- Got my cloak this week on my mage.
- That makes two new cloaks in two weeks.
- Six total now, 5 different classes.
- My mage one shot it of course, but at a 539 item level and experience of doing the ranged once twice already I would have expected nothing less.
- Druid should be getting it this week being I only need one more runestone.
- So it will all come down to if I play this week on it, which I probably will.
- At least when it comes to doing the four celestial bosses I do not need to look for a group.
- Have to love being able to solo work bosses.
- When I did it this week trying to get some healing gear I just walked up and pulled.
- I love watching the reactions of people around you.
- They all stand and watch for a little bit when they see someone go in to solo one.
- It is like, if he survives 30 seconds I will join, or I will join if he gets it to 50%, or something.
- Now with shared tags it seems like people start coming up and hitting it.
- So soloing a world boss isn't really about soloing it.
- It is about how long and can you keep yourself alive until some help comes.
- And then being able to solo it as a secondary, in case no many come.
- I can't wait to see what it will be like when I get the tank cloak and can die and actually not die once every 2 minutes.
- The amount I can solo will really go up I am sure.
- Remember the song that goes "I like big butts and I can not lie"
- Well when I tank I sometimes sing "I like bear butts and I can not lie"
- I even have other lyrics for it too.
- Do you ever do anything like that or am I just insane?
- Don't answer that.
- I think I need to get another druid to 90.
- Do you think the lack on new five mans hurt the expansion?
- Sometimes like the ICC 5 mans or the HoT 5 mans.
- I think they would have been a better place to add 496 catch up gear than the timeless island stuff.
- For various reasons.
- First off it would have been actual content instead of just opening chests and getting them.
- Or not getting them, as was the luck of some of my characters.
- Most junk my second mage got was not for the class, it was always a plate or a mail piece which really are not very cloth friendly.
- Good thing I have so many of each extra.
- Bounced my mail pieces between characters in mail the other day.
- I have 18 mails filled with mail pieces.
- And I used them more than any other having so many hunters and shaman.
- I need to start disenchanting them.
- Best part of that is I disenchant them on a server that I need the money on and sell the sha crystals there.
- It is like sending gold across faction lines and server lines.
- Does that make me evil or does that make me smart?
- I will go for smart.
- And evil.
- I am against the term welfare gear but timeless gear was welfare gear.
- Timeless 535 gear however I would say is not.
- With the exception of the one guaranteed one you had to work for your 535 gear.
- Either getting it as a lucky drop, just like raid gear.
- Or getting it by earning 50,000 coins and buying it, just like valor gear.
- But dungeon gear would have been better.
- It would have been better itemized.
- I would have had gem slots.
- It would have had 2 stats.
- And more importantly, it would have been actual content.
- But I know why they did not add new dungeons.
- That legendary quest line.
- LFR works as the new dungeons.
- Not only for gear, but if you want to complete the legendary line you needed to do those.
- So dungeons would have been left behind.
- Guess that is why they did not add them.
- As nice as it would have been to have new 5 mans they would not have been a practical time investment to make when you were actively trying to funnel everyone into LFR.
- I supported no tier and no trinkets in LFR for next expansion.
- I've changed my mind.
- It should be there.
- If they want LFR to be considered raiding, it should have raid gear.
- It is as simple as that.
- Otherwise, remove LFR and keep giving us updated new 5 man content.
- I would have so much rathered have new 5 man content each tier than have a new tier of LFR.
- And without tier gear and good trinkets, LFR is no longer raiding, which means it no longer serves its purpose.
- Just my opinion of course.
- I've ran enough LFR to believe I can call myself an expert at knowledge of what groups are like in there.
- Both good and bad, and there are both.
- Even if it is only one elf's observations, it is one expert elf's observations.
- As an expert in knowledge of the LFR I have come to a few opinions based on what I have seen.
- The LFR has completely failed at its intended purpose.
- It is not quick bite sized content as it was marketed as.
- It is not as easy as it should be if you happen to get a group that is "appropriate" gear level for it.
- And it is most absolutely, definitely, positively too hard for a group of people that are of the "appropriate" gear level and the "appropriate" skill level intended for it.
- Just imagine this.
- 496 item level to get it means all timeless gear, the one 535 piece, and maybe grinding for the 489 weapons and winning one piece off a celestial to get to that 496 item level.
- None of it gemmed, none of it enchanted, none of it reforged.
- Either because none of that stuff is worth doing that to it even if you wanted to, or because the level of skill of the LFR player is the type of player it is designed for and they just don't do those things.
- Now you have tanks with less then, or around, 500K life.
- Damage dealers that can not break 40K at most.
- Healers that will go oom on any fight that lasts more than 2 minutes, if that much.
- Now, these are the people LFR is designed for, it is intended for them to be doing it.
- Do you think it is going to be capable of being done but 25 of those people?
- If you answered yes I have one question for you.
- What the hell are you smoking?
- Make that two questions.
- And can you share?
- Because that must be some good stuff.
- I did a dungeon on one of my hunters, just needed a little to cap.
- I was doing over 600K on the bosses because they died so quick, and was climbing, not on the way down.
- I was one shotting the trash basically.
- We moved constantly.
- The group joked "thanks for the carry" as they actually did nothing because they couldn't as everything died that quick.
- Now THAT is how LFR should be when a raider steps into it.
- But on a different scale being it is meant for 25 people.
- It should be a complete joke where the raider can basically turn the run into a super easy quick run just for fun.
- Just like that dungeon was.
- I love end of the expansion dungeons when we so over gear them we can speed run them.
- It should not be designed like it is now that without a few actual raiders you can not down anything.
- A friend of mine does downfall LFR on multiple characters each week to try and get the pets off the first two bosses there.
- Thank god I got them both from normal or I would probably want to do the same.
- But he said he always ends up leaving on garrosh.
- The pets drop off the first two and it is not worth wiping with people that will not learn.
- I don't blame him.
- I agree, and that is why I say, him being there should be enough to make garrosh an easy fight for them.
- And that is the problem with LFR.
- You need raiders to get the content done.
- Now, with no decent trinkets, no tier gear, what incentive is there for raiders to go there?
- Just to get that last tier piece, that trinket they were unlucky with, that is why they used to go.
- Unless they nerf LFR by about 70% of what it currently is, it will not be completable without raiders there.
- And that is the problem with LFR.
- It is not designed for the people it is intended to be for but designed for raiders to be there to help them.
- If they are removing the incentives for raiders they can not keep designing the LFR to require some raiders to help a group get by.
- So now it is the time for blizzard to adopt the suggestion I made 2 years ago when they first released the LFR.
- Remove the LFR.
- Replace tie LFR with 5 mans that are the raid in bite sized difficulty.
- Have it drop the same gear, without tier of course being they are 5 mans now.
- There were go, solved the LFR issue with it requiring raiders, solved the catch up gear because new dungeons will keep coming out, and solved the time issue because no longer would they be hour waits with long completion times but quick waits and 5 minute runs.
- Fixed LFR, gave us more 5 man content, and make it more friendly to the lesser skilled players while still allowing them to see all the raid content.
- After all, if the LFR is intended to allow non raiders to see raid content, it would be better to do it this way.
- And it will stop giving people the wrong impression that they are now raiders because they did the LFR.
- I am not a heroic raider even if I do dabble in them.
- They are not raiders even if they dabble in LFR.
- People are not honest with themselves, they should be.
- So changing LFR into 5 mans would be the best way to handle things for many reasons.
- It will never happen because it actually makes sense.
- Or maybe it just seems like it makes sense to me and it would end up being one of those horrible ideas in practice that sounded good on paper.
- Kind of like what warlrods is shaping up to be.
- Idea sounds good on paper but for an entire expansion, it will be horrible in practice.
- From the concept of "time travel" even if we know it is alternate reality because most people can not and will not be able to grasp that concept.
- Can someone remind me what is taking warlords so long to be released?
- No seriously, it offers nothing, nothing except a more complex multi layered farm mini game.
- Mists did not take this long to come out and mists had more original content than any expansion to date.
- It had pet battles and that alone being it was so integrated into the entire game from level 1 to level cap was a huge task and was more than everything warlords has to offer combined together, times 10.
- It had a new class with three new specs that required making class specific stuff, designing, and balancing
- It has a new race that needed to be built from the ground up and an island for the starting experience.
- I could go on, but you already see how what mists offered was 10 times, 20 times, maybe even 100 times, more than anything warlords is offering.
- So what is taking them so long?
- Seriously, warlords and what we are getting with it could have been introduced as a patch.
- It really is not offering anything.
- And blizzard is still screwing it up even worse.
- Moving capitals now.
- And Lore, I believe it was but could be wrong, says that no time was wasted on the art work in frostfire and shadowmoon.
- And I am saying, the checks in the mail.
- Guess what lore and I have in common.
- We are both lying.
- What is the main difference?
- He just gets paid to lie.
- Lets see, believe him saying no time was wasted on them or the 1000s of people that were in the alpha and beta that said they looked nice but where just not finished.
- Don't know about you, but sounds like they wasted time and art work there to me if 1000s of people said they looked nice.
- Lore really needs to get better at lying if he wants to move up the corporate ladder there.
- If no one had seen them you could have gotten away with saying that. Once people see it, you can not get away with the "we didn't make them yet" defense.
- I saw a post over on the godmothers page where she compared her old female dwarf to the new female dwarf in an image.
- What has been seen can not be unseen.
- Oh my god that is ugly.
- Ugly is not even a word for it, it is horrifying.
- I will not be able to get the image out of my head.
- And horde think they have the ugly characters?
- They have not see the new female dwarf.
- It is beyond horrible.
- Don't get me started on the new male model.
- Otherwise known as shrek.
- I do appreciate the skill and time it takes to update all these images.
- It is well beyond what I would ever be capable of doing even if I spent the time to learn.
- But it doesn't mean it is worth waiting for an expansion for.
- They could have made new models and released them as they made them.
- They did not need to hold up an expansion for them just so they can call it an expansion feature.
- But I guess they had to, because as I mentioned, warlords has nothing else to offer.
- They need to stop charging us for expansions, we pay a subscription.
- Once you buy the game that should be it, just keep giving us patches to keep us subscribing.
- There should never be a new expansion to buy.
- When they make something new, add it as a patch.
- Simple as that.
- Remember at blizzcon when they said warlords was further along then we might expect.
- Remember the people on the floor saying it was the most polished preview they had ever seen and it looked ready for release already.
- What happened?
- Did ghostcrawler leaving really hurt them that bad?
- I know some people believe that to be true.
- That when he left the game it was put in the hands of people that were not gamers.
- Not saying I liked some of the stuff ghostcrawler did, or even most of the stuff he did, but at least as one of the men piloting the ship we were moving forward, not backwards.
- At least he seemed passionate about gaming even if I disagreed with most of what he said.
- He was a gamer.
- I would rather complain about him doing something I disliked, then be here complaining about blizzard doing nothing at all.
- And nothing sure seems like what they have been doing.
- Funny that we might see another blizzcon before what they announced at the last one is even out.
- Is their big reveal for this years blizzcon going to be the same big revels as they last one?
- The big revel, everything we promised last blizzard was wrong.
- You will not be getting new capitals, there will be on alliance having the one rare moment to be happy as they get part of the black temple as their home, there will be no heirloom tab, there will no problems with the stat squish that requires us to buff you instead of doing it right and there will be some amazingly ugly updated models.
- So this blizzcon will be telling us all about the things they said we were getting last blizzcon that it turns out we are not getting.
- Awesome big revel.
- If I were a stock holder I would be raising all hell right now.
- Blizzard is falling flat on its face and from the outside looking in they seem like they are fine with that.
- Is this the type of company you would want to invest your money in?
- Hell no.
- Do you think they are going to make a legendary quest line that makes us bring alts through LFR again?
- I think so.
- Sadly.
- If they do then I hope what the end result is does not come out being like the end result of this one was.
- Because if you want to raid the legendary is required, more so for a damage dealer.
- It is not optional.
- Previously if you had someone in your group with the legendary it felt like a bonus, even if a small one.
- Now, it feels like if you have someone in your group without it, they are not trying, or they are holding you back.
- Not saying having the legendary makes you better, it just makes you have more potential.
- And I am not talking turning doing 200K into 205K in the right hands.
- I am saying turning 200K into 260K in the right hands.
- And that is why it is mandatory.
- Because I have seen fights where the cloak was 30%+ of the damage done.
- Speaking of numbers that are out of line, I managed 338K on my rogue on ordos this week.
- My crappy rogue.
- That is not even 550 item level.
- Without the special island buffs.
- Can someone say I had lucky cape procs?
- I can.
- So see, that legendary takes me, someone that might, just might, be able to pull 200K on a character before 550 item level that I am not very good at and lets me do over 300K with some lucky procs.
- The legendary is too powerful.
- Which is exactly why the legendary is mandatory.
- I joined an ordos group on my druid as guardian and another tank joined the group and whispered me, do you want me to take it, I can if you can't handle it.
- I clicked on him, saw 494K life and then looked at my 1.3M and said, I think I can handle it.
- I was actually happy, usually if I join an ordos with another tank that is capable I drop group.
- It is a one tank fight, and I want to be the tank that tanks it.
- It is a great vengeance cheesing fight and I like to see what I can do on it.
- I wonder if that guy even looked at my life, or his life for that matter.
- He might have been experience and it was his way of saying he knew what he was doing.
- That was actually very nice of him.
- However I do not care if you are an experienced player or not, you are going to get crushed by ordos if you are under 500K life unless you have a dedicated healer and even then you would be on a clock, a clock that was how long their mana held out.
- I ended 4th in damage done and 3rd in healing in a group with 7 healers.
- Yeah, I think I was able to handle it.
- That is also why I love tanking ordos, it is a chance to see what I can push out.
- My druid had some other fun adventures this weekend.
- I am still trying to get a hang on healing with it.
- I can not figure out when it is best to use tree form, or what to use while in it.
- I do lifebloom spam on everyone even if regrowth is instant but with my mana I can not do more than a few regrowths before I am completely out of mana.
- Tanked SoO normal, looking for healing gear, got none, so still sitting a 528 healing item level.
- Funny, when I did not have a healing spec I kept seeing healing leather drop.
- As soon as I decided to start collecting it, the drop rate dried up.
- When we got to thok I switched to heal as we do that with 3 healers and one tank.
- We wiped because I was basically useless as a healer.
- We did three attempts before I switched to my priest for that one fight.
- At least I was consistent on my druid.
- 69K, 68K, 68K, on my three attempts.
- Sadly I was consistently bad.
- Brought in my priest and we downed it then switched back to tank.
- Guess I am just not ready to be a druid healer.
- Part gear issue, mostly skill issue I think.
- Probably would have done better if I had more than 10K spirit.
- Asked a druid healer I know what she runs with and she said 21K leaves her comfortable, not too much and not too little but if she had to stress some bigger more expensive heals it leaves her room to work with.
- Maybe I will reevaluate myself once I have more spirit.
- Might not be completely me being bad but partly me not having the tools to get better, as in spirit.
- I will tell you healing thok on a druid is like DPSing thok on a hunter.
- It is just unfair to everyone else in the game.
- Interrupt? What interrupt?
- I just keep casting to keep my little tree heart content.
- I just did my thing, never spell locked, never even needed to worry about being spell locked.
- It was great fun healing thok on my druid.
- It is a nightmare healing it on anyone else.
- Oh, more druid stories.
- Doing my runestone collecting I zone into ToT 4, as a healer of course, being I don't tank LFRs.
- There is a shaman DPSing that queued up as a healer.
- Every time I see a healer DPSing it is always a shaman, I swear I saw it happen 5 times this week with a healer DPSing and all 5 times it is a shaman.
- There is one tank and it seems that tank is one that has no clue.
- He goes left at the top of the stairs to clear the adds.
- Who the hell goes left.
- He is full clearing the trash.
- I think he must be a rookie.
- Inspect, just shy of 1M health, mostly normal gear, some flex some LFR.
- It sure seems like someone that should have done this before.
- He keeps doing stupid things, pulling stuff so far out of the way for no reason.
- That is when the three people I am there with and I come to the conclusion, he either just bought the character, or is a raider as a damage dealer and got enough off spec stuff to make a tank set and figured he would give it a try.
- I lean toward he bought the account because if he raided enough to get that much off spec gear he should at least know the routes.
- Even a DPS sees the route a tank uses and would be able to copy it, this guy did not even know the routes.
- And as he had the legendary, that means he would have had to do ToT 4 before.
- At least once.
- So my conclusion, he bought the account.
- We get to the boss and are waiting on another tank.
- The shaman says, should I switch to heals.
- At least this one owned up to DPSing, most just play stupid.
- I said, you switch to healing, I will switch to tank, and we can get this going, sound good?
- They said, yeah.
- I switch to tank and must have really upset the poor tank.
- I pull, he tries to taunt, but my threat just out paces him and I grab the boss back without even taunting.
- I solo tank the first boss basically.
- On the way to the second boss we get another tank.
- So I say, I will switch back to healing and told the shaman, you can switch back to DPS, it will speed things up and he is not really needed to heal.
- But apparently I hurt the other tanks ego by switching to tank and solo tanking the first boss.
- Rightfully so too, he queued as tank, it was wrong of me to take control in a fill in situation.
- I would not have taken over like that if he didn't act like someone that bought the character.
- Either way, to "fix" his ego he runs into the twins and makes a head long run into them and pulls before I can switch back to healing.
- And before most people where there.
- Guess it was good I did not switch yet because the other tank had not made it in yet.
- It ended up being a very long fight with only half the damage dealers there and only 2 healers there.
- Good thing it is not a heavy healing fight.
- Even better thing I was on a grossly over geared bear for it.
- I ended up, just like on the first boss, taking control and I was able to keep myself healed.
- When the fight was over I switched to healing and we finished it up.
- Should I mention he managed to die 3 times on the last boss.
- I guess it is a good thing I had aggro the entire time for the first two bosses or he might have found a way to die on them too.
- And this is partly why I do not tank LFR.
- It is the dealing with personality that can some times be the hardest part.
- I was talking to someone in guild yesterday and I said LFR is harder than heroic raiding when done by the people it is intended for on a social level.
- He said no way, heroic raiding is about skill and ability and team work and so forth and so on and LFR is just about going in and blowing things up. LFR is easier.
- I said, but you missed the key part of that, when done by the people it is intended for on a social level.
- I said if you are with all skilled players trying to down a heroic boss you are all, in theory, working for the same goal as a team and have the skills and abilities to do so where as in the LFR you have varied skill levels, each person there for the own reasons, and many do not work well with others are is obvious based on the toxic behavior in them.
- So trying to do content with people that want to do it (heroic) is easier than trying to do content with people that just want to make life hell for everyone (LFR).
- He agreed to disagree.
- I said, you are just looking at it from the wrong perspective.
- You are looking at it from the basic difficulty of the fight and I am looking at it from the human factor.
- He is looking at it from a pure mechanic factor and that of course means heroic is more difficult, heck heroic and LFR are not even in the same league of each other.
- I am talking about the group of players you are doing it with and how they react and what they are capable of doing and if they are capable of working together.
- With that said, LFR is harder than heroic raiding any day, hands down.
- Even one shotting bosses in LFR is harder than working your ass off for 200 wipes before you down something in heroic.
- But, as he said, it is my opinion and my opinion is I would rather wipe with decent people than one shot with the toxic crusaders.
- Listening to people in the LFR makes my brain cells rot.
- Sometimes I feel dumber just having read what they said.
- It is like trade on steroids.
- Because we are trapped in there with them and they know that.
- I recall someone resembling me saying, when LFR was first added, that this would happen and it would keep getting worse.
- It is not like it should surprise anyone that when you put a jerk into a situation where they have anonymity and a captive audience they will step it up a level or three.
- Speaking of jerks like that, another ToT 4 on my mage this time, we wipe and the toxic community clicks into over drive.
- Kick all DPS under the tank.
- I look, tank is 14th, so that would mean kicking a couple, but the tank is doing 86K in 14th, which of ToT is pretty freaking awesome if your 14th player is doing 86K.
- From 11th up was over 100K.
- Usually we did not even have one person or only one person over 100K when this first came out and had no problem.
- This is the second week in a row I heard that "kick everyone under the tank" yelp from the dim witted masses on the same fight.
- I wonder if there is some sort of troll script these guys all share and work from.
- On this fight blame the DPS.
- On this fight blame the tanks.
- On this fight blame the healers.
- Do they even think before they speak.
- You know why we wiped?
- The tanks never moved the lion and tanked it in the middle of the wind.
- The melee froze, the healers lost line of sight on the tanks, the tanks died, we all died.
- WTF does any of that have to do with the DPS?
- Sure, you can blame the DPS for not downing the ice blocked people fast enough, but they should never have been ice blocked to begin with.
- Blame the tanks for tanking the damn thing where they did.
- If you are going to blame people, blame the right people.
- I was tanking a flex on my druid and one tanked klaxxi and after the fight I said, we have to kick everyone below the tank.
- Of course I was top DPS while tanking on my druid.
- But I said it as a joke.
- Maybe the people that said it in the raid there meant it as a joke.
- Can't tell over the internet sometimes.
- But I don't think so and even if it were a joke this was a group of random people that do not know you and they would not know it was a joke.
- Help everyone in an LFR if you ever try to say a joke like that, put a :P or ;) or something to make people realize that it is not to be taken seriously.
- Needless to say, all the toxic hate came out after the wipe, everyone blaming everyone else.
- People are strange, and that is why LFR is harder than it need to be, because of the people.
- Have you noticed the ToT to SoO trend I have noticed?
- The groups I get for ToT are better than SoO groups, which should be better.
- I often see myself with 4 or 5 people over 200K, maybe even over 300K in the average ToT, even on a sunday.
- In an SoO I am usually sitting #1 on my new alt hunter doing 120K.
- 120K would not even be top 10 in a ToT.
- I think I know why, at least why for me.
- I do ToT three on all my characters each week to try and get pets.
- Maybe others do as well.
- I think the big part is people that know how to play go for the older ones on their alts because they just want to get them done.
- So slowly advancing a legendary on an alt through ToT only is better then finding those worse groups in the harder content.
- People going for gear go for the newer ones and that is why there might be worse groups there.
- Can swear I have been in some ToT runs recently that the worse player in there was better than the best player in an SoO run.
- We, me and two friends, zone into SoO 2 and look at the tanks, both have less than 500K life. Fully buffed.
- My last ToT had one tank with 1.4M and one tank with 1.1M.
- Shouldn't it be the other way around?
- Seems like the better players steer clear of SoO unless there is something they want from it or are trying to rush their legendary line.
- Seems the better players know ToT 3 is the best of the best for speed runs for valor in the LFR setting.
- And a shot at 2 pets.
- One of which consistently sell of over 100K on most servers.
- Now if that is not a good reason and why better players run ToT 3 I don't know what is.
- Smoother runs, minimal trash, easy fights (outside of the maze part for some), and two pets you can get, one which is worth a small fortune.
- It is why I do it all the time, even when I completely quit doing LFR for a while I would still pop in and do that one on my main each week.
- Once I get the pet however, not sure if I will keep going back.
- But I will always have someone coming up the legendary ladder.
- I could do it like I did my monk and my mage.
- They did their entire legendary quest line from secrets on in ToT 3 only for the most part.
- Took a very long time, but at least I only did the one I wanted to do.
- And being this is a game isn't the whole idea to have fun doing what I want to do?
- Sounds reasonable to me.
- Just wish SoO was not such a nightmare.
- I wish there were a way to rank people that would not end up being abused.
- I've met some really nice people (even if not good players) in LFR and I would love to run with them again and I've met some horrible people (even if they were good players) that if I never saw them again it would be too soon.
- If they had a ranking system which pushed people with bad scores to the back and people with good scores to the front, maybe a 6 hours wait time for an LFR might teach them to stop being assholes when in the group.
- Nah, that would never work.
- People would abuse it.
- Or worse yet, one of those assholes will get someone else in trouble because that his how they work.
- One LFR I was in this week, on protectors, there is a priest not accepting rez so someone says, kick the priest.
- Two seconds later the pop up comes up, people click it, person is gone.
- But it is not the priest.
- It was a warrior.
- Someone said, why did we kick the warrior, he was top DPS.
- Number 2 DPS says, because I am here with 8 people from my guild and I want to be top DPS.
- He basically tricked the group into kicking someone and had his friends set it up so the vote to kick would pop up after he said to kick the priest.
- Now that my friends is a world class asshole.
- Two people that were with the warrior called him out for the jerk he was and dropped group, and those were two of the better people there.
- There was nothing anyone could do against them, they had enough people to control the run.
- And that is why a voting system would never work.
- Poor warrior would have a negative on his record for getting kicked when the only thing he did was being a decent player and beat the wrong person with the power to kick in DPS.
- But it is still nice to dream that we could end up getting a group with all the good people and some how phase all those people out of the game forever.
- I do not care if they pay the same 15 I do, that 15 does not give them the right to act like that.
- Never has, never will, and it will never get better until blizzard starts to moderate their game.
- So, it will never change.
- Have a great day.
All Classes at 80!
8 hours ago
I'm reserving judgment on WoD LFR until I see how its done up in WoD. there's been several post that they are tuning it for tourist mode and pushing the people that are not tourist but might not have time to raid hardcore into Flex I think the no trinkets and no tier gear is them showing they are still pursuing this. so even tho I've been burned in the past as long as they keep making gestures like that I will give them the benefit of the doubt for now.
ReplyDeleteIf they can make the new LFRs dungeon level difficulty I think they will serve their place well. As long as they make them with the intended player base in mind difficulty wise it should be okay. But based on their track record and thinking things like "group splitting for spoils" is fine and "the maze" is fine for the LFR set prove they have no clue who plays in the LFR.
DeleteI couldn't get through this, after the repetitive LFR complaining that talks about LFR today instead of LFR in WoD (and was never particularly valid to begin with) and the "required" legendary (I raid just fine on toons of all specs without the cloak, thanks, sorry that you seem to think it's required) and TI being "welfare epics" (you know what? I kind of liked a tier where I didn't have to deal with killing the same boss 30 times to get that one piece that I needed... in a world when you can't just swap bound gear between alts I really appreciated the TI method for BASELINE gearing)...
If you want to get on a somewhat new rant for a change, let's see what you can do with this gem from a recent blue comment about the guild changes:
"Many perks can just be rolled into default behaviors, since a majority of players already had them and the world was designed and tuned around their existence"
Yes, I realize this is almost getting into your "required legendary" territory but the legendary was never classified as a perk... perks are supposed to be minor things that are quality of life improvements. I hope they get more of a clue on how perks should actually work before they introduce tertiary stat "perks" on gear.
But you would be so much better with the cloak, to the tune of 30% better. So while you "can" do it without it, you are not doing it as well as you are capable.
DeleteHey, I "can" walk to work but the 7 mile trip goes a lot faster in a car. Just because you can do something does not make it right. The legendary cloak is the car. You can get there without it but getting there with it is so much easier.
I am not saying I did not like the TI gear, I loved it and gear all my new 90s with it instantly. I am saying however that it is welfare gear. You bend over and there it is laying on the ground.
I would be a happy elf if I never had to kill a boss for gear again. So happy I would write songs and sing and probably get shot for being a public menace. So I understand the desire to not have to kill things 30 times to hope to get something. Random loot is the absolute worst loot system they could ever made and they seem to keep moving into more and more random loot settings.
Think of it, TI loot was random loot too. First would it be for your character, then will it have two stats or one, and then what stats would those two or one stats be. So even TI, which is better than killing bosses, was still crap loot.
Valor gear or any purchased gear. Work for your currency, earn your gear, buy it. That is the only fair system and also the only system that actually rewards people for the effort put into getting it. In my opinion of course.
As for perks, I am with you on that one. Blizzard does not release what the word means. If you make 25% taxi speed the standard, it is no longer a perk yet they are still calling it that.
Yes, the legendary is bonus. If it did 1% extra damage I might even call that a perk. But that is what a perk means. Something little extra.
Really nothing to complain about there however. Even if I wanted to the reasoning for removing guild levels is a solid one, the idea of making it base line is a plus for people that are not in guilds so they now too get the, as blizzard calls it, perks is a good one.
Will it take away my personal sense of accomplishment that I leveled 2 guilds all on my own with no help? Maybe, but who really cares. Now It would no longer be a long trip to level solo, you will have mass rez instantly and really, that is the only really great guild perk. And that is still a perk in a pure sense. It is a perk for being in a guild.
I am sure I could complain about something there, but it is just not worth it. Not when guilds are being made completely useless over the last expansion and into the next one unless you raid mythic.
Being you can cross server raid otherwise and do everything else cross server, guilds are no longer really needed. They are just a place to hang with your friends.
"- I even have other lyrics for it too.
ReplyDelete"- Do you ever do anything like that or am I just insane?"
Ha... That's good. As one who's spent a fair amount of time on hunter poetry, and has just started working on hunter songwriting, I'm glad to hear that it occupies others thoughts as well! :)
Here's a really rough recording of a love song to my pets, just so you don't feel too crazy. :-)
I'll have to check that out from home, no sound here at work. Glad to see I am not the only wacko. ;)
DeleteThink it is just a hunter thing? To much time spent alone with our pets gets us singing a lot?