It was announced that there have been some changes to how much valor we get when doing group content. The random dungeons now give 80 (was 60) for the first run and 40 (was 30) for each run thereafter. Scenarios saw a boost as well to 40 (was 30) for the first run and 20 (was 15) for each run thereafter.
The challenge modes also got a boost but I will not even count them here. For people that run challenge modes they can easily run normal modes to cap out being they have a premade group that can burn through the content and valor cap in a short time because of it. I am getting at the average joe, with maybe a few people they run with or that run randoms or someone with a stable of alts.
The valor changes are not enough, not even close to enough. They are still leaps and bounds too low. For the hard core player valor is fine, see my challenge mode comment, for the player with a fair amount of time but only one character the valor is fine. For anyone, even with less time, that only has one 90 and is still working on reputation, valor is fine, they will cap just from daily quests alone. For everyone else, valor is all screwed up.
There are two reasons it is all screwed up for the masses that play. One, capping takes a hell of a lot of a time investment. Two, what the hell are you going to spend that valor on if you are not doing dailies for reputation.
There is another reason it is messed up, and that is my situation, which I know a few are in. My situation first.
My main is almost done getting my last two factions to at least revered and while I will continue to exalted over time I will do some here and some there meaning I will not cap my main by doing quests only soon.
So what options do I have? Continue to do dailies that offer me nothing but valor really or mix it up and add some other stuff in? I will most likely mix it up but even at that, even if I do a few hubs each day, one scenario and one dungeon I won't be capping. Lets ignore for the fact that there is already almost nothing left for me to buy, lets say there was, I need to grind forever on a character that has already maxed all its reputations making dailies less "useful".
When I was getting gold, valor and charms along with reputation doing the daily grind makes sense. I needed a lot from them. When I no longer need reputation, and really can make more gold grinding mobs for a few minutes and trading in one spirit for three lotus gold is not an issue, I have enough lesser charms to get my three elder ones for the next 15 weeks, that leaves only the valor and I am sorry, but 5 valor is just not worth doing the dailies for. Not even close. Not when I have other 90s that will start needing my attention once I am done with my main.
Once I am done with my reputations on my main I just want to cap as fast as humanly possible and move along to doing something else. That is when valor becomes a chore, and not a fun one at that, and I want it to be over as fast as possible and there is no fast way to get the valor grind done any more.
They need to change how many valor you get from the dailies when you reach exalted. There is a saying I like that I will share, the reward must be worth the effort and when you get, and needed, everything from the dailies the reward is more than ample for the effort. Once you get to the point you are only doing them for valor and valor only the reward is lackluster, to say the least. The reward is not worth the effort, not even close.
Once exalted you should get 20 valor per quest, maybe 15 would be okay, even 10 would really be pushing it to the point of not being worth doing them for valor.
They needed to think that the time would come when people would move into valor grinding mode, and that is coming in less than a week for me, when doing dailies will be doing them for valor only.
They made all these changes to valor but they forgot one thing, the quests. It is fine and dandy to change the group content but to not change the number one thing people are getting valor from, whether they like it or not, is an oversight of epic proportions.
A buff to the valor received when exalted with a faction from their dailies seems like it would be a reasonable change to make them worth continuing once you do not need anything else from them. 20 per sounds about right.
Now lets get back to the two things I mentioned earlier.
1) Capping takes a hell of a lot of time.
Some classes it is easier than others to do the daily grind. Some classes it is easier to do the dungeon grind. Either type you are it is going to take a fair deal of time to cap your valor. The buff to dungeon valor and the complete disregard for quest valor is not going to really help anyone much.
The dungeon valor should have been buffed from 60 to 120 for the first run and from 30 to 60 for each run there after. That would be more acceptable for the masses. The type of player that can not invest the time some do. There are some players in my guild that were upset we started raiding before they could open up all four the gear reputations with revered because now on nights we raid they can not fit in their dailies.
Time is limited for all types, myself included and I play often. My alts do not have any reputations because I do not have the time to do it with them yet. Many people, the majority if you will, are like I handle my alts, I have the time to do some stuff with them, I raid with them, and I do some dungeons here and there with them, but I can not grind out 3 hours a night of dailies.
Now, lets just say for arguments sake I do decide to grind on my alts that are 90. A healer and a tank at the moment. I can just do the dungeon thing. It will take what feels like a year and a day to grind out valor cap that way, the numbers it offered, and now offer even after the change, are a joke and capping out valor through dungeons will not happen unless I have a hell of a lot of free time.
There is no way around it. For the average player reaching valor cap is a pipe dream, it can not and will not ever happen. Valor needs a boost so it does not become a full time job to cap out. But that brings us to issue two.
2) What is that valor for?
If you are not doing dailies you are not getting reputation and you are not opening up the vendors to spend the valor at. So basically that means, why even give a crap about capping if you have nothing to spend it on. Good question. I have the answer.
So I can gear up my alts. Good enough answer for you?
They are alternate characters there to support my main character. I have a tank, should it be needed. I have a healer, should it be needed. I have a jewelcrafter to cut my gems. I have an engineer to make my weapon scope. I have an enchanter to make my enchants. I have a leatherworker to make my gear. These are all characters there to support my main character.
There is absolutely no reason they should need to grind to revered to get gear and things they need for their professions. My main did and that is who they are making those things for. So if my main is revered/exalted and the items are for him shouldn't my revered/exalted status count?
There is no reason that my enchanter, a healer, should have to get to revered with the august celestials to get a pattern for my hunter. None what so ever. If my hunter is revered and the enchant is for him, I should have it. It makes no difference if my priest is the one buying it.
Reputation should span accounts. Not only so we have things for our alternate characters to spend their valor on, but so our alternate characters can do what they are supposed to do, support our mains.
So where I stand is the valor changes are not enough, they need a lot more added to it, and they need to make reputation changes with it as well.
All group content, dungeons, scenarios, challenge modes, should all be doubled in what they offer. Not these tiny increases. Daily quests should offer a lot more valor once you reach exalted with a faction. And if one character is revered or better, all character should be eligible to buy the same items the revered character is. This means gear and patterns.
Increasing valor from a dungeon to 80 from 60 is an insult to everyone that ever made a post about the rate at which valor is gained.
It was a nice attempt by blizzard to show they hear people but it missed the target. I don't really mind the grind, never have and never will. In fact I like it. But that does not change the fact that this change is an insult. I had yet to really complain about the rate of valor here and probably would not have, but seeing this change made me want to do my thing and just be grumpy about it. Don't make chances and say they are to help things when they are absolutely not helping anyone and they mean nothing.
If you really want to change things blizzard, do the right thing, double the valor gained and let reputation privileges carry over to alts. Now that would show you are listening.
You would have been better off leaving it alone. This change is like giving a starving man a crumb, sure he will take it because it is better than nothing, but it is still an insult to him. If you wanted to alleviate the valor grind issues, do it, don't make changes like this that just insult the people that wanted changes in the first place. These valor changes are just not enough.
GQDN 1/20/2025
1 hour ago