Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Random Thoughts

- I decided to do some spring cleaning with all the characters this weekend.

- Yes I am aware it is not spring any more.

- I deleted about 10 characters that I only played the starting experience with and either did not like the server or made it just for something to pass the time for fun, like the goblin starting area.

- Created a few news ones as well.

- Funny part is I love the first 15 levels and hate everything after that until I hit 58 and can get to outlands.

- I know I say it a lot but I really do miss the old old world.

- Taking stock on all my professions across all my characters and all the realms I noticed some fun stats.

- I only have one maxed Scribe and one maxed Engineer.

- Both alliance side.

- I do not even have inscription or engineering trained on any horde characters.

- I have 6 alchemists and 5 jewelcrafters, on each side.

- I have more miners than anything else.

- I only have three characters that are double gatherers.

- Two paladins that are skinning and mining and one druid that is skinning and herbalism.

- Yes, the skinning herbalism one is a tauren druid, how did you guess?

- Although I suggest to people to take mining and herbalism as a great way to make money when you are new I seem to have none of them.

- It goes back to only being able to track one at a time.

- Yes, I know we can track both now but you know what they say about teaching an old dog new tricks.

- I moved some things around between characters during my spring cleaning.

- It is amazing how much more space you have when you condense things and give profession bags for the banks of the characters that have those professions.

- I really need to make a guild bank for my main horde server.

- I can not officially say I have a second alliance server.

- Currently have 7 of the 10 classes on it.

- Okay, so one is only level 5 but it still counts.

- While cleaning things up it occurred to me that someone starting on a new server might still have a hard time.

- We have all gotten spoiled by fast mounts, flying mounts, big bags, tons of gold, heirlooms, etc.

- I think I am going to write a guide on how to start out on a new server the simple way.

- By simple I mean even people with zero skill at making money will have it easy.

- Leveled two placeholder characters to 17 and 15 this weekend.

- I had not logged on to them since august of last year it seems.

- Do you know how fast you level at that level at full rested.

- Two kills and you get to level two.

- Another 3 or 4 and turning in that starting quest and you are now level three.

- You are also out of rested by that point.

- I suffered my first death since the new simple and easy new leveling system cataclysm introduced while leveling the first early levels.

- Take a wild guess what killed me?

- I'll give you three guesses but I am sure you only need one.

- F'n murlocs.

- They still love to gang up on you in packs.

- I pull nice and safe usually but got two at a time by accident.

- Was going fine until a running murloc, with two friends, ran by.

- Five murlocs vs me.

- I never stood a chance.

- I can see how they are still hell on brand new players that are not as careful as me because I know they will do stuff like that.

- Nice to see that even if the game has been turned into a speed leveling contest with no risk of dying that the murlocs did not get the memo and are still out destroying the lives of young adventures.

- All hail the murloc, killers of young adventures, throw back to a time where dying happened all the time.

- That was only because I was level 9.

- Once I hit level 10 and got my avengers shield I went back in there and slaughtered them all, 5 at a time was no match for me, I could have taken on 10.

- I had to, it was revenge.

- Seems that is where people become over powered.  At level 10.

- I was leveling a mage and it was getting iffy.  Each attack was almost near death.

- Hit level 10, choose fire, one or two shot everything from that point on.

- To go from nearly dying each fight to never getting hit by anything again for at least 3 or 4 levels is a bit of a jump.

- I think they need to balance things out a little.

- Level 10 turns a leveling character to a god.

- Even with no heirlooms, no crafted gear, nothing that isn't something you get as a quest reward up to that point.

- A level 10 with heirlooms, crafted gear and other pluses makes it boring as hell to play.  You are now an overpowered god.

- Even with no heirlooms you out level zones too fast.

- Got a worgen out of the starting zone and he had already almost out leveled darkshore.

- The starting quests where asking me to kill mobs 4 levels, or more, under my level.

- Yeap, this needs some serious fixing.

- This is usually where I get bored with leveling and have been abandoning my alts since cataclysm came out.

- Somewhere between 13 and 18 the game hits boring mode when it comes to leveling.

- I noticed another odd trend with my alts.

- I used to have hunters all over the place.

- Now I seem to have druids and paladins all over the place.

- Not because I like playing them more.

- They tank and they heal.

- All I ever want to do when I play the game is actually play it.

- As a pure DPS it seems like I spend 10 times longer waiting to play then I actually do playing.

- While leveling those characters yesterday all I saw every time I was in the cities was people looking for tanks or healers.

- Sad part is, being a hunter is the one thing I am really good at.

- Everything else I can hold my own at, but there are people that do it better, much better.

- I guess I need to become better at those classes.

- Either that, or find a group that values a damage dealer that knows how to do damage and avoid it at the same time with really high numbers in one and low in the other.

- Most people still have the DPS is a dime a dozen attitude.

- I do not agree.

- DPS are a dime a dozen, good DPS are extremely hard to find.

- My opinion at least.

- Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Regarding the levelling issues:

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, but they could improve the game with a minimal amount of work by lowering the minimum level of non-Instance Quests by 5-6 levels, in other words return the (concept of) Orange/Red Quests you (and/or Groups) can sink their teeth in.

    And you're not alone in missing the old world, and I really miss the old Class and Profession Quests that allowed for unique(ish) levelling experiences for each and every toon one created. But only 10% of the playerbase using certain content is only allowed for Rated Battlegrounds etc. I guess.
