerous Fire.
Misc: Savage Blood. (from level 3 garrison barn building)
Crafted Weapon:
Shrediron's Shredder: Gun, 630 item level, agility, stamina, 2 random secondary stats
150 - Gearsrping Parts
Crafted Gear: (part of the warlords crafted three limit)
Cybergenetic Mechshades: Mail Head, 640 item level, intellect/agility, stamina, 2 random secondary stats, requires engineering 600
100 - Gearspring Parts
Night Vision Mechshades: Leather Head, 640 item level, intellect/agility, stamina, 2 random secondary stats, requires engineering 600
100 - Gearspring Parts
Plasma Mechshades: Cloth Head, 640 item level, intellect, stamina, 2 random secondary stats, requires engineering 600
100 - Gearspring Parts
Razorguard Mechshades: Plate Head, 640 item level, intellect/strength, 2 random secondary stats, requires engineering 600
100 - Gearspring Parts
Blackrock Rifling: Upgrade 640 engineer gun to 655.
200 - Gearspring Parts, 40 - Sorcerous Air, 15 - Savage Blood
Didi's Delicate Assembly: Reroll the secondary stats on an engineering gun or goggle over 630.
10 - Gearspring Parts, 5 True Iron Ore, 5 - Blackiron Ore
Linkgrease Locksprocket: Upgrade 640 engineer goggles to 655
150 - Gearspring Parts, 30 - Sorcerous Fire, 15 Savage Blood
Morden's Magnificent Contraption: Upgrade 655 engineer goggles to 665.
200 - Gearspring Part, 40 Sorcerous Air, 15 - Savage Blood
True Iron Trigger: Upgrade 630 engineering gun to 640.
150 - Gearspring Parts, 30 -Sorcerous Fire, 15 - Savage Blood
Hemet's Heartseeker: Sometimes increases mastery by 750 for 12 seconds.
20 - Gearspring Parts
Megawatt Filament: Sometimes increases critical strike by 750 for 12 seconds.
20 - Gearspring Parts
Oglethorpe's Missile Splitter: Sometimes increases multistrike by 750 for 12 seconds.
20 - Gearspring Parts
Findle's Loot-A-Rang: Retrieve loot from a nearby corpse.
50 - Gearspring Parts
Goblin Glider Kit: Reduce fall speed for 2 minutes.
2 - Gearspring Parts, 5 - Sumptuous Fur
Mecha-Blast Rocket: Does damage from up to 40 yards away.
1 - Gearspring Parts
Personal Hologram: Create a temporary hologram of yourself for 1 minute.
50 - Gearspring Parts
Shieldtronic Shield: Protects the user with a 51000 shield that lasts for 15 seconds.
1 - Gearspring Parts
Stealthman 54: Stealth the user as long as they stand still, stealth lasts for up to 6 seconds after movement.
2 - Gearspring Parts
Swapblaster: Swap your location with that of another party member.
50 - Gearspring Parts, 1 - Temporal Crystal
Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife: +10 gathering professions. Includes every profession tool.
5 - Gearspring Parts
Engineering Only Doodads:
Blingtron 5000: Summon blingtron 5000, will fight with other blingtron 5000s.
100 - Gearspring Parts
Wormhole Centrifuge: Create a wormhole to travel around draenor.
50 - Gearspring Parts
World Shrinker: Shrink the entire world for 5 minutes or until you attack.
50 - Gearspring Parts
Lifelike Mechanical Frostboar: Frostboar battle pet.
50 - Gearspring Parts, 40 - Sumptuous Fur
Mechanical Axebeak: Axebeak battle pet.
50 - Gearspring Parts
Mechanical Scorpid: Scorpid battle pet
30 - Gearspring Parts, 10 - Blackiron Ore
Gearspring Parts: Material (cooldown)
10 - True Iron Ore, 10 - Blackiron Ore
Secrets of Draenor Engineering: Currecy (cooldown)
5 - True Iron Ore
Learning Draenor Engineering:
You will receive a quest early on from a draenei chest for alliance or a bladespire chest for horde that will start a quest line. Once you've completed the small quest line you will receive Draenor Engineering and Garrison Blueprint: Engineering Works, Level 1.
Draenor engineering, once clicked on and learned, will boost your maximum engineering skill to 700 and will teach you all of the following skills. Secrets of Draenor Engineering and Gearspring Parts, which you should start doing immediately as they are cooldown abilities, as well as the patterns for Goblin Glider Kit, Mecha-Blast Rocket, Shieldtronic Shield, Stealthman 54, and the Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife. All other engineering patterns listed above but not listed as being learned from the manual will need to be purchased with the currency you create from the daily cooldown for secrets of draenor engineering.
If you have the engineering works in your garrison there will be Pozzlow (horde) or Zaren Hoffle (alliance) whom you can purchases the plans from right there in your engineering works. If you do not have an engineering works on your garrison you can travel to your hub near ashran and purchase the plans from the appropriate vendors there.
There are no items that you need both the engineering works and the engineering ability to make so as an engineer you will be able to make everything with or without an engineering works, when the time comes for you to make that decision.
Once you have learned everything there is to learn, you can continue to make secrets of draenor engineering to purchase a small pouch of coins. It remains to be seen if this will be worthwhile come live but it is nice to see that there might still be a reason to keep doing the daily secret cooldown after the 67(?) days it would take to purchase all the patterns.
Spotlight on The Engineering Works:
This section will contain two parts. One if you have engineering as a profession, one if you do not.
If you have Engineering as a Profession:
Level 1 Engineering Works:
Once you complete the small quest, mentioned above, that will award you the garrison blueprint for a level 1 engineering works and you will be able to build your engineering works.
A level 1 engineering works will take 1 hour to build and requires 150 gold and 50 garrison resources.
A level 1 engineering works allows you to produce 7 work orders at a time.
Level 2 Engineering Works:
A level 2 engineering works requires you to have a level 2 town hall.
A level 2 engineering works requires you to have set up your talador outpost or be level 96.
A level 2 engineering works will take 1 hour to build and requires 300 gold and 100 garrison resources.
A level 2 engineering works allows you to produce 14 work orders at a time.
A level 2 engineering works allows you to assign a follower with the engineering trait to work there.
The blueprint for the level 2 engineering works is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town hall for 750 gold.
Alternatively you can purchase the blueprints with an Outpost Building Assembly Notes item from Torgg Flexington (horde) or Kinkade Jakobs (alliance) at your ashran base.
Two copies of Outpost Building Assembly Notes can be obtained free from questing by completing the outpost quest line, in both Spires of Arak and Gorgrond. This could effectively save you 1500 gold.
Level 3 Engineering Works:
A level 3 engineering works requires you to have a level 3 town hall.
A level 3 engineering works requires you to have completed the [Working More Orders] achievement and be level 100.
A level 3 engineering works will take 1 hour to build and requires 500 gold and 300 garrison resources.
A level 3 engineering works will allow you to produce 21 work orders at a time.
The blueprint for the level 3 engineering works is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town hall for 1000 gold.
Work Orders:
The engineering works work orders require 5 true iron ore to produce and each order takes 4 hours to finish. It will award you with a gearspring part and sometimes one or more sorcerous elements needed for engineering. Having a higher level engineering works, which allows you to produce more work orders, means you need to log in to check less often. Orders will stack up if you are not online for a while and you will not miss out on anything. So if you have a 21 order queue you would only need to collect your products and place new orders every 84 hours, which is three and a half days, making this fantastic for those alts you sometimes forget to log into.
Working Follower:
Once your engineering works reaches level 2 you will be allowed to assign a worker to help there. The worker must have engineering as a trait as not just any worker can be assigned to any building. A follower working in any garrison building does not gain experience. Consider leveling your follower first before placing them as a worker in one of your buildings. Workers at the engineering works have a small chance to increase the materials you get when filling work orders, depending on their level, the higher the better of course. Also, if you have a follower working at your engineering works you will have access to a vendor that will sell you unique things that even non engineers can use such as Walter, a non engineer version of Jeeves with limited charges, GUMM-E, a non engineer version of MOLL-E with limited characters, and some level 600 trinkets which are of little to no use.
Pros to having the profession:
Increased gearspring parts generation to make gear and items faster, chance for additional materials from work orders.
If you do not have Engineering as a Profession:
Most things will remain the same with a few notable exceptions.
You will not be able to build an engineering works on your garrison until you level your town hall to level 2.
Once you have a level 2 town hall you learn all level 1 profession building blueprints, so do not worry that you were incapable of doing the quest.
You will be able to make the goblin glider kit, mecha-blast rocket, shieldtronic shield, stealthman 54, and the ultimate gnomish army knife with a level 1 engineering works.
You will be able to make all scopes and the loot-a-rang with a level 2 engineering works.
You will be able to make all pets, the weapons, swapblaster and personal hologram with a level 3 engineering works.
You will not be able to make any of the items to upgrade armor.
You will not be able to make any of the items to upgrade weapons.
You will not be able to make any of the engineering helms.
You will not be able to make the blingtron 5000.
You will not be able to make the wormhole centrifuge.
Cons to not having engineering as a profession:
Slower generation of gearspring parts, the requirement of having to have a certain level building to craft stuff, and not being able to craft your own gear upgrades, helm, blingtron or wormhole centrifuge. While not horrible by any means, being an engineer offers more options.
Catching up or Switching to Engineering in Warlords:
Even as a level 1 engineer you can do the quest that will get you the engineering works blueprints for your garrison along with the draenor engineering which when learned teaches you some items you can make. Also, as a side bonus, even if you are a skill level 1, once you use the draenor engineering item you will attain a max level of 700, meaning no need to ever go back to train up again.
The patterns learned, while being native to draenor, do not need a high profession skill level to create. You can craft them, and all others you learn, at level 1. Yes, this means you can craft the 640 gear and the items to upgrade it to 655 and then 665 and the 630 weapon and the item to upgrade it to 640 and 655 at level 1 skill. This means you can level up from 1 to catching up, through making patterns with just draenor based materials. However, you will still need to be at least engineering of 600 should you want to wear the helm and certain engineering items will retain their engineering requirements to use.
In addition to that there are many items you can find in the world that will help increase your engineering skill and will speed you along up to a skill level of 600, where you will now be working on current content as the only things that will continue to give you skill ups. All drops that start these skill gaining quests are dropped from random mobs and require a engineering skill level of 1, so you can start from the bottom up. All of these are turned in at your garrison.
Broken Hunting Scope: 5 skill ups, up to level 600
Requires: 5 Blackiron Ore, 5 True Iron Ore
Busted Alarm Bot: 5 skill ups, up to level 600
Requires: 4 True Iron Ore, 4 Blackiron Ore
Faulty Grenade: 5 skill ups, up to level 600
Requires: 8 Blackiron Ore
Trampled Survey Bot: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600.
Requires: 4 Blackiron Ore
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Unlike previous expansions professions are much more involved this expansion, even if somewhat simplified at the same time. Being tied to buildings in the garrisons it not only opens up more options but different options to either supplement a profession you already have or fill the role of a profession you do not have.
Note: As warlords is still in beta, it is possible some of this information might change before the expansion is released.
Spotlight on Engineering:
List or all materials you will need to make all items in your engineering skill book:
Engineering: Gearspring Parts.
Ore: Blackiron Ore, True Iron Ore.
Cloth: Sumptuous Fur.
Dust and Shards: Temporal Crystal.
Elements: Sorcerous Air, Sorcerous Fire.
Misc: Savage Blood. (from level 3 garrison barn building)
Crafted Weapon:
Shrediron's Shredder: Gun, 630 item level, agility, stamina, 2 random secondary stats
150 - Gearsrping Parts
Crafted Gear: (part of the warlords crafted three limit)
Cybergenetic Mechshades: Mail Head, 640 item level, intellect/agility, stamina, 2 random secondary stats, requires engineering 600
100 - Gearspring Parts
Night Vision Mechshades: Leather Head, 640 item level, intellect/agility, stamina, 2 random secondary stats, requires engineering 600
100 - Gearspring Parts
Plasma Mechshades: Cloth Head, 640 item level, intellect, stamina, 2 random secondary stats, requires engineering 600
100 - Gearspring Parts
Razorguard Mechshades: Plate Head, 640 item level, intellect/strength, 2 random secondary stats, requires engineering 600
100 - Gearspring Parts
Blackrock Rifling: Upgrade 640 engineer gun to 655.
200 - Gearspring Parts, 40 - Sorcerous Air, 15 - Savage Blood
Didi's Delicate Assembly: Reroll the secondary stats on an engineering gun or goggle over 630.
10 - Gearspring Parts, 5 True Iron Ore, 5 - Blackiron Ore
Linkgrease Locksprocket: Upgrade 640 engineer goggles to 655
150 - Gearspring Parts, 30 - Sorcerous Fire, 15 Savage Blood
Morden's Magnificent Contraption: Upgrade 655 engineer goggles to 665.
200 - Gearspring Part, 40 Sorcerous Air, 15 - Savage Blood
True Iron Trigger: Upgrade 630 engineering gun to 640.
150 - Gearspring Parts, 30 -Sorcerous Fire, 15 - Savage Blood
Hemet's Heartseeker: Sometimes increases mastery by 750 for 12 seconds.
20 - Gearspring Parts
Megawatt Filament: Sometimes increases critical strike by 750 for 12 seconds.
20 - Gearspring Parts
Oglethorpe's Missile Splitter: Sometimes increases multistrike by 750 for 12 seconds.
20 - Gearspring Parts
Findle's Loot-A-Rang: Retrieve loot from a nearby corpse.
50 - Gearspring Parts
Goblin Glider Kit: Reduce fall speed for 2 minutes.
2 - Gearspring Parts, 5 - Sumptuous Fur
Mecha-Blast Rocket: Does damage from up to 40 yards away.
1 - Gearspring Parts
Personal Hologram: Create a temporary hologram of yourself for 1 minute.
50 - Gearspring Parts
Shieldtronic Shield: Protects the user with a 51000 shield that lasts for 15 seconds.
1 - Gearspring Parts
Stealthman 54: Stealth the user as long as they stand still, stealth lasts for up to 6 seconds after movement.
2 - Gearspring Parts
Swapblaster: Swap your location with that of another party member.
50 - Gearspring Parts, 1 - Temporal Crystal
Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife: +10 gathering professions. Includes every profession tool.
5 - Gearspring Parts
Engineering Only Doodads:
Blingtron 5000: Summon blingtron 5000, will fight with other blingtron 5000s.
100 - Gearspring Parts
Wormhole Centrifuge: Create a wormhole to travel around draenor.
50 - Gearspring Parts
World Shrinker: Shrink the entire world for 5 minutes or until you attack.
50 - Gearspring Parts
Lifelike Mechanical Frostboar: Frostboar battle pet.
50 - Gearspring Parts, 40 - Sumptuous Fur
Mechanical Axebeak: Axebeak battle pet.
50 - Gearspring Parts
Mechanical Scorpid: Scorpid battle pet
30 - Gearspring Parts, 10 - Blackiron Ore
Gearspring Parts: Material (cooldown)
10 - True Iron Ore, 10 - Blackiron Ore
Secrets of Draenor Engineering: Currecy (cooldown)
5 - True Iron Ore
Learning Draenor Engineering:
You will receive a quest early on from a draenei chest for alliance or a bladespire chest for horde that will start a quest line. Once you've completed the small quest line you will receive Draenor Engineering and Garrison Blueprint: Engineering Works, Level 1.
Draenor engineering, once clicked on and learned, will boost your maximum engineering skill to 700 and will teach you all of the following skills. Secrets of Draenor Engineering and Gearspring Parts, which you should start doing immediately as they are cooldown abilities, as well as the patterns for Goblin Glider Kit, Mecha-Blast Rocket, Shieldtronic Shield, Stealthman 54, and the Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife. All other engineering patterns listed above but not listed as being learned from the manual will need to be purchased with the currency you create from the daily cooldown for secrets of draenor engineering.
If you have the engineering works in your garrison there will be Pozzlow (horde) or Zaren Hoffle (alliance) whom you can purchases the plans from right there in your engineering works. If you do not have an engineering works on your garrison you can travel to your hub near ashran and purchase the plans from the appropriate vendors there.
There are no items that you need both the engineering works and the engineering ability to make so as an engineer you will be able to make everything with or without an engineering works, when the time comes for you to make that decision.
Once you have learned everything there is to learn, you can continue to make secrets of draenor engineering to purchase a small pouch of coins. It remains to be seen if this will be worthwhile come live but it is nice to see that there might still be a reason to keep doing the daily secret cooldown after the 67(?) days it would take to purchase all the patterns.
Spotlight on The Engineering Works:
This section will contain two parts. One if you have engineering as a profession, one if you do not.
If you have Engineering as a Profession:
Level 1 Engineering Works:
Once you complete the small quest, mentioned above, that will award you the garrison blueprint for a level 1 engineering works and you will be able to build your engineering works.
A level 1 engineering works will take 1 hour to build and requires 150 gold and 50 garrison resources.
A level 1 engineering works allows you to produce 7 work orders at a time.
Level 2 Engineering Works:
A level 2 engineering works requires you to have a level 2 town hall.
A level 2 engineering works requires you to have set up your talador outpost or be level 96.
A level 2 engineering works will take 1 hour to build and requires 300 gold and 100 garrison resources.
A level 2 engineering works allows you to produce 14 work orders at a time.
A level 2 engineering works allows you to assign a follower with the engineering trait to work there.
The blueprint for the level 2 engineering works is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town hall for 750 gold.
Alternatively you can purchase the blueprints with an Outpost Building Assembly Notes item from Torgg Flexington (horde) or Kinkade Jakobs (alliance) at your ashran base.
Two copies of Outpost Building Assembly Notes can be obtained free from questing by completing the outpost quest line, in both Spires of Arak and Gorgrond. This could effectively save you 1500 gold.
Level 3 Engineering Works:
A level 3 engineering works requires you to have a level 3 town hall.
A level 3 engineering works requires you to have completed the [Working More Orders] achievement and be level 100.
A level 3 engineering works will take 1 hour to build and requires 500 gold and 300 garrison resources.
A level 3 engineering works will allow you to produce 21 work orders at a time.
The blueprint for the level 3 engineering works is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town hall for 1000 gold.
Work Orders:
The engineering works work orders require 5 true iron ore to produce and each order takes 4 hours to finish. It will award you with a gearspring part and sometimes one or more sorcerous elements needed for engineering. Having a higher level engineering works, which allows you to produce more work orders, means you need to log in to check less often. Orders will stack up if you are not online for a while and you will not miss out on anything. So if you have a 21 order queue you would only need to collect your products and place new orders every 84 hours, which is three and a half days, making this fantastic for those alts you sometimes forget to log into.
Working Follower:
Once your engineering works reaches level 2 you will be allowed to assign a worker to help there. The worker must have engineering as a trait as not just any worker can be assigned to any building. A follower working in any garrison building does not gain experience. Consider leveling your follower first before placing them as a worker in one of your buildings. Workers at the engineering works have a small chance to increase the materials you get when filling work orders, depending on their level, the higher the better of course. Also, if you have a follower working at your engineering works you will have access to a vendor that will sell you unique things that even non engineers can use such as Walter, a non engineer version of Jeeves with limited charges, GUMM-E, a non engineer version of MOLL-E with limited characters, and some level 600 trinkets which are of little to no use.
Pros to having the profession:
Increased gearspring parts generation to make gear and items faster, chance for additional materials from work orders.
If you do not have Engineering as a Profession:
Most things will remain the same with a few notable exceptions.
You will not be able to build an engineering works on your garrison until you level your town hall to level 2.
Once you have a level 2 town hall you learn all level 1 profession building blueprints, so do not worry that you were incapable of doing the quest.
You will be able to make the goblin glider kit, mecha-blast rocket, shieldtronic shield, stealthman 54, and the ultimate gnomish army knife with a level 1 engineering works.
You will be able to make all scopes and the loot-a-rang with a level 2 engineering works.
You will be able to make all pets, the weapons, swapblaster and personal hologram with a level 3 engineering works.
You will not be able to make any of the items to upgrade armor.
You will not be able to make any of the items to upgrade weapons.
You will not be able to make any of the engineering helms.
You will not be able to make the blingtron 5000.
You will not be able to make the wormhole centrifuge.
Cons to not having engineering as a profession:
Slower generation of gearspring parts, the requirement of having to have a certain level building to craft stuff, and not being able to craft your own gear upgrades, helm, blingtron or wormhole centrifuge. While not horrible by any means, being an engineer offers more options.
Catching up or Switching to Engineering in Warlords:
Even as a level 1 engineer you can do the quest that will get you the engineering works blueprints for your garrison along with the draenor engineering which when learned teaches you some items you can make. Also, as a side bonus, even if you are a skill level 1, once you use the draenor engineering item you will attain a max level of 700, meaning no need to ever go back to train up again.
The patterns learned, while being native to draenor, do not need a high profession skill level to create. You can craft them, and all others you learn, at level 1. Yes, this means you can craft the 640 gear and the items to upgrade it to 655 and then 665 and the 630 weapon and the item to upgrade it to 640 and 655 at level 1 skill. This means you can level up from 1 to catching up, through making patterns with just draenor based materials. However, you will still need to be at least engineering of 600 should you want to wear the helm and certain engineering items will retain their engineering requirements to use.
In addition to that there are many items you can find in the world that will help increase your engineering skill and will speed you along up to a skill level of 600, where you will now be working on current content as the only things that will continue to give you skill ups. All drops that start these skill gaining quests are dropped from random mobs and require a engineering skill level of 1, so you can start from the bottom up. All of these are turned in at your garrison.
Broken Hunting Scope: 5 skill ups, up to level 600
Requires: 5 Blackiron Ore, 5 True Iron Ore
Busted Alarm Bot: 5 skill ups, up to level 600
Requires: 4 True Iron Ore, 4 Blackiron Ore
Faulty Grenade: 5 skill ups, up to level 600
Requires: 8 Blackiron Ore
Trampled Survey Bot: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600.
Requires: 4 Blackiron Ore
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Monday, October 27, 2014
Monday Random Thoughts
- Taking a day off from the garrisons and professions posts.
- Because it is random thoughts time.
- Been running horseman on my paladin because there is something I want from it.
- Have the mount from a while back.
- How many people do you know that are doing horseman to actually get the sword or helm?
- Yeah, that is how poorly my paladin is geared.
- Both of my paladins really.
- The lower one did the blasted lands quests.
- Not sure about anyone else but my paladin feels powerful even at a 498 item level.
- It is my lowest geared character.
- Don't think I touched it since it hit 90 and I made it all timeless gear and did the world boss rounds that first day.
- It actually needed every single piece of gear from the blasted lands quests.
- But I had absolutely no problem with it, even at that item level.
- I could pull multiple mobs in tank spec, and make fairly quick work of them.
- In the end my 498 paladin had a much easier time than my other low geared character, my 518 second mage.
- Say what you want about the blasted lands lead in quests, but they were designed for everyone, and I think that is good.
- Even a fresh 90 could hit timeless island, grab a couple of pieces, and have little to no problem there.
- This seems to be blizzards new direction, and I like it.
- Make all outdoor content intended for everyone.
- There is always a problem however because the well geared people complain.
- And blizzard has this horrible problem of listening to the 1% and they really need to stop doing that.
- Well guess what, the content is not made for the well geared, it is made for everyone.
- So the well geared people should just be happy they can get it done fast and they have something to do.
- Games need to be designed from the bottom up, not from the top down.
- Can't make new content for people with 570 and 580 gear and expect more than 1% of the population to have fun with it.
- Not to mention, us people in 570 and 580 gear would still blow through it in a matter of minutes anyway even if they did make it harder.
- We would still say it was super easy no matter how hard they made it.
- Because we are that type of player that would find it easy.
- That is why we are 570 to 580.
- So instead of designing for the 1% and telling everyone else to go to hell they designed it for the 99%.
- Like I said, works for me, no matter how they made it, I would have blown through it quickly on my mains.
- But at least this way I was able to do it on my 498 paladin, and I like that.
- Speaking of item level, got one of my hunters to 580 item level.
- And it is still wearing 2 LFR pieces.
- What?
- I know right.
- Talk about bad luck with drops.
- I finally ran into a situation that I said I knew would happen.
- The new group finder declining people and causing drama.
- I had two personal experiences with it.
- Trying to get that previously mentioned 518 mage some gear I looked for an ordos group.
- First off, with the new design it is nearly impossible to find a group.
- After 30 minutes waiting for one I signed up for the one that popped up and got declined.
- I assume based on item level.
- I just do not understand that.
- They ended up going with 20 people.
- Why not go with 21?
- It is not scaled content, the boss does the same abilities for the same damage and has the same health whether you have 20 people or 200 people there.
- So who cares that I would only pull maybe 3K, it is still 3K more than they would have had without me.
- I always run up to ordos when I queue for it, because everyone should.
- I don't believe in that "press 1 for summon" BS.
- If you want to do ordos, get there.
- Don't assume a warlock will be there.
- If you are too lazy to head there on your own, I am too lazy to invite your worthless ass.
- Seems fair to me.
- At least make an effort and start heading there and just be happy if you get a summon.
- Either way, standing there on my mage, wasting my time, because I can't do anything else up there at that item level.
- Not like I can go killing the mobs for coins and rep in that area at 518 on my mage.
- I waited until another ordos group popped up.
- I requested to join, they let it time out.
- I requested again, they let it time out.
- I figured maybe they are doing the "nice" thing and not declining me, so I do not feel rejected.
- If that were the case, I guess it is a good thing, because it really does suck to be declined.
- Another group popped up and I applied, and immediately got declined.
- It is as if they saw 518 item level and instantly declined.
- Even with a low item level, the more the better, even more so now that ordos seems to be a hard fight with few people.
- So I thought maybe they were declining based on item level because they assumed I did not have the legendary cloak.
- Makes sense I guess, no way you would have the legendary and still have that low of an item level.
- So I actually put a comment this time.
- Standing at ordos, have 12 cloaks, this is an alt.
- Okay, so there is absolutely no way anyone could decline now.
- I am there, I have the cloak, and still I got declined.
- I said screw this and just teleported out of there.
- World bosses are intended to gear up alts.
- If an alt can not get there, what the hell is the use of even having a world boss.
- In the end it did not matter to me, I was just doing it for something to do.
- I like gearing up characters, but it is not necessary, more so when it is now just wasting my time.
- I am not a fan of wasting my time.
- That was my second mage to begin with, and I do not even raid on my first mage.
- But for many other players, getting turned down for content like that, stuff that is intended to help them gear up, can really hurt the game.
- The old system of list your name and wait for an invite was ten thousand times better.
- At least people did not feel like they were being held back.
- Not getting an invitation is better than being declined.
- For the person, for the game, for everyone involved.
- Blizzards new system is nothing but bad when it concerns world bosses.
- And I am really skeptical about its long term use for anything else.
- People are already using it to troll.
- It is not like they are declining people for a real reason.
- One of my guild mates, a 578 healer, kept getting declined.
- From groups that needed healers.
- From groups that were only asking for 500.
- She has been killing garrosh for almost a year, has a 578 item level, they are in need of a healer, the only explanation for declining her is they are trolling.
- Then we started to talk, and it seemed to be the same for everyone.
- On low toons we could understand it, but even on high toons it was happening to everyone.
- Groups asking for a specific thing, 550 item level, you apply, 570+, say you have done it, still get declined.
- Happened to everyone I spoke to, over and over and over.
- The only answer is that people are trolling.
- Then the cesspool we call trade chat confirmed it.
- Hearing people talking about creating groups saying things like need 1 DPS than GTG and then declining everyone that applied.
- They were laughing because they knew they were upsetting people.
- They said so many things like they wonder how many people would be crying they got turned down, how many people would log off and rage quit, they were all laughing about it.
- Good going blizzard, once again you completely missed how the player base would abuse a system you put into the game.
- Great idea, horrible implementation, would be so much better with moderation.
- Just like the LFR.
- Blizzard always has great ideas, no doubt about that.
- They just need to realize that their player base will abuse those ideas.
- When will they just add moderators to keep people in line?
- How does blizzard not see this was going to happen but some idiot like me writing a blog called it?
- Maybe because I have a brain, something no one at blizzard has.
- Sad, the tool would have been great, but decline trolls already have ruined it.
- I killed heroic garrosh 10 times this week already, might do a few more kills tonight.
- Not a single one of them using the in game tool.
- I built all the groups myself the old fashion way.
- On my server, by inviting people, and having them invite friends.
- I stayed about as far away from the in game tool as possible.
- Had some one shots, had some wipes, even had one really really hard time, but over all, I had more success with that than anyone could have had with the group finder.
- I carried guild mates as low as 504 item level to a heroic kill.
- One guild mate who was trying to get a garrosh kill for him, his wife and his brother, all day and kept getting turned down started talking about wanting to quit the game.
- See, this is what I was talking about when I said that declining people would really hurt the player base over all.
- The invite if you want them option is better than setting people up for failure like it is now with the decline option.
- He spent the better part of 8 hours trying to get a group only to get declined over and over and the couple of groups that he did get into broke up after only one wipe.
- So it was about time for me to head off and I saw him saying this.
- He, his wife and his brother have never really raid with us much, maybe once, so I did not know what they could do.
- I whispered him and said, don't log off, give me a minute to check something.
- I shot out a few whispers, got me 2 healers and a tank, and filled with the most powerful damage dealers on, which was slim pickings.
- Figured I did not know what to expect from them, so want to hedge my bets.
- All three had never done the boss before, 2 did not even have voice chat to listen.
- I invited them, said zone in quick, I got 20 minutes.
- We killed trash, we one shot garrosh, they did quite well actually and were not being carried, they pulled their weight.
- I then logged off having gotten them their kill they tried for 8 hours to get but apparently the group finder didn't think they were good enough for.
- They did not seem to hinder my group which consisted of them, a bunch of 540 or so alts, and only 1 main out of 14 people there.
- Call it my good deed for the day helping them out.
- Maybe next week it will help me with my mount runs.
- Karma and all, you know.
- I had not known they were looking all day or I would have invited them earlier.
- Had done a couple of killers earlier in the day.
- Word to the wise, it helps to speak up people.
- We can't help you unless you help yourself.
- If anyone wants to know how I managed 10 heroic kills in one week I'll give a quick run down.
- I took one of my hunters being I have a bunch of them and already have a few heirlooms for them now, and quick cleared the first 13.
- I then dropped group and finished with another character.
- I then started a new group with the hunter as lead, invited 2 people, even if they had killed garrosh arleady, it makes no difference.
- I zoned in first, then they zoned in afterwards.
- I passed one of them lead, dropped group, switched to another character that needed the kill.
- Rinse and repeat.
- I am able to do garrosh over and over, and people that already killed him can do it over and over as well.
- The key is my hunter with the lockout needed to go in first.
- If you killed garrosh already you can not get awarded loot, but you can use a coin again.
- It works because it allows people to help others get their kill on.
- I tanked it 2 times on my druid, healed it 3 times on my priest, you get the idea.
- I did manage to get a few of my alts in there to get some heirlooms, so it is a one hand washes the other thing.
- I do a weak character and a few friends do some better ones, and then we trade off.
- That way we all get kills and we all get heirlooms.
- And I bring along a few people that do not raid normally each time.
- And I do not charge them.
- Every time I see someone in trade selling a heroic garrosh kill and someone interested in buying, I take the buyer along for free.
- If they seems like they are a decent person.
- If they talk in trade like a half wit while trying to buy using things like "u" instead of "you" and never capitalizing the beginning of a sentence, or using leet speak, or things like that, they can rot for all I care.
- No reason anyone should have to pay for it.
- Even those half wits, but I let someone else help them.
- The game is supposed to be about fun.
- And maybe, just maybe, that really bad player I let tag along today becomes serious about the game later, he or she might remember the nice hunter that took them along for free when everyone else wanted to charge them.
- Karma and all you know.
- I would rather make friends than make money anyway.
- And even if I do not make friends, it makes me feel better helping someone than it would taking their money.
- Yeah, I am a sap sometimes.
- No new mounts to report, but that is not from lack of trying.
- Finally think I got spine down to a science.
- Have done it a fair bit now and always seem to make one mistake and always wipe at least once.
- But did it on one attempt this week, on multiple characters.
- So looks like I finally got the grove working for me.
- Let me offer a word to the wise for the fight before spine on the ship.
- Never kill the drake before it is over the deck of the boat.
- Most embarrassing wipe of the week.
- If you kill the drake before it is over the deck it will drop the elite it is carrying over the side and instant wipe you.
- :(
- Decided to try my hand at soloing on my rogue to see how well I could do.
- Did throne of the four winds on my rogue, which might not be impressive to anyone else out there, but to me I was really impressed.
- Wiped once on the first boss (bosses) due to not having enough healing.
- Switched the order I was killing them in and had no problem at all.
- No mount when I finished it however, but now I have another character that can do it.
- So even more characters that can not get the mount.
- Been running ZG on more than a few characters every day for those mounts.
- Rogue went there and killed the bosses faster than my hunter did.
- My hunters record was 2 second for one and 4 seconds for the other.
- Rogue did one in 1 second and the other in 3.
- Sad how my rogue kills faster than my hunter.
- At 30 item levels lower too.
- 1 second? I laughed when I saw that.
- Not getting the mounts is an interesting situation.
- If I get the mounts I am going for I will be happy I got them, but I would lose my something to do when there are down times.
- So it is a double edged sword.
- Get them and have nothing to do, not get them and be upset I never get them.
- Did onyxia again on a bunch of characters, no mount, a friend did it for a mog piece he was looking for and got this 3rd one.
- He has only done it 4 times.
- I have done it at least 100 times over all my characters.
- More sad faces here.
- I was thinking of ZG and the fact that at the time I used to come on and valor cap at least 2 characters on tuesday.
- Being there were only 2 dungeons that means I was doing it either 3 or 4 times a week on each of those characters.
- Then on other characters over the course of the week.
- So I do not think it would be out of line to completely guess at a number of times I have killed them at being around 200 times and I have never seen the mounts drop from either of them.
- That is a really crappy drop rate if you ask me.
- I am sure I am well over that number on stonecore too.
- And a few others.
- There are three numbers I am trying to reach before the expansion.
- I was aiming for 600 pets, 250 mounts and 100 toys.
- I am pleased to announce, thanks to the argent tournament banners, I managed to get the 100 toys achievement.
- I am at 243 mounts and 574 unique pets.
- Both are attainable before the expansion, but time is running out.
- Another good mount week like I had the week before this one and the mount one could be done.
- The pet one would require a lot of luck or spending a ton on the auction house, which I am adverse to doing before an expansion knowing I will want to open all the garrisons ASAP.
- Not like it costs as much as I have, but I like to have extra.
- It could be done, but I am not stressing it.
- Wonder how many people have 100 toys already?
- I would have more but there are some things I never bought due to bag space issues.
- Some of them are no longer in game.
- I think blizzard should give us a chance to get them again.
- I am sure there are many of us that would have bought them if there were a toy box then, but didn't because of bag space issues.
- Would be nice to have a second shot at some of those things removed from the game, like the battlefield barrens toys.
- I bought pets with my mojos because it seemed like a better investment, and I could send them to another character to hold for sale later, so no bag space issues.
- I would have bought the toys, but had space issues.
- I want my toys.
- I will gladly trade the 20 pets I have for the 3 toys.
- But after putting in a ticket suggesting it and being turned down, it does not seem likely we will ever get a shot at picking up things we missed.
- More sad faces.
- Remember, toys make for great fun between pulls or on break in a raid.
- Can never have too many of them.
- Have a great day.
- Because it is random thoughts time.
- Been running horseman on my paladin because there is something I want from it.
- Have the mount from a while back.
- How many people do you know that are doing horseman to actually get the sword or helm?
- Yeah, that is how poorly my paladin is geared.
- Both of my paladins really.
- The lower one did the blasted lands quests.
- Not sure about anyone else but my paladin feels powerful even at a 498 item level.
- It is my lowest geared character.
- Don't think I touched it since it hit 90 and I made it all timeless gear and did the world boss rounds that first day.
- It actually needed every single piece of gear from the blasted lands quests.
- But I had absolutely no problem with it, even at that item level.
- I could pull multiple mobs in tank spec, and make fairly quick work of them.
- In the end my 498 paladin had a much easier time than my other low geared character, my 518 second mage.
- Say what you want about the blasted lands lead in quests, but they were designed for everyone, and I think that is good.
- Even a fresh 90 could hit timeless island, grab a couple of pieces, and have little to no problem there.
- This seems to be blizzards new direction, and I like it.
- Make all outdoor content intended for everyone.
- There is always a problem however because the well geared people complain.
- And blizzard has this horrible problem of listening to the 1% and they really need to stop doing that.
- Well guess what, the content is not made for the well geared, it is made for everyone.
- So the well geared people should just be happy they can get it done fast and they have something to do.
- Games need to be designed from the bottom up, not from the top down.
- Can't make new content for people with 570 and 580 gear and expect more than 1% of the population to have fun with it.
- Not to mention, us people in 570 and 580 gear would still blow through it in a matter of minutes anyway even if they did make it harder.
- We would still say it was super easy no matter how hard they made it.
- Because we are that type of player that would find it easy.
- That is why we are 570 to 580.
- So instead of designing for the 1% and telling everyone else to go to hell they designed it for the 99%.
- Like I said, works for me, no matter how they made it, I would have blown through it quickly on my mains.
- But at least this way I was able to do it on my 498 paladin, and I like that.
- Speaking of item level, got one of my hunters to 580 item level.
- And it is still wearing 2 LFR pieces.
- What?
- I know right.
- Talk about bad luck with drops.
- I finally ran into a situation that I said I knew would happen.
- The new group finder declining people and causing drama.
- I had two personal experiences with it.
- Trying to get that previously mentioned 518 mage some gear I looked for an ordos group.
- First off, with the new design it is nearly impossible to find a group.
- After 30 minutes waiting for one I signed up for the one that popped up and got declined.
- I assume based on item level.
- I just do not understand that.
- They ended up going with 20 people.
- Why not go with 21?
- It is not scaled content, the boss does the same abilities for the same damage and has the same health whether you have 20 people or 200 people there.
- So who cares that I would only pull maybe 3K, it is still 3K more than they would have had without me.
- I always run up to ordos when I queue for it, because everyone should.
- I don't believe in that "press 1 for summon" BS.
- If you want to do ordos, get there.
- Don't assume a warlock will be there.
- If you are too lazy to head there on your own, I am too lazy to invite your worthless ass.
- Seems fair to me.
- At least make an effort and start heading there and just be happy if you get a summon.
- Either way, standing there on my mage, wasting my time, because I can't do anything else up there at that item level.
- Not like I can go killing the mobs for coins and rep in that area at 518 on my mage.
- I waited until another ordos group popped up.
- I requested to join, they let it time out.
- I requested again, they let it time out.
- I figured maybe they are doing the "nice" thing and not declining me, so I do not feel rejected.
- If that were the case, I guess it is a good thing, because it really does suck to be declined.
- Another group popped up and I applied, and immediately got declined.
- It is as if they saw 518 item level and instantly declined.
- Even with a low item level, the more the better, even more so now that ordos seems to be a hard fight with few people.
- So I thought maybe they were declining based on item level because they assumed I did not have the legendary cloak.
- Makes sense I guess, no way you would have the legendary and still have that low of an item level.
- So I actually put a comment this time.
- Standing at ordos, have 12 cloaks, this is an alt.
- Okay, so there is absolutely no way anyone could decline now.
- I am there, I have the cloak, and still I got declined.
- I said screw this and just teleported out of there.
- World bosses are intended to gear up alts.
- If an alt can not get there, what the hell is the use of even having a world boss.
- In the end it did not matter to me, I was just doing it for something to do.
- I like gearing up characters, but it is not necessary, more so when it is now just wasting my time.
- I am not a fan of wasting my time.
- That was my second mage to begin with, and I do not even raid on my first mage.
- But for many other players, getting turned down for content like that, stuff that is intended to help them gear up, can really hurt the game.
- The old system of list your name and wait for an invite was ten thousand times better.
- At least people did not feel like they were being held back.
- Not getting an invitation is better than being declined.
- For the person, for the game, for everyone involved.
- Blizzards new system is nothing but bad when it concerns world bosses.
- And I am really skeptical about its long term use for anything else.
- People are already using it to troll.
- It is not like they are declining people for a real reason.
- One of my guild mates, a 578 healer, kept getting declined.
- From groups that needed healers.
- From groups that were only asking for 500.
- She has been killing garrosh for almost a year, has a 578 item level, they are in need of a healer, the only explanation for declining her is they are trolling.
- Then we started to talk, and it seemed to be the same for everyone.
- On low toons we could understand it, but even on high toons it was happening to everyone.
- Groups asking for a specific thing, 550 item level, you apply, 570+, say you have done it, still get declined.
- Happened to everyone I spoke to, over and over and over.
- The only answer is that people are trolling.
- Then the cesspool we call trade chat confirmed it.
- Hearing people talking about creating groups saying things like need 1 DPS than GTG and then declining everyone that applied.
- They were laughing because they knew they were upsetting people.
- They said so many things like they wonder how many people would be crying they got turned down, how many people would log off and rage quit, they were all laughing about it.
- Good going blizzard, once again you completely missed how the player base would abuse a system you put into the game.
- Great idea, horrible implementation, would be so much better with moderation.
- Just like the LFR.
- Blizzard always has great ideas, no doubt about that.
- They just need to realize that their player base will abuse those ideas.
- When will they just add moderators to keep people in line?
- How does blizzard not see this was going to happen but some idiot like me writing a blog called it?
- Maybe because I have a brain, something no one at blizzard has.
- Sad, the tool would have been great, but decline trolls already have ruined it.
- I killed heroic garrosh 10 times this week already, might do a few more kills tonight.
- Not a single one of them using the in game tool.
- I built all the groups myself the old fashion way.
- On my server, by inviting people, and having them invite friends.
- I stayed about as far away from the in game tool as possible.
- Had some one shots, had some wipes, even had one really really hard time, but over all, I had more success with that than anyone could have had with the group finder.
- I carried guild mates as low as 504 item level to a heroic kill.
- One guild mate who was trying to get a garrosh kill for him, his wife and his brother, all day and kept getting turned down started talking about wanting to quit the game.
- See, this is what I was talking about when I said that declining people would really hurt the player base over all.
- The invite if you want them option is better than setting people up for failure like it is now with the decline option.
- He spent the better part of 8 hours trying to get a group only to get declined over and over and the couple of groups that he did get into broke up after only one wipe.
- So it was about time for me to head off and I saw him saying this.
- He, his wife and his brother have never really raid with us much, maybe once, so I did not know what they could do.
- I whispered him and said, don't log off, give me a minute to check something.
- I shot out a few whispers, got me 2 healers and a tank, and filled with the most powerful damage dealers on, which was slim pickings.
- Figured I did not know what to expect from them, so want to hedge my bets.
- All three had never done the boss before, 2 did not even have voice chat to listen.
- I invited them, said zone in quick, I got 20 minutes.
- We killed trash, we one shot garrosh, they did quite well actually and were not being carried, they pulled their weight.
- I then logged off having gotten them their kill they tried for 8 hours to get but apparently the group finder didn't think they were good enough for.
- They did not seem to hinder my group which consisted of them, a bunch of 540 or so alts, and only 1 main out of 14 people there.
- Call it my good deed for the day helping them out.
- Maybe next week it will help me with my mount runs.
- Karma and all, you know.
- I had not known they were looking all day or I would have invited them earlier.
- Had done a couple of killers earlier in the day.
- Word to the wise, it helps to speak up people.
- We can't help you unless you help yourself.
- If anyone wants to know how I managed 10 heroic kills in one week I'll give a quick run down.
- I took one of my hunters being I have a bunch of them and already have a few heirlooms for them now, and quick cleared the first 13.
- I then dropped group and finished with another character.
- I then started a new group with the hunter as lead, invited 2 people, even if they had killed garrosh arleady, it makes no difference.
- I zoned in first, then they zoned in afterwards.
- I passed one of them lead, dropped group, switched to another character that needed the kill.
- Rinse and repeat.
- I am able to do garrosh over and over, and people that already killed him can do it over and over as well.
- The key is my hunter with the lockout needed to go in first.
- If you killed garrosh already you can not get awarded loot, but you can use a coin again.
- It works because it allows people to help others get their kill on.
- I tanked it 2 times on my druid, healed it 3 times on my priest, you get the idea.
- I did manage to get a few of my alts in there to get some heirlooms, so it is a one hand washes the other thing.
- I do a weak character and a few friends do some better ones, and then we trade off.
- That way we all get kills and we all get heirlooms.
- And I bring along a few people that do not raid normally each time.
- And I do not charge them.
- Every time I see someone in trade selling a heroic garrosh kill and someone interested in buying, I take the buyer along for free.
- If they seems like they are a decent person.
- If they talk in trade like a half wit while trying to buy using things like "u" instead of "you" and never capitalizing the beginning of a sentence, or using leet speak, or things like that, they can rot for all I care.
- No reason anyone should have to pay for it.
- Even those half wits, but I let someone else help them.
- The game is supposed to be about fun.
- And maybe, just maybe, that really bad player I let tag along today becomes serious about the game later, he or she might remember the nice hunter that took them along for free when everyone else wanted to charge them.
- Karma and all you know.
- I would rather make friends than make money anyway.
- And even if I do not make friends, it makes me feel better helping someone than it would taking their money.
- Yeah, I am a sap sometimes.
- No new mounts to report, but that is not from lack of trying.
- Finally think I got spine down to a science.
- Have done it a fair bit now and always seem to make one mistake and always wipe at least once.
- But did it on one attempt this week, on multiple characters.
- So looks like I finally got the grove working for me.
- Let me offer a word to the wise for the fight before spine on the ship.
- Never kill the drake before it is over the deck of the boat.
- Most embarrassing wipe of the week.
- If you kill the drake before it is over the deck it will drop the elite it is carrying over the side and instant wipe you.
- :(
- Decided to try my hand at soloing on my rogue to see how well I could do.
- Did throne of the four winds on my rogue, which might not be impressive to anyone else out there, but to me I was really impressed.
- Wiped once on the first boss (bosses) due to not having enough healing.
- Switched the order I was killing them in and had no problem at all.
- No mount when I finished it however, but now I have another character that can do it.
- So even more characters that can not get the mount.
- Been running ZG on more than a few characters every day for those mounts.
- Rogue went there and killed the bosses faster than my hunter did.
- My hunters record was 2 second for one and 4 seconds for the other.
- Rogue did one in 1 second and the other in 3.
- Sad how my rogue kills faster than my hunter.
- At 30 item levels lower too.
- 1 second? I laughed when I saw that.
- Not getting the mounts is an interesting situation.
- If I get the mounts I am going for I will be happy I got them, but I would lose my something to do when there are down times.
- So it is a double edged sword.
- Get them and have nothing to do, not get them and be upset I never get them.
- Did onyxia again on a bunch of characters, no mount, a friend did it for a mog piece he was looking for and got this 3rd one.
- He has only done it 4 times.
- I have done it at least 100 times over all my characters.
- More sad faces here.
- I was thinking of ZG and the fact that at the time I used to come on and valor cap at least 2 characters on tuesday.
- Being there were only 2 dungeons that means I was doing it either 3 or 4 times a week on each of those characters.
- Then on other characters over the course of the week.
- So I do not think it would be out of line to completely guess at a number of times I have killed them at being around 200 times and I have never seen the mounts drop from either of them.
- That is a really crappy drop rate if you ask me.
- I am sure I am well over that number on stonecore too.
- And a few others.
- There are three numbers I am trying to reach before the expansion.
- I was aiming for 600 pets, 250 mounts and 100 toys.
- I am pleased to announce, thanks to the argent tournament banners, I managed to get the 100 toys achievement.
- I am at 243 mounts and 574 unique pets.
- Both are attainable before the expansion, but time is running out.
- Another good mount week like I had the week before this one and the mount one could be done.
- The pet one would require a lot of luck or spending a ton on the auction house, which I am adverse to doing before an expansion knowing I will want to open all the garrisons ASAP.
- Not like it costs as much as I have, but I like to have extra.
- It could be done, but I am not stressing it.
- Wonder how many people have 100 toys already?
- I would have more but there are some things I never bought due to bag space issues.
- Some of them are no longer in game.
- I think blizzard should give us a chance to get them again.
- I am sure there are many of us that would have bought them if there were a toy box then, but didn't because of bag space issues.
- Would be nice to have a second shot at some of those things removed from the game, like the battlefield barrens toys.
- I bought pets with my mojos because it seemed like a better investment, and I could send them to another character to hold for sale later, so no bag space issues.
- I would have bought the toys, but had space issues.
- I want my toys.
- I will gladly trade the 20 pets I have for the 3 toys.
- But after putting in a ticket suggesting it and being turned down, it does not seem likely we will ever get a shot at picking up things we missed.
- More sad faces.
- Remember, toys make for great fun between pulls or on break in a raid.
- Can never have too many of them.
- Have a great day.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Garrisons and Professions: Spotlight on Tailoring & The Emporium
This post in one in a series of posts that will be in regards to
garrisons and professions in Warlords of Draenor and how they interact
with each other, and on their own.
Unlike previous expansions professions are much more involved this expansion, even if somewhat simplified at the same time. Being tied to buildings in the garrisons it not only opens up more options but different options to either supplement a profession you already have or fill the role of a profession you do not have.
Note: As warlords is still in beta, it is possible some of this information might change before the expansion is released.
Spotlight on Tailoring:
List or all materials you will need to make all items in your tailoring skill book:
Cloth: Sumptuous Fur, Hexweave Cloth.
Herbs: Gorgrond Flytrap.
Leather: Raw Beast Hide.
Metal: True Iron Ore.
Alchemy: Draenic Intellect Potion, Draenic Agility Potion, Draenic Strength Potion.
Elements: Sorcerous Water, Sorcerous Air, Sorcerous Earth.
Misc: Savage Blood. (from level 3 garrison barn building)
Crafted Armor:
All Crafted armor will have one main stat, stamina, and two random secondary stats, unless stated otherwise. All armor and weapon pieces that are marked as BoE are part of the warlords crafted 3 limit, meaning you can only equip 3 crafted items for all professions combined.
Sumptuous Leggings: Pants, Item level 540, BoP
5 - Hexweave Cloth, 25 - Sumptuous Fur
Sumptuous Robes: Chest, Item level 565, BoP
5 - Hexweave Cloth, 20 - Sumptuous Fur
Sumptuous Cowl: Head, Item level 585, BoP
5 - Hexweave Cloth, 10 - Sumptuous Fur
Hexweave Belt: Waist, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 5 - Raw Beast Hide
Hexweave Bracers: Wrists, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 1 - Sumptuous Fur
Hexweave Cowl: Head, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 5 - True Iron Ore
Hexweave Gloves: Hands, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 2 - Raw Beast Hide
Hexweave Leggings: Pants, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 4 - Raw Beast Hide
Hexweave Mantle: Shoulders, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 10 - True Iron Ore
Hexweave Robe: Chest, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 10 - Sumptuous Fur
Hexweave Slippers: Feet, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 2 - Raw Beast Hide
Brilliant Hexweave Cloak: Intellect, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 1 - Draenic Intellect Potion
Nimble Hexweave Cloak: Agility, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 1 - Draenic Agility Potion
Powerful Hexweave Cloak: Strength, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 1 - Draenic Strength Potion
Hexweave Essence: Upgrades a tailoring armor from 640 to 655.
150 - Hexweave Cloth, 20 - Sorcerous Water, 15 - Savage Blood
Greater Hexweave Essence: Upgrades a tailoring armor from 655 to 665.
200 - Hexweave Cloth, 40 - Sorcerous Air, 15 - Savage Blood
Hexweave Embroidery: Reroll secondary stats on a tailor armor item level 640 or higher.
10 - Hexweave Cloth, 10 - Sumptuous Fur
Hexweave Cloth: Crafting Material
20 - Sumptuous Fur, 10 - Gorgrond Flytrap
Secrets of Draenor Tailoring: Currency
5 - Sumptuous Fur
Creeping Carpet: Ground mount, requires tailoring 700 to use.
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 20 Sorcerous Air
Hexweave Bag: 30 Slot Bag
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 10 - Sorcerous Earth
Elekk Plushie: Battle Pet
50 - Hexweave Cloth, 10 - Sorcerous Earth
Learning Draenor Tailoring:
You will receive a quest early on from a draenei chest for alliance or a bladespire chest for horde that will start a quest line. Once you've completed the small quest line you will receive Draenor Tailoring and Garrison Blueprint: Tailor Emporium, Level 1.
Draenor tailoring, once clicked on and learned, will boost your maximum tailoring skill to 700 and will teach you all of the following skills. Secrets of Draenor Tailoring and Hexweave Cloth, which you should start doing immediately as they are cooldown abilities, as well as the patterns for Sumptuous Leggings, Sumptuous Robes and Sumptuous Cowl which are BoP items you can make to assist while leveling if needed.
All other tailoring patterns listed above but not listed as being learned from the manual will need to be purchased with the currency you create from the daily cooldown for secrets of draenor tailoring.
If you have the emporium in your garrison there will be Warra the Weaver (horde) or Christopher Macdonald (alliance) whom you can purchases the plans from right there in your emporium. If you do not have a emporium on your garrison you can travel to your hub near ashran and purchase the plans from the appropriate vendors there.
There are no items that you need both the emporium and tailoring ability to make so as a tailor you will be able to make everything with or without an emporium, when the time comes for you to make that decision.
Once you have learned everything there is to learn, you can continue to make secrets of draenor tailoring to purchase a small pouch of coins. It remains to be seen if this will be worthwhile come live but it is nice to see that there might still be a reason to keep doing the daily secret cooldown after the 57 days it would take to purchase all the patterns.
Spotlight on The Emporium:
This section will contain two parts. One if you have tailoring as a profession, one if you do not.
If you have Tailoring as a Profession:
Level 1 Emporium:
Once you complete the small quest, mentioned above, that will award you the garrison blueprint for a level 1 emporium and you will be able to build your emporium.
A level 1 emporium will take 1 hour to build and requires 150 gold and 50 garrison resources.
A level 1 emporium allows you to produce 7 work orders at a time.
Level 2 Emporium:
A level 2 emporium requires you to have a level 2 town hall.
A level 2 emporium requires you to have set up your talador outpost or be level 96.
A level 2 emporium will take 1 hour to build and requires 300 gold and 100 garrison resources.
A level 2 emporium allows you to produce 14 work orders at a time.
A level 2 emporium allows you to assign a follower with the tailoring trait to work there.
The blueprint for the level 2 emporium is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town hall for 750 gold.
Alternatively you can purchase the blueprints with an Outpost Building Assembly Notes item from Torgg Flexington (horde) or Kinkade Jakobs (alliance) at your ashran base.
Two copies of Outpost Building Assembly Notes can be obtained free from questing by completing the outpost quest line, in both Spires of Arak and Gorgrond. This could effectively save you 1500 gold.
Level 3 Emporium:
A level 3 emporium requires you to have a level 3 town hall.
A level 3 emporium requires you to have completed the [Working More Orders] achievement and be level 100.
A level 3 emporium will take 1 hour to build and requires 500 gold and 300 garrison resources.
A level 3 emporium will allow you to produce 21 work orders at a time.
The blueprint for the level 3 emporium is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town hall for 1000 gold.
Work Orders:
Tailoring emporium work orders require 5 sumptuous fur to produce and each order takes 4 hours to finish. It will award you with a hexweave cloth and sometimes one or more sorcerous elements needed for tailoring. Having a higher level emporium, which allows you to produce more work orders, means you need to log in to check less often. Orders will stack up if you are not online for a while and you will not miss out on anything. So if you have a 21 order queue you would only need to collect your products and place new orders every 84 hours, which is three and a half days, making this fantastic for those alts you sometimes forget to log into.
Working Follower:
Once your emporium reaches level 2 you will be allowed to assign a worker to help there. The worker must have tailoring as a trait as not just any worker can be assigned to any building. A follower working in any garrison building does not gain experience. Consider leveling your follower first before placing them as a worker in one of your buildings. Workers at the emporium have a small chance to increase the materials you get when filling work orders, depending on their level, the higher the better of course. Also, if you have a follower working at your emporium you will be able to craft standards which provide a short duration buff when used out in the world of draenor. Standards are BoP meaning only the person that made them can use them.
Inspiring Battle Standard: (H)/(A) Increases max health of all friends within 8 yards by 30% for 1 minute or until destroyed.
5 - Sumptuous Fur
Fearsome Battle Standard: (H)/(A) Does 5000 damage every 3 seconds to all enemies within 8 yards for 1 minute or until destroyed.
5 - Sumptuous Fur
Pros to having the profession:
Increased hexweave cloth generation to make gear faster, chance for additional materials from work orders.
If you do not have Tailoring as a Profession:
Most things will remain the same with a few notable exceptions.
You will not be able to build an emporium on your garrison until you level your town hall to level 2.
Once you have a level 2 town hall you learn all level 1 profession building blueprints, so do not worry that you were incapable of doing the quest.
You will be able to make all rare armor with a level 1 emporium.
You will be able to make all epic cloaks and the hexweave embroidery with a level 2 emporium.
You will be able to make all epic armor with a level 3 emporium
You will not be able to make any of the items to upgrade armor.
You will not be able to make the mount.
You will not be able to make the bag.
You will not be able to make the pet.
Cons to not having tailoring as a profession:
Slower generation of hexweave cloth, the requirement of having to have a certain level building to craft stuff, and not being able to craft your own gear upgrades, mount, bag or pet. While not horrible by any means, being a tailor offers more options.
Catching up or Switching to Tailoring in Warlords:
Even as a level 1 tailor you can do the quest that will get you the emporium blueprints for your garrison along with the draenor tailoring which when learned teaches you some items you can make. Also, as a side bonus, even if you are a skill level 1, once you use the draenor tailoring item you will attain a max level of 700, meaning no need to ever go back to train up again.
The patterns learned, while being native to draenor, do not need a high profession skill level to create. You can craft them, and all others you learn, at level 1. Yes, this means you can craft the 640 gear and the items to upgrade it to 655 and then 665 at level 1 skill. This means you can level up from 1 to catching up, through making patterns with just draenor based materials. However, you will still need to be max tailoring should you want to ride the carpet mount.
In addition to that there are many items you can find in the world that will help increase your tailoring skill and will speed you along up to a skill level of 600, where you will now be working on current content as the only things that will continue to give you skill ups. All drops that start these skill gaining quests are dropped from random mobs and require a tailoring skill level of 1, so you can start from the bottom up. All of these are turned in at your garrison.
Bloodstained Mage Robe: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600.
Requires: 8 Sumptuous Fur
Ripped Lace Kerchief: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600.
Requires: 4 Sumptuous Fur
Torn Knapsack: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600.
Requires: 8 Sumptuous Fur
Weathered Bedroll: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600.
Requires: 10 Sumptuous Fur
Did you find this post useful?
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Is there anything you think should be added/updated?
Unlike previous expansions professions are much more involved this expansion, even if somewhat simplified at the same time. Being tied to buildings in the garrisons it not only opens up more options but different options to either supplement a profession you already have or fill the role of a profession you do not have.
Note: As warlords is still in beta, it is possible some of this information might change before the expansion is released.
Spotlight on Tailoring:
List or all materials you will need to make all items in your tailoring skill book:
Cloth: Sumptuous Fur, Hexweave Cloth.
Herbs: Gorgrond Flytrap.
Leather: Raw Beast Hide.
Metal: True Iron Ore.
Alchemy: Draenic Intellect Potion, Draenic Agility Potion, Draenic Strength Potion.
Elements: Sorcerous Water, Sorcerous Air, Sorcerous Earth.
Misc: Savage Blood. (from level 3 garrison barn building)
Crafted Armor:
All Crafted armor will have one main stat, stamina, and two random secondary stats, unless stated otherwise. All armor and weapon pieces that are marked as BoE are part of the warlords crafted 3 limit, meaning you can only equip 3 crafted items for all professions combined.
Sumptuous Leggings: Pants, Item level 540, BoP
5 - Hexweave Cloth, 25 - Sumptuous Fur
Sumptuous Robes: Chest, Item level 565, BoP
5 - Hexweave Cloth, 20 - Sumptuous Fur
Sumptuous Cowl: Head, Item level 585, BoP
5 - Hexweave Cloth, 10 - Sumptuous Fur
Hexweave Belt: Waist, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 5 - Raw Beast Hide
Hexweave Bracers: Wrists, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 1 - Sumptuous Fur
Hexweave Cowl: Head, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 5 - True Iron Ore
Hexweave Gloves: Hands, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 2 - Raw Beast Hide
Hexweave Leggings: Pants, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 4 - Raw Beast Hide
Hexweave Mantle: Shoulders, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 10 - True Iron Ore
Hexweave Robe: Chest, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 10 - Sumptuous Fur
Hexweave Slippers: Feet, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 2 - Raw Beast Hide
Brilliant Hexweave Cloak: Intellect, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 1 - Draenic Intellect Potion
Nimble Hexweave Cloak: Agility, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 1 - Draenic Agility Potion
Powerful Hexweave Cloak: Strength, Item level 640, BoE
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 1 - Draenic Strength Potion
Hexweave Essence: Upgrades a tailoring armor from 640 to 655.
150 - Hexweave Cloth, 20 - Sorcerous Water, 15 - Savage Blood
Greater Hexweave Essence: Upgrades a tailoring armor from 655 to 665.
200 - Hexweave Cloth, 40 - Sorcerous Air, 15 - Savage Blood
Hexweave Embroidery: Reroll secondary stats on a tailor armor item level 640 or higher.
10 - Hexweave Cloth, 10 - Sumptuous Fur
Hexweave Cloth: Crafting Material
20 - Sumptuous Fur, 10 - Gorgrond Flytrap
Secrets of Draenor Tailoring: Currency
5 - Sumptuous Fur
Creeping Carpet: Ground mount, requires tailoring 700 to use.
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 20 Sorcerous Air
Hexweave Bag: 30 Slot Bag
100 - Hexweave Cloth, 10 - Sorcerous Earth
Elekk Plushie: Battle Pet
50 - Hexweave Cloth, 10 - Sorcerous Earth
Learning Draenor Tailoring:
You will receive a quest early on from a draenei chest for alliance or a bladespire chest for horde that will start a quest line. Once you've completed the small quest line you will receive Draenor Tailoring and Garrison Blueprint: Tailor Emporium, Level 1.
Draenor tailoring, once clicked on and learned, will boost your maximum tailoring skill to 700 and will teach you all of the following skills. Secrets of Draenor Tailoring and Hexweave Cloth, which you should start doing immediately as they are cooldown abilities, as well as the patterns for Sumptuous Leggings, Sumptuous Robes and Sumptuous Cowl which are BoP items you can make to assist while leveling if needed.
All other tailoring patterns listed above but not listed as being learned from the manual will need to be purchased with the currency you create from the daily cooldown for secrets of draenor tailoring.
If you have the emporium in your garrison there will be Warra the Weaver (horde) or Christopher Macdonald (alliance) whom you can purchases the plans from right there in your emporium. If you do not have a emporium on your garrison you can travel to your hub near ashran and purchase the plans from the appropriate vendors there.
There are no items that you need both the emporium and tailoring ability to make so as a tailor you will be able to make everything with or without an emporium, when the time comes for you to make that decision.
Once you have learned everything there is to learn, you can continue to make secrets of draenor tailoring to purchase a small pouch of coins. It remains to be seen if this will be worthwhile come live but it is nice to see that there might still be a reason to keep doing the daily secret cooldown after the 57 days it would take to purchase all the patterns.
Spotlight on The Emporium:
This section will contain two parts. One if you have tailoring as a profession, one if you do not.
If you have Tailoring as a Profession:
Level 1 Emporium:
Once you complete the small quest, mentioned above, that will award you the garrison blueprint for a level 1 emporium and you will be able to build your emporium.
A level 1 emporium will take 1 hour to build and requires 150 gold and 50 garrison resources.
A level 1 emporium allows you to produce 7 work orders at a time.
Level 2 Emporium:
A level 2 emporium requires you to have a level 2 town hall.
A level 2 emporium requires you to have set up your talador outpost or be level 96.
A level 2 emporium will take 1 hour to build and requires 300 gold and 100 garrison resources.
A level 2 emporium allows you to produce 14 work orders at a time.
A level 2 emporium allows you to assign a follower with the tailoring trait to work there.
The blueprint for the level 2 emporium is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town hall for 750 gold.
Alternatively you can purchase the blueprints with an Outpost Building Assembly Notes item from Torgg Flexington (horde) or Kinkade Jakobs (alliance) at your ashran base.
Two copies of Outpost Building Assembly Notes can be obtained free from questing by completing the outpost quest line, in both Spires of Arak and Gorgrond. This could effectively save you 1500 gold.
Level 3 Emporium:
A level 3 emporium requires you to have a level 3 town hall.
A level 3 emporium requires you to have completed the [Working More Orders] achievement and be level 100.
A level 3 emporium will take 1 hour to build and requires 500 gold and 300 garrison resources.
A level 3 emporium will allow you to produce 21 work orders at a time.
The blueprint for the level 3 emporium is available for purchase, after you meet the requirements listed above, from Rezlak (horde) or Sparz Bolttwist (alliance) in your garrison town hall for 1000 gold.
Work Orders:
Tailoring emporium work orders require 5 sumptuous fur to produce and each order takes 4 hours to finish. It will award you with a hexweave cloth and sometimes one or more sorcerous elements needed for tailoring. Having a higher level emporium, which allows you to produce more work orders, means you need to log in to check less often. Orders will stack up if you are not online for a while and you will not miss out on anything. So if you have a 21 order queue you would only need to collect your products and place new orders every 84 hours, which is three and a half days, making this fantastic for those alts you sometimes forget to log into.
Working Follower:
Once your emporium reaches level 2 you will be allowed to assign a worker to help there. The worker must have tailoring as a trait as not just any worker can be assigned to any building. A follower working in any garrison building does not gain experience. Consider leveling your follower first before placing them as a worker in one of your buildings. Workers at the emporium have a small chance to increase the materials you get when filling work orders, depending on their level, the higher the better of course. Also, if you have a follower working at your emporium you will be able to craft standards which provide a short duration buff when used out in the world of draenor. Standards are BoP meaning only the person that made them can use them.
Inspiring Battle Standard: (H)/(A) Increases max health of all friends within 8 yards by 30% for 1 minute or until destroyed.
5 - Sumptuous Fur
Fearsome Battle Standard: (H)/(A) Does 5000 damage every 3 seconds to all enemies within 8 yards for 1 minute or until destroyed.
5 - Sumptuous Fur
Pros to having the profession:
Increased hexweave cloth generation to make gear faster, chance for additional materials from work orders.
If you do not have Tailoring as a Profession:
Most things will remain the same with a few notable exceptions.
You will not be able to build an emporium on your garrison until you level your town hall to level 2.
Once you have a level 2 town hall you learn all level 1 profession building blueprints, so do not worry that you were incapable of doing the quest.
You will be able to make all rare armor with a level 1 emporium.
You will be able to make all epic cloaks and the hexweave embroidery with a level 2 emporium.
You will be able to make all epic armor with a level 3 emporium
You will not be able to make any of the items to upgrade armor.
You will not be able to make the mount.
You will not be able to make the bag.
You will not be able to make the pet.
Cons to not having tailoring as a profession:
Slower generation of hexweave cloth, the requirement of having to have a certain level building to craft stuff, and not being able to craft your own gear upgrades, mount, bag or pet. While not horrible by any means, being a tailor offers more options.
Catching up or Switching to Tailoring in Warlords:
Even as a level 1 tailor you can do the quest that will get you the emporium blueprints for your garrison along with the draenor tailoring which when learned teaches you some items you can make. Also, as a side bonus, even if you are a skill level 1, once you use the draenor tailoring item you will attain a max level of 700, meaning no need to ever go back to train up again.
The patterns learned, while being native to draenor, do not need a high profession skill level to create. You can craft them, and all others you learn, at level 1. Yes, this means you can craft the 640 gear and the items to upgrade it to 655 and then 665 at level 1 skill. This means you can level up from 1 to catching up, through making patterns with just draenor based materials. However, you will still need to be max tailoring should you want to ride the carpet mount.
In addition to that there are many items you can find in the world that will help increase your tailoring skill and will speed you along up to a skill level of 600, where you will now be working on current content as the only things that will continue to give you skill ups. All drops that start these skill gaining quests are dropped from random mobs and require a tailoring skill level of 1, so you can start from the bottom up. All of these are turned in at your garrison.
Bloodstained Mage Robe: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600.
Requires: 8 Sumptuous Fur
Ripped Lace Kerchief: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600.
Requires: 4 Sumptuous Fur
Torn Knapsack: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600.
Requires: 8 Sumptuous Fur
Weathered Bedroll: 5 skill ups, up to skill level 600.
Requires: 10 Sumptuous Fur
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