- Actually did some LFR on alts this weekend for the hell of it.
- No really bad groups.
- But the occasional jerk.
- Doesn't it seem like there always is one?
- We had a rogue that kept pulling trash left and right trying to wipe us.
- Like pulling the big guy on the way to council.
- Like going around corners and pulling extra packs.
- And let me say this groups was not in any way over geared for the LFR content.
- It was not one of those power groups.
- My rogue, whom you all know I am quite poor at playing, was usually near the top even on trash pulls which is sadder than sad.
- Amazingly we did not wipe even with this persons attempts to kill us.
- So they might not have been the most powerful group but oddly enough they seemed to be a very organized one.
- They focused adds down in a reasonable priority, as nothing was going down fast.
- Over all I would say it was a great group, even if the numbers might not have seen it if you were on the outside looking in.
- People were interrupting, chain stunning, knocking back, using all their tools.
- Color me impressed.
- Whenever you hear me complain people should be banned from LFR, that is the type of person I am talking about.
- Seemed they were doing it on purpose to try and ruin everyone's day.
- Yet maybe, just maybe, we can think about it another way.
- Maybe he was trying to make people into better player by pushing them to do better not to wipe.
- Interesting thought when you think about it that way isn't it?
- Still say blizzard needs some hard and fast rules for people that act like that.
- Finally decided to do blackhand again on my priest to get the arm.
- Only took three tries to get it.
- Love when a 100% drop doesn't drop.
- I can understand the first time as some people had said if you already killed him that week you can not get the arm killing him a second time.
- I understand that, I do not agree with that however, but I do understand it.
- My druid killed him to get the last of the runes and then killed him again to get the arm on the same day in back to back queuing.
- My second hunter killed him on a saturday, finished collecting runes the next day on sunday and killed him again for the hand on that sunday.
- So I can say with 100% certainty that is not true, you can get the arm after you already kill him that week.
- But like I said, I can understand if you don't get it, you did already kill him, so I'll chalk that one up to maybe my druid and my second hunter, who both killed him twice in the same week, got lucky.
- But me getting lucky, come on, what are the odds of that?
- But the second time I killed him it was a fresh week, I had not killed him in weeks, and I did not get the arm.
- That is not acceptable.
- Do you know what blizzards response to my ticket was when I sent it in?
- Not all quest drops are a 100% drop change.
- Nope, not kidding, that was their response.
- Quest items like that have always been 100% drops all throughout the history of the game.
- I think the people that respond to tickets should be require to play the game so they have some clue what they are talking about instead of just spitting out whatever nonsense comes to mind.
- Either way, I finally got the arm on my priest and figured I would get some tomes now.
- I waited and waited and waited before entering the queue.
- I refuse to queue as a healer without the baggie.
- So I only managed 3 of the 5 wings before I got bored of waiting.
- Funny how that works.
- The raid actually has something I want and I will still not do it unless they gave me more.
- I don't need gear from it, so I want the baggie.
- Seems fair to me.
- And who does not like an additional 500+ gold.
- Not like I need the gold, it is the principle of the matter for me.
- If they want me to queue without the bag, drop real tier sets and not LFR tier sets.
- Drop real trinkets and not LFR trinkets.
- Even if my priest is not raiding, I raid, and if I ever want to bring my priest into an alt run I would rather them have LFR real tier than the LFR fake tier.
- If they added real tier back I would have gladly run it on my priest even without the baggie.
- Hell, if they added real tier back every single one of my alts would be running it (gladly) and they would all have real tier and be ready for an alt raid.
- But as it is the only reason I am running it is for tomes, that drop really poorly anyway mind you, so that extra 500 gold goes a long way.
- Not to mention I want to stack up on some baleful pieces.
- Might boost something soon on a high progression server and want to have a quick head start with them.
- Just have not decided on what server yet but I do have an idea.
- I want a server where I can get into mythics.
- Sure I know you can cross realm them now, but I want to get into a group on a more progressed server to start mythics the week they come out next expansion, not months and months after I should be done with them.
- Not a lot to ask for I think.
- Speaking of mythic, I got my butt handed to me this weekend by a fully mythic geared person.
- On their alt.
- It is rare I meet anyone I can not hold my own against, even when they are in complete mythic gear.
- Sure they will beat me but they will still see I did respectable.
- I'll keep it close and usually do.
- I may not be a great player but I sure as hell am a respectable player.
- Was running mythic dungeons, needed a 5th, so we pugged a 738 shaman.
- Now with the group I had, me, another high DPS and a tank geared for DPS numbers with a really killer healer we were mass pulling and just blowing the dungeons up.
- But this shaman made me look like a newbie on nearly all the trash pulls.
- And some of the boss pulls too, even if I did beat him on a few of those.
- I know MM is not an AoE spec, but getting beat by someone doing 800K on trash is embarrassing.
- On an alt nonetheless that he was just starting to upgrade his gear on.
- Game, set and match, I was beat.
- I bow to him, job well done.
- And he even did big numbers on single target too even if I was able to eek out a few bosses where I beat him.
- We seemed 50/50 on bosses, he would win one I would win one.
- Not like bosses lasted long, usually 8-10 seconds max, with him doing well over 300K sometimes, me pulling around 240K if I got some lucky procs the other DPS around 150K and the tank doing roughly 60K not to mention the healer doing over 20K, nothing lasted long.
- But when I beat him on a boss it was barely however when he beat my on a boss he killed me there too.
- Not as bad as he did with the AoE, but still rough.
- I was very impressed.
- Maybe I should roll on his server and find him.
- His server was the one I was thinking of rolling on to begin with.
- If his alt is that well geared, and he is that solid of a player, perhaps that server has some better groups.
- Actually I know it does, I have 2 characters on that server that I have not leveled since wrath.
- Perhaps I could boost one of them.
- A druid and a hunter over there.
- Even though I have not leveled them since wrath I know the server is good.
- I log on there from time to time to chat for a little bit.
- They were always pugging heroic before 95% of raiding guilds were finished with normal back in wrath and cata as I recall.
- And downing heroic with those pugs, which is the more important factor.
- Maybe if I ever wanted to get more progression oriented that would be the server to do it on.
- Even if I just pugged there.
- Something to consider.
- I would love to be in a group where I needed to step up my game to even keep up.
- Being around good players makes you a better player.
- At least I have always believed so.
- You have to want to become better however, that is the key.
- I have some people in my guild I have raided with for many years that are who they are and never seem to get better.
- We try to teach them, we try to help them, but it seems they reached their skill cap.
- I think it is more a desired skill cap than an actual skill cap however.
- I know they can get better, I just do not think they wish to.
- But hey, when you are in a guild like mine having someone that shows up on time every week you take what you can get and are damn happy to have them.
- Even if I need to bring extra enchants just for him because if he gets and upgrade he always forgets.
- I don't get people sometimes.
- Wouldn't you want to be at least enchanted?
- I feel I am letting people down if I do not at least try to do the little things like that.
- Forget playing right and doing right, just the idea of preparing right goes a long way in my mind.
- But I'm weird.
- What the hell do I know.
- To each their own I guess.
- Oh, I did have two fantastic moments of luck this weekend.
- So yeah, I guess I do get lucky sometimes, rarely but sometimes.
- My rogue was doing the world boss, I could only use one thing on it.
- As the boss died I said, give me my neck, and it dropped.
- Woot.
- But the second was better because I was not even trying for it.
- While doing my timewalkers I got the mount to drop.
- I know it could drop but I was not hoping for it.
- I figured with my luck I would never get it so I was not even thinking about it.
- When it dropped I looked at it like "what's this".
- I was shocked.
- Maybe the secret is not wanting something to get it.
- Oh wait, there was one more thing.
- Finally got a trinket from heroic, and it was warforged too, and it was off a roll.
- Still never seen the damn thing drop, even when on alts, so it seems like the only want to win it was with a roll.
- Too bad it seems to be one win per 10 rolls.
- But I will gladly take that win.
- So yeah, that was my luck, so I best not expect anything special for the next 6 months again.
- I blew my luck load on the timewalker mount.
- But even if I dislike large mounts I must say it is a very nice one.
- So it was worth spending my luck on that.
- Have a great day.
The Queue: Blue Wednesday
2 hours ago
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