Time for a bunch of random rambling. Sometimes I think that is what I do best, ramble on about nothing.
- I downloaded clcret to check it out and see what it can do to help me with my retribution spec on my paladin.
- Being my paladin hit 85 and then just sat there I never really got the chance to convert it to protection and holy so I figured I would roll as retribution for a while.
- It is a paladin, how hard could it really be?
- Harder then it was in wrath, that's for sure.
- So I'll roll as retribution while I build gear for my other two specs and then I will switch.
- Tri spec is needed. We have three specs, while not allow us to be all three?
- It might also give people more reason to try a tank or healing spec.
- Who am I kidding, they will just have different DPS versions.
- Just like my priest is disc/disc
- And my warrior is prot/prot
- I would probably add holy as my third priest set and still be left with no real third spec.
- I would most likely add another prot spec to my warrior. A threat one, A damage one, and a utility one for offtank kiting and such.
- Back to clcret. It put the holy power bar dead center of my screen.
- Who the hell makes an addon that is intrusive like that?
- I tried to figure out how to move it, I failed.
- Spent almost an hour on the dummy playing with it.
- The idea was to get a feel for what spells I would be using most and the connection between each other so it would better set me up to know where to bind things.
- The first time through something popped up and I looked at it wondering what spell is this?
- It was suggesting things I did not recognize, I did not even have on my bar.
- Nope, I did, I just never looked at the icon that close.
- My bars are so tiny on my screen. I like having them there to see them, but they are so small I never really notice what the icons actually look like.
- It showed me some interesting things for sure.
- I used to always use my art of war proc the moment it popped up.
- It is actually ranked lower according to that and there are a few things that rank higher then it.
- Cool. This is why I wanted to test it out. It will help me learn my rotation better.
- I still wonder how some paladins could only do 5K DPS in zuls.
- I was doing 7K the second I hit 85 in all crap gear.
- Was up to 9K after using clcret on the dummy and one dungeon. It really taught me a lot about the rotation.
- Why the hell is my holy power bar in the middle of the screen? Sorry, just had to ask again.
- I had to turn clcret off because of that. Well, that and it teaches you a very bad habit.
- I was spending more time staring at the addon to see what I should do next and not enough time looking at the battle and ground effects.
- Bad DPS if you ask me. I would be better off doing 7K and avoiding all that avoidable damage then doing 9K and making the healers life hell to keep me up.
- Great addon to learn the rotation. Turn it off after you leave the dummy. Only use it to learn the rotation, nothing more.
- Tried another addon for my shamans enhancement spec too.
- Shock and Awe rocks are far as addons go.
- It let me move everything around so nothing was cluttering my screen at all. That gets a thumbs up to begin with.
- Any addon that does not allow you to move it sucks in my opinion.
- Yes I am looking at you mr holy power bar in clcret.
- It suffers from the same problem that clcret does however. You end up staring at what to do next and not the ground effects like a good DPS should.
- My enhancement skills are lacking this expansion, I rocked enhancement in wrath and I did it well, very well.
- I wonder why reading on the forums everyone says that enhancement was so hard in wrath. I never found that to be the case.
- To each their own I guess.
- My enhancement gear leaves a lot of be desired. Not gemmed, not enchanted, not reforged.
- Heck, I am a healer only now. I just keep the enhancement out of memory of fun I had with it maybe. That and the rare occasion where I actually decide to do a few quests.
- I was going to use it to see what it suggested as a rotation, to see if I can adjust to the new way of things.
- Last time I played around with it I was doing 9K on the dummy.
- With shock and awe after a 5 minute set I was at 7K.
- Okay, something is seriously wrong here. I did 9K on the dummy using the old style as I remembered it and only 7K with the new, and believed, easier rotation.
- Oops, I did not have my weapons buffed.
- Shock and awe does a great job with rotations, timers, display, usability, etc.
- What it does not do is tell you when your forgot to buff your weapons.
- Either that or I just missed it telling me. If that is the case, a hey idiot, buff your weapons, popping up in the middle of the screen would have helped.
- At least a shaman without their weapon buffs is not as bad as a rogue without their poisons.
- It is still bad however.
- So I guess I did not do worse with the addon than I did without it.
- I just forgot my buffs. Which is one reason addons are a bad thing.
- I was just following what it said to do, it did not tell me I was an idiot that forgot to buff my weapons, so I didn't.
- Addons are only good to help. You still need to think for yourself.
- Next time I will remember myself.
- I need bigger bags on my shaman.
- To much gear and not enough space.
- Restro gear, enhancement gear, resto PvP gear and god forbid I ever decide to make an enhancement PvP set.
- I guess I have to make a decision on what carry with me and what not to.
- I would love if the gear sets thing actually held the gear for the sets you are not using.
- So if I made a healer set, pvp healer set, enhance set, and pvp enhance set, all that gear would actually be on my character and switching gear sets would just switch it.
- Now that is an amazing idea. Wish blizzard would do it. It would free up lots of space in my bags.
- You know what else would be a great idea.
- Having a way to save talent trees when you respec you can just choose to respec to a pre saved talent tree instead of having to reenter everything.
- Going to do some PvP on my hunter, ditch my MM spec and pick up my MM PvP spec from a drop down menu of my saved specs. Pay my fee, move along.
- When done, drop my MM PvP spec and pick up my MM spec and go back to things their way they where.
- Say the MM spec gets changed. I delete that as one of my quick saves at the trainer and make a new one to save as one of my preset specs I can switch to.
- Even if they charged you an extra 100 gold per slot to make presets to switch to I would pay it.
- I would have specs for everything.
- So often I would like to respec but just do not do it because it is wasted time to respec for PvP when I am only planning on doing my daily battle ground for conquest or something.
- This way, I would be more likely to switch on a whim here or there.
- My second spec for my warrior was originally made for kiting adds on Maloriak, was great to never have to worry about interrupting because I could easily kite them all no matter what with that spec.
- Thing is, that spec has very few uses. There are not a great deal of add fights like that. So it is not a spec I would keep around.
- The only reason I still have it is because I don't feel like having to respec everything and then maybe I need it again when we go do BWD one night.
- Having an ability to save it so I can switch back to it instantly later would be awesome. Even if I had to still visit the trainer to do it. Even if I still have to pay for the respec. Even if I had to pay 100 gold to make a save slot for a talent tree at the trainer.
- Call me lazy if you want but I just do not feel like clicking all the talents again when it would just be easier to switch to it.
- I don't change specs that often or just for one fight, for that very reason.
- It is not a gold factor, it is an annoyance factor.
- Switch to something for one fight then having to switch back. Oh joy. What other ways can you figure to make me waste my time blizzard.
- Do you think they will ever add anything like that? Or another talent tree? Or a battleground/arena only spec?
- The battleground/arena spec would make the most sense.
- When you join up for one it will automatically use that spec. If you have not filled in that spec it will tell you that you need a PvP spec in order to PvP.
- Even if you make it the same it becomes your choice to be the same.
- Makes life a million times easier for people that only occasionally PvP but still care enough to at least use a PvP spec.
- There is no reason for someone like myself that might PvP once a month to have to waste a spec on PvP when I am only allowed to have two to begin with. My options are so limited I am not going to waste one of my specs on a PvP spec.
- Popped on to my lock a little yesterday and did a few quests and remembered why it is still only 83.
- I hate being squishy.
- I hate pets that can not hold aggro against a critter.
- I do love the potential.
- If I could have my hunters turtle on my warlock I could probably pull all of uldum at the same time and have no problems.
- With my VW I get more then 2 mobs and we are both dead.
- I can not even heal my VW without getting aggro on both mobs.
- I can not even heal my VW on a single target without getting aggro.
- I'll chalk it up to I'm doing something wrong.
- I do find a little joy in the concept of DoT up the world and let them all burn.
- It is truly evil.
- Evil can be fun some times.
- That is why being a lock is more fun in PvP.
- DoT up the world works so much better there.
- Even more for me as affliction.
- A friend told me my problem is that I am affliction.
- Usually DPS roles are considered the leveling spec.
- Being a lock is a pure DPS class shouldn't all specs be viable for leveling easily?
- I think I am going to play with demonology for a bit just for fun.
- And then test out destro some more. I played it for a whole one day while leveling. It needs more testing if you ask me.
- Either way, it will most likely get to 85 and just sit there, the way most of my 85s do.
- Until I get bored and look for something to do.
- Gearing up can be fun.
- It is nice being able to run a dungeon and have a reason to look at what drops and actually need something once in a while.
- I did my first two zuls, one each, on my mage this weekend.
- Of course not one piece dropped that he could use.
- I did not do horrible. 12K-17K on bosses. But not even close to what I feel I should be able to do in 346 gear.
- Two runs, no drops, so still 346.
- It is amazing how I do 12K-17K on bosses and think it is only okay then I see others pulling 4K on bosses in zul and them being surprised when someone questions their bad DPS.
- I am doing fine, is what they say.
- While I do not really support recount as a way to prove if someone is doing well or not some times there is a good reason for it.
- Posting a recount that shows the tank doing 9K and the two other DPS doing 14K and 13K and them sitting at 4K you can ask them, how exactly do you think you are doing fine?
- Some people, like that, actually need recount.
- Recount might never be a good way to prove you are good but it can be a good way to prove someone is bad.
- Outside of standing in the bad and not doing the utility things that matter which basically can all go unnoticed sometimes the one thing that all DPS always have hanging over their head is a tangible number to hang things on.
- So the rogue asks, I don't know why it is so low, I never had any problems before.
- I inspect and say, maybe putting on some poisons might help.
- It didn't, but at least he got up to 7K on the boss.
- Still a joke in a zul.
- How come I do 14K on a zul boss and think I did horrible and someone else does 7K and think they are doing fine?
- Do these people have any self respect?
- I would be embarrassed, even under the anonymity of the internet, to let people see me do that bad.
- The least I would do is say I am sorry for not doing so well and explain I am still learning the class.
- Say something that does not resemble "7K is fine" because it is not.
- On my hunter the other day I apologized for not being on the top of my game.
- I said, sorry for not giving my best, I am just not into it today.
- I broke 20K on one boss, did not come close on any others doing 14K-17K on the others.
- Someone said, you are doing top damage by a lot, no need to apologize.
- I said, thanks, but I just feel I did not give you my best.
- Over all 18K and I apologize for my bad numbers and some rogue thinks that 4K is fine.
- What is wrong with this game?
- The more there is gear inflation the larger the gap between good and bad gets making it easier to notice who is just having a bad day or learning and who actually sucks.
- My paladin in mostly greens is learning doing 7K.
- A rogue in 346 gear is bad doing 4K.
- See, there is a difference.
- A rogue in all greens doing 4K would be learning. Hopefully. So he does not become a rogue in 346 doing 4K.
- I did finish my first heroic on my paladin now that I am high enough to get into one.
- I sucked it up big time. It was a guild group, otherwise I would have never joined in on a heroic yet. I am not ready.
- Of course, nothing dropped for me.
- I will roll on all three specs because I plan on being all three and just respecing as needed.
- So three specs of gear I could roll on.
- Basically everything that is plate is mine in a guild group that doesn't need anything there.
- Not one piece of plate drops.
- Looks like another one of those gearing up adventures.
- At least I find it fun.
- Would be nice to go from 329-346 in 3 heroics like my warrior did however.
- Rare case indeed, where everything that you need drops.
- Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever done as low on my tanks as that the rogue did.
- Sometimes poison can help on your weapons.
- There is bad because you are not good yet and there bad because you are not trying at all.
- Some people really try, just they try the wrong way.
- Like the one tank I ran into in a zul.
- Had great gear.
- Prot gear, ret gear, holy gear.
- He was gemmed correctly.
- Prot gems in his prot gear, ret gems in his ret gear, holy gems in his holy gear.
- He was enchanted correctly.
- Prot enchants on his prot gear, ret enchants on his ret gear, holy enchants on his holy gear.
- This person surely did his research.
- He just didn't quite grasp that because you can play all three roles, you do not wear all three roles worth of gear at the same time.
- If the talent pools where like they used to be I bet you he would have had even talent points in each tree.
- You have to wonder how it is possible to research enough to get the right gear, gems and enchants all matched up yet not know which ones of those you are supposed to be wearing to tank.
- Funny part is, I noticed this and said nothing.
- I wanted to see how this guy did in action and was hoping no one else would notice and kick him before I had a chance to see.
- Color me surprised, the guy was fantastic.
- Apparently he read up on rotations and spec too because he did everything right in that aspect.
- I doubt anyone would have ever noticed he was wearing a technicolor dream coat at all. He left after two bosses, said he needed to go somewhere.
- First impression was this guy is a jackass. I am glad I stayed around to watch and did not say anything. He was quite impressive.
- If only he could get one type of gear and stick to it he might just become one of the best tanks I've ever seen.
- I can see the reason some ret gear would be used, for extra damage, but why the holy gear?
- Maybe he had a reason, maybe it was not just being stupid about one aspect when apparently he was knowledgeable about others.
- Warcraft is a weird world made up of all types and we all feed off each other.
- Good or bad, we need those people around us, they give us something to think about sometimes.
- Something to laugh about sometimes.
- Something to rant about sometimes.
- To you and them, have a great day.
GQDN 1/20/2025
4 hours ago
My main is a Warlock and I don't find her squishy at all. Mages are squishy, that's why they have all those escape tools.
ReplyDeleteI find I can tank most quest mobs just fine specially as Affliction with all the self healing. Use Drain Life as your filler doing quests, not Shadow Bolt, it will be much easier, your life and you mana should become a seesaw as you do quests, Life Tapping and Drain Life"ing". And yes, don't expect your pet to hold aggro, that kind of sucks indeed... Even Ferocity hunter pets hold aggro 1000x better.
I've leveled 80-85 as Destruction without any issues at all. Since it's the burst spec, I found it to be the fastest, you dont have to wait for your DoTs to tick. Just Immolate, Conflagrate, a few Incinerates and you're done. On the other hand, I've been doing the Molten Front dailies as Demo and am finding it better than Destro, the Felguard takes care of a big part by himself, but then again I got a lot of gear. But the best part is you can be evil by multidotting everything as Demo! Do that, wait for them all to come to you, pop Meta (+ armor so you can take the hits), Shadowflame, Felstorm and Hellfire (and maybe the Infernal if you're really angry) and watch everything around you melt down, bwahahaha!
Thanks for the lock tips. Played a tiny bit yesterday and hit 84. So 85 will come in time. I just can not play for extended times as I get frustrated by tanking everything myself because my pet is shy.
ReplyDeleteI guess I got spoiled by being a hunter and having a reliable tank with me no matter what spec I am.
I think I am going to try the Demo way you mentioned when the time comes for some questing at 85, should I ever get around to it.
I have a demo spec at the moment so it might be worth giving it a shot. Not to mention, I think the metamorphosis looks cool.
Thanks again for the input. Always looking for ways to improve game play for myself even on the classes I use less.
As I always say, if you are going to play, why not play right.