- Decided I wanted to do something on my paladin, she was just sitting at 85 beginning to rot.
- I'll go holy on this one I thought.
- Thinking about paladin healing I changed my mind.
- I just don't enjoy paladin healing and I have other healers.
- Maybe later I can gear up for holy.
- Sad part is, I had a ton of holy starter gear already.
- Just did not feel in the mood to do holy.
- Maybe ret I thought.
- I hate ret paladins and if I ever decided to PvP I would be a sitting duck.
- I think ret paladins are the only class/spec in worse shape then hunters when it comes to PvP.
- At least from the standpoint of a normal hunter in PvP that has never met a ret paladins I could not abuse.
- I am sure they are good against some classes.
- All I care about is they are not good against mine.
- Hunters might suck in PvP over all, but everyone needs a class they can destroy.
- Ret paladins are the one true easy kill for hunters.
- It is the only one hunters have, so they better enjoy it.
- So it looks like I'm going to gear up for protection.
- 322 item level. This might take a while.
- I pop around a few alts and gather up some BoEs, tank and dps, doesn't matter when starting.
- I craft a couple of pieces that are made from easy materials I have sitting around.
- I send over some JP boots.
- I now have a 347 item level protection paladin.
- If I wanted to spend some gold I could have gotten many other pieces and around a 370 item level.
- With gold, gearing up in the auction house is the super easy route to be ready for entry level heroic raiding.
- You could completely skip the entire dungeon gearing up process if you wanted to.
- You could completely skip the need to do the normal raids.
- Proof positive that using item level as a judge if you can enter a heroic dungeon is about as stupid as allowing a registered sex offender to teach the local kindergarten class.
- You could have someone geared enough to do heroic raiding and still not be heroic dungeon ready.
- This character has never stepped foot into a heroic at 85 and the game thinks it is capable of tanking a Zul.
- Lets forget for a moment the fact that I know how to tank on a paladin.
- Just gearing up does not mean I am capable of tanking a Zul.
- The game needs another way to judge people along with item level.
- Item level just shows my maximum potential. It does not say anything about my ability.
- I tanked one normal, just to get a feel for my bindings.
- Tanked two normal heroics after, just to better feel the flow.
- Things in normals go down way to fast to get a real feel if you are doing something well or not.
- My two heroics I brought some guild mates on alts.
- This was for two reasons.
- I am not going to get a good feel if everyone is doing 15K+ and things are going down fast.
- Their alts need gear too so they might actually have a reason to be there.
- They where still a little too good on the DPS front. 8, 10 and 12 respectively.
- Much better then you will get in your standard heroic, but fair enough to get a feel for things.
- I wanted people that could only do 6K, with the 15% buff.
- The type of people I would see in randoms.
- Bad players.
- I should have told them to all choose different targets to see if I could handle it.
- Either way, by the time I was finished I had all my keys set where I think they will work for me.
- Had to fix the spelling on a few of my macros.
- I have a bad habit of spelling things wrong.
- Does this happen to anyone else?
- Went to use righteous defense on someone and it was not working.
- I went into oh crap mode trying to find it on my bar, find the persons name, click on the person, click on the skill itself.
- How do people play like that?
- I wanted to scream.
- I swear I was lost without my binds.
- Running around like a chicken with my head cut off.
- I've been so spoiled by quick and easy short cuts.
- It makes for a more interesting run not to use them.
- I should try and do a run completely like that, totally old school.
- I can not even imagine healing like that.
- Click person, click skill, click next person, click next skill.
- I assure you there would be a crap load of deaths if I had to do that.
- Either that, or I would have to be a lot faster with my reaction and movements.
- I know it can be done.
- I've actually met two amazing healers that play like that.
- One healed the realm second heroic LK kill on my server.
- She uses no add ons what so ever.
- She is the exception, not the rule.
- One of those perfect cases that prove, just because someone can do it doesn't mean everyone can.
- It also proves that just because someone does something different, does not mean they can't do it effectively.
- I don't care if she can do it, I would never try that.
- I would end up pulling my hair out.
- One healer that healed me on the first heroic said I was easier to heal then all heroic raid geared DKs they have ran into.
- I said, that is because DKs don't have decent avoidance and I am sitting at over 70% avoidance, while still in half DPS gear with no buffs or cooldowns.
- They agreed, DK tanking is about coolodwns, if someone does not know how to use them, DK tanks are more squishy then having a cloth tank.
- No, honestly.
- I've healed a few dungeons where I lost the DK tank and healed the mage or the priest through all the damage.
- Mage tanks are easier to heal then DK tanks that think you tank the same way on a DK that you do on a bear, warrior or paladin.
- If you try to DK tank like you do the others, you will go down like a ton of bricks.
- Of course, the healer will always get the blame.
- Why it is the healers fault that most DK tanks don't know how to play their class?
- Had one run with a DK tank that had 242K health.
- Tank took a hit, I throw a riptide on him, start my greater healing wave, dead tank before my healing wave lands.
- My greater healing wave, with the riptide buff is just above 2 seconds.
- This means the DK went from around 220K to 0K in less then 2 seconds.
- How is that the healers fault?
- I think people that are originally healers make for better DK tanks.
- At least from my experience it seems that way.
- All the really great DK tanks I have ever known had a raid level healer and where good at it.
- After playing around with a few specs I think I am starting to like the new cookie cutter idea of talents that comes with MoP.
- I am also starting to dislike it some too.
- Will have to make a post on it.
- The more I think about it, the more I like it and dislike it.
- Yes, it is possible to both like and dislike something.
- Not everything is black and white.
- Well, the pandas will be.
- Have a great day.
GQDN 1/20/2025
4 hours ago
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