- Most of my random thoughts today are about PvP.
- Look for the italics down (way) below if you want to skip PvP thoughts.
- That is because I decided to do some PvP this weekend, the first real bout of PvP since the hunters change to focus.
- I can tell you already that I miss mana.
- I can also tell you that focus is not as bad as I thought it would be.
- I can see why Hunters were the least represented class in the history of the arena last season however. They are not half the class they used to be.
- Hunters can still rule the battle ground however.
- I moved from 2100 resilience to 2600 resilience by buying a few pieces this weekend. Not a bad days work for just running some battle grounds.
- The more resilience I got the worse I started to do.
- Maybe I should actually gem and enchant my PvP gear.
- Hey, I was just testing to see if I liked it. I do, so now I will.
- A guild mate told me that is because they try to put you into battle grounds with people in similar gear.
- Not sure if this is true but it does make sense.
- Not sure I believe Blizzard would ever do anything that made sense.
- I should not be in battle grounds with people with better gear just yet. I am still relearning my class.
- I am sure someone will get offended by some of my comments about their class.
- Retribution paladins suck. <-- Things like that.
- They need to remember that when I comment it is about the people I played against. Not their class as a whole or them as a player.
- Like someone in my guild keep telling me when I say hunters suck in PvP now, he says hunters are fine.
- Just because he got beat by a hunter does not mean they are fine. He must have ran into a good one or he must have played it badly. Just because the hunters beat him does not mean hunters are fine. It just means he does not do good against them.
- Like me with rogues. I can not beat them for the life of me most of the time.
- I suck even against bad ones.
- A few hunter friends tell me rogues are easy to kill.
- Sure, if they suck they are. For you they are. Not for me.
- So what I am going to do is queue up in PvE gear and when I get in I will switch to my PvP gear.
- It might not work, but it is worth the shot.
- I wonder if there is any truth to that.
- If so I am going to have so much fun honor farming people in PvE gear.
- If you play PvP in PvE gear do not get upset if you lose more often.
- That is like asking why you got shocked if you step out of the shower and stick your fingers into an electrical socket. You can't go and ask why you got shocked, you knew you would get shocked.
- I love people that try to tackle you one on one in the open field.
- First off, why are you wasting your time and mine, lets play the game and get with the group.
- Second off, 90% of the time I am going to own you one on one. Are you really that desperate to die?
- Third off, I suck and I will most likely own you, so either you are stupid or new.
- Lets hope new because I really hate stupid people.
- I notice the biggest culprit of attacking in the open field while crossing are retribution paladins.
- I have never lost to a retribution paladin one on one in my life. (when I was at full health when the battle started)
- I don't think any hunter has ever lost to a retribution paladin one on one.
- Do retribution paladins have anything that could actually be used to beat a hunter?
- I've never PvPed on mine so I have no clue.
- All I know is that DKs have a way to catch me, rogues have a way to catch me, warriors have a way to catch me, ferals have a way to catch me, I have never seen a paladin be able to catch me.
- Maybe it is a blame the player not the class thing.
- I just get lucky with not running into the good ones.
- Why would anyone attack someone with so many tools to keep you at range in the open field when you have nothing to help you close the gap?
- Damn, looks like I am starting to lean toward them being stupid.
- I hate stupid people.
- What is worse, is they are annoying as hell to kill.
- You have to kill them three times basically, actually more.
- Lay on hands, word of glory, bubble, heals, etc. Killing a retribution paladin is easy. If you don't fall asleep waiting for it to happen that is.
- Resilience does make a huge difference.
- I can tell who has it and who doesn't without looking at anything except the damage of my first shot.
- No resilience means just sit down and die. It is only a matter of a few seconds. 100K+ life totals mean nothing if you are taking full damage.
- Speaking of sit down and die, I basically do that so to speak when I get stun locked. If the players are good, I will never get out so might as well just let them kill me so I can respawn.
- Had two rogues and a kitty lock me and go on to take what seemed like 2 minutes to kill me.
- Sure, I doubt it was that long, but it sure felt like it.
- Nice locks, bad damage. I could never play a character like that in PvP.
- I like to kill, kill, kill.
- That is why I miss the burst damage of mana.
- However focus is not that bad with being able to move with fox and still fire steady. It just takes a little longer.
- I noticed how hard it is for some people to fight targets that are moving.
- I do not even need to try hard for some people, just move and they will never kill me. It is like they forget how to kill something unless it stands still for them.
- I am guessing very little PvP experience for those people.
- Anyone that stands still in PvP deserves to die.
- Warriors need a nerf big time.
- Not talking the skill issue here, I am talking the damage issue here.
- The relationship between a warrior and hunter is simple. Always has been. If the warrior keeps you close, they win, if you keep them away, you win. See, simple.
- One difference is, a warrior needs two globals to kill me. I need 15 to kill him.
- Something seems a little off there.
- I got two shot at least three times by a warrior on 2600 resilience gear. 70K+ each hit.
- It seems I never break 25K on anything attacking someone in resilience gear.
- That is why when you see 54K pop up you know someone is in full PvE gear.
- Warriors should not be landing 70K hits even on PvE geared players.
- I love seeing hunters in battle grounds.
- While I said hunters rule battle grounds I said that meaning if they have a clue.
- Sure, I suck, but at least I have a clue.
- Whenever I see a hunter in a battle ground I think, free honor.
- I only ran across one hunter that beat the ever loving crap out of me.
- The rest where laughable. Free honor as I call them.
- Random battle grounds are the same as random dungeons.
- They put you with random people.
- As we all know the break down of a random group is 10% great players, 10% good players, 30% horrible players and the rest are various degrees of average.
- You know it is bad when I am the great player in a PvP group.
- Good thing it only happened in one battleground I was in.
- I am usually in the various degrees of average.
- Lower average right now being I don't yet feel comfortable with the new way of playing.
- Ran across a premade in one of the battlegrounds.
- Everyone was crying, we are going to lose, it is a 10 man premade on the other side.
- One person said they were just going to afk and wait for the next battle.
- Another person said, at least try. Some premades are bad.
- No kidding, we won 3 - 0 with little to no opposition.
- Do not fear premades. Just because it is premade does not mean it is good. Bad players know how to make a group and queue up together too.
- One worry with premades is the graveyard campers.
- You will get them anyway from time to time.
- That is the only time I leave a battle ground mid battle.
- I don't mind being beaten. I do mind being farmed.
- I think campers should get a one week ban from being allowed to queue up for a battle ground.
- Two weeks second time. One month third time. One year forth.
- I also hate asshats that macro insults into every ability.
- Every time they hit you they spit, make a rude gesture, etc.
- These people really need some psychological help if you ask me.
- Step away from the computer for a few days, trust me, the real world is not really all that bad.
- It is not my fault daddy beats you and this makes you feel better.
- Call the cops and fix the problem. Being a jerk in game is masking the real problem.
- Even if I brutally destroy someone in a battle ground I would never insult them or spit on them. It is a game. I do not have fun being rude to anonymous people.
- I kill someone and move to my next kill. That is all the fun I need.
- Maybe I am the one that is wrong. Maybe we are supposed to be rude to everyone and I am doing it wrong.
- Sorry, it is not in me to play that way.
- Good thing most of my PvP abilities are already keybound.
- Still hate the trap launcher. I wish there was a way to macro it without having to press it twice.
- Yes, I still click those, not bound. I'll bind when I can macro.
- I am addicted to macros.
- But at least I do not have any that spit on people.
- Masters call in battle grounds is a god send. Oddly enough, I don't think I saw one hunter use it in the battle grounds I was in.
- Maybe there should class specific tips on the loading screen to a battle ground.
- And make people click okay after it loads.
- Can't make people read it, but if the okay button is below it they might notice it.
- Master call can break you and your pet from movement impairing spells and abilities.
- Most hunters would say, cool, when did we get that?
- That thing a shadow priest does that cancels out all my abilities, I need to figure that one out.
- If a good shadow priest opens with that, I am dead before I can do something again.
- Any shadow priest that does not do that, is a free honor kill.
- I am guessing run. That would be the way.
- I have not had much time to test it however.
- I've only ran into two shadow priests ever that have used it.
- I guess that means most shadow priests are not good because I know full well if I was one I would always open with that.
- Now to figure out what the hell it is.
- First time I thought it was a UI bug.
- Hey, stop laughing, I said I was not great at PvP.
- At least I learn from it and try to see how to counter things that give me problems.
- If only I could find the counter for rogues.
- Find where the players live and tie them up in their basements when I want to PvP.
- That will work.
- How many rogues are there? I will need a lot of rope I am guessing.
- All I hear is how frost mages are so OP in PvP.
- They must mean arena because in battle grounds the only ones I have seen suck.
- Not suck to the point of free honor kill hunters, but not good enough to even cause an average player like me any trouble
- I wonder how few people have ground effects turned on.
- Healing dungeons I forever run into people that just stand in bad.
- Yesterday healing deadmines there was a warlock that just stood in the swirls on the cookie fight.
- After a while I got tired of healing them and let them die.
- I could have healed them through it, but it got to the point where nearly 100% of all my heals would go to them.
- Their whopping 6K DPS just wasn't worth it.
- I could DPS and heal everyone else and do almost that.
- I stopped healing and started DPSing, I healed everyone else instead of them, and pulled 5K.
- I told them that in the future not to stand in the swirls. I told them that I let them die.
- I was not being rude, I was teaching them and letting them know why I let them die.
- The best way to learn is failure.
- But only if you learn from your failure.
- But back to ground effects.
- Do people really play without them on.
- Yesterday in TB a mage threw down his ring of frost.
- It did not catch anyone. No one was near it.
- The mage ran though it and 7 stupid people followed him and got frozen.
- Ground effects people. Turn them on.
- If your computer can not handle them, play solo, do not play team play.
- You are only hurting those around you by playing something you are not capable of playing.
- I do not care if you are the best PvP player in the world, leaps and bounds better then I will ever be. If you walk into something like a ring of frost, you suck.
- Even a near blind person can see this huge freaking circle on the ground.
- Speaking of mages. Arcane mages in battle grounds are funny.
- I was running, ran right through an arcane mage on my mount.
- He starts to fire up his blast. By the time it goes off, I am on the other side of the map.
- Love they reduced the cast time on it but they did not reduce it enough to be able to get a moving target on a mount.
- I'll chalk that one up to a new player.
- A vet would have frosted me as I ran past him before trying that. At least it would have kept me from running away.
- Over all, I can see the power of the hunter in PvP in the sense of battle grounds.
- Also, this added experience has shown me why arenas would be really hard for a hunter.
- Hunters are unlike any other class in the sense that they can do so much and need so many key binds and need to be quick on the draw and need to micro manage a pet to be at their best.
- Hunters, easy to play, hard to master. Nothing sums up hunter PvP better then that.
- I would say hunters have the highest skill cap in the game when it comes to PvP.
- I would say I am no where close to that.
- I would say I will never be anywhere close to that.
- Healers are impossible to kill one on one. But if anyone can do it, a hunter is one of them. Infinite resource like focus helps there.
-You just need to stay focused long enough on them to make them run out of mana.
- I am not sure I have that sort of attention span.
- Isn't it funny that our resource is called focus and we need to actually keep focus to do our job?
- I am in the process of gearing up my resto shaman for PvP.
- I am still not liking my priest any more this expansion.
- It still feels broken.
- I have still yet to try priest healing in PvP at 85 however. I might some day.
- And now for something completely different.
- I know the lore behind why the night elves invited the worgen to live with them but I am not sure I understand the logic.
- Who would invite a dog to live in a giant tree?
- The whole place has to smell like dog piss.
- And when they are not dogs they are humans.
- Humans do not even like humans. Why would night elves?
- When are they going to make that car from the goblin starting area an in game mount?
- I want one that I can beep and play groovy music with.
- Mounts with functions.
- I see that one coming soon to a online blizzard shop near you.
- No one likes the humans, no one likes the undead.
- Maybe the alliance and the horde can make an agreement and expel them both and team up to wipe them both out.
- It would make the world (of warcraft) a better place for sure.
- Trolls are the master race, mon.
- Just thought I would point that out.
- Have a nice day.
GQDN 1/20/2025
4 hours ago
The problem with Master's Call is that its tool tip is plain wrong, claiming that it will free your pet and your pet's target. I remember seeing that for the first time and thinking, why would anyone ever use that? My pet can only target enemies, and why would I want to free them? Can't really blame people for not using something that's advertised to them in completely the wrong way.
ReplyDeleteThe shadow priest ability you're thinking of is probably Psychic Horror, which effectively disarms you for ten seconds.
Yeah, that might be it. It means the target of your choice however. You can free anyone in your party with it. I actually use it for fun sometimes when waiting after a wipe just to have my pet go flying across the room and back to me. I personally think it is funny.
ReplyDeleteYeap, that is it. Basically I need to find a way to counter that. 10 seconds in PvP is a lifetime. It might as well just be called an instant kill and not make me wait 10 seconds to die. So I guess the run out of range thing is my best option. Thanks.
I haven't really used Master's Call myself much since it's of limited use for a PvE alt, but if it makes your pet do crazy jumps I might just have to try it! ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, you can also hope that the priest will blow it to get an annoying melee off their back.