- I am really starting to know what it feels like to play really small amounts of time.
- I have gotten spoiled by having so many alts and playing daily usually.
- Being I have been only logging in for raids and little else otherwise I am really eating through my stash of supplies.
- I had thousands of herbs, ore, leather, fur, crystals, you name it.
- But I am actually running low.
- Down to just 800 fireweed from having nearly 8,000 when I took my break.
- Between flasks and potions you really go through a lot.
- It makes me understand why some people show up without that stuff.
- But I still always say a raider should show up ready, no excuses.
- But being we are a casual guild, and I see how fast you burn through that stuff, I can see why people don't.
- I was so spoiled that I had everything I could ever need that I completely forgot this stuff does not grow on trees.
- Well, they are herbs, so they do kind of grow, from the ground that is.
- You know what I mean...
- I've gotten to the point where I am going to start buying my stuff, if I do not start logging in more often that is so I can gather herbs in my many gardens.
- At the moment I have absolutely zero intention to start logging in more often.
- The 6.2 announcements have shown nothing so far to interest me into coming back now.
- Or then for that matter.
- I'll keep up this logging in for raids only thing for a while longer.
- When I start missing the game I will go back.
- But I will tell you what I do not miss.
- I do not miss my horribly bad luck.
- I got the highmaul mission again on my hunter and finished it, guess what I got?
- A F'N neck again.
- That makes 6 necks in my last 7 boxes.
- At least I had one different thing last time to break the streak.
- Lets see if this neck streak can go 5 in a row again.
- I honestly think this has nothing to do with my bad luck.
- It has everything to do with blizzards dreadful coding.
- With a loot table that includes 18 (I think) things that cache could hold for me there is no way in a million attempts I should ever have gotten the same item 5 in a row.
- Now you have two options you can believe.
- Option one, my luck really is that bad.
- Option two, blizzards coding really is that bad.
- Even I, with all the bad luck I had, will admit my luck is not that bad.
- So all we are left with is blizzards coding is really that bad.
- Or is it?
- I think blizzard actually has the game look at what you have when deciding its random roll and its random roll is really not all that random but targeted.
- If it knows you need something it lowers the chances of you getting it.
- If you do not need something you will be more likely to get it.
- I think it is by design blizzard does that.
- I think there is absolutely noting random about that.
- Blizzard wants to keep you coming back, so they can't let random take over completely.
- You might get what you want, then they lose their hook.
- I think blizzard needs to ditch their carrot on a stick approach to gaming.
- Because this horse no longer wants the carrot.
- This horse is sick and tired of chasing the carrot.
- And that is why this horse is playing other games instead.
- Speaking of other games FF 14 is one of the ones I have been playing.
- My first month is almost over and my main class is level 46 now.
- I have 2 others in the 20s and I have dabbled in every profession some.
- Even managed to get fishing over 20.
- I like how they do fishing.
- Heck, I like how they do gathering as a whole, very well done.
- Being I only play on weekends I always have rested.
- And I am at a wall now.
- My next story line quest requires me to be 49.
- So I have 3 levels to make and am now farting around trying to find quests.
- Either I missed something or they do not have enough quests to level characters.
- Figuring I have been doing everything with rested I would hate to see what it would be like if I had not.
- I would really be stressing for experience.
- At least I have opened up some of the beast tribe reputations, so that gives me 6 quests a day I can do for some experience.
- Might have to start doing the dungeons and other daily things instead of working just on quests like I have been.
- I've been playing it like a solo player game except for when a quest sends me into a dungeon.
- I was amazed with how great people in dungeons are.
- When I would zone in someone would ask "who is new" and then explain all boss fights.
- That rarely happens in warcraft, or more like never happens.
- Everyone expects people to know everything from the second they start.
- But my happiness with only seeing nice players ended eventually, as I knew it would.
- It was only a matter of time before I ran into an asshat and I did this weekend.
- One of the storyline quests put me in one of the, best described as, leveling mini raids.
- I zone in and say I am new but watched the video.
- The tank says, cool, it is pretty simple really once you know it, or something along those lines.
- The other damage dealer says he didn't look anything up but it is his first time too.
- So the tank gives a short explanation just to follow him for transitions.
- The healer, enter the asshat, says, storyline mode is srs bsns.
- Right off the bat you knew the healer was an asshat because only an moron would use srs bsns as an insult.
- I said, doesn't hurt to have a clue what you are walking into.
- The tank agreed, so true, he said.
- The healer said the fight was super easy and it would not be a problem, don't worry about it.
- We wiped on the first attempt.
- The healer seemed genuinely surprised.
- The other DPS that did not know what to do died.
- I, as the only person that can revive, spent the time reviving him and the adds stayed up too long and we wiped.
- Being there are only 2 damage dealers it was a hard decision for me.
- Try to down the adds first alone, or revive so I have help but leave them without being attacked for a few seconds.
- Not sure if I made the right decision or the wrong one, but it would have been a wipe either way.
- We wiped a few more times and mr srs bsns finally realized, even if he did not say it, that knowing what you are doing does help, and if everyone knew we would have an easier time.
- I know he realized it because after 3 wipes in a row do to lack of healing, the smart ass stopped talking smack.
- Maybe if he knew what he was doing we might not have wiped as much.
- I should have been a smart ass and said, maybe if you watched the video we would not be wiping.
- It was not the tanks fault, garuda was being tanked in the right place.
- It was not the damage dealers fault, except for the first attempt we were both on adds and they went down fast.
- It was the healers fault for not understanding when the big AoE was coming.
- And we wiped to that big AoE multiple times.
- Because mr srs bsns who doesn't think knowing what to do helps anyone didn't know what to do.
- The first time we did not wipe to the big AoE, which I would like to thank myself in part for as I healed as well in that pahse to make sure we were all topped off as it was apparent that mr srs bsns was not up to the task, we downed it.
- He just could not heal us through it.
- If only he had watched a video and listened to the person say "this is the big AoE part of the fight and the healer has to make sure everyone is topped off or it will be a wipe" we might have done it sooner.
- Goes to show you that just like in warcraft, the person with the biggest mouth is usually the worst player.
- The healer had the biggest mouth and he is want made it take 7 or 8 wipes instead of just one or two for me and the other DPS that had never done it to get a feel for it.
- We learned.
- Apparently faster than the person with the big mouth did.
- "Its story mode, there are no mechanics, just kill the thing."
- Yeah right.
- And then make yourself look like a fool because we keep wiping because you do not know the mechanics that aren't even there.
- Have to love asshats, they make fun of themselves and don't even know it.
- Amazing how the worst part of MMOs are the other people in it.
- That was the first time I ran into a jerk in FF 14 however.
- It will not be the last as I approach max level.
- Once I reach 50 I expect everyone to automatically assume I know everything.
- I know nothing.
- That is why I plan to quit after I hit 50.
- Or at least not progress into raiding.
- I have no patience for other people any more.
- Wow has ruined me for all other games.
- And the fights here, as this was a leveling dungeon, seem to be harder mechanic wise than anything warcraft has to offer.
- The last thing I want to deal with is any sort of difficulty in random grouping.
- Random and difficulty do not go well together.
- Otherwise I kind of like the game, it has been a fun distraction.
- I just hope if or when I go back to warcraft I do so because I want to, not because I got bored of what I was playing to pass the time and am looking for something else to do.
- Otherwise the break would lose all of its meaning.
- I want to want to come back when I want to come back.
- I have not given up on warcraft, but I can't help but feel warcraft has given up on me.
- Only time will tell.
- Have a great day.
All Classes at 80!
3 hours ago
I really enjoyed FF14 I think what drove me away was the no Addon's I really wanted a dot timer as a summoner and I really wanted to heal by clicking as a scholar still really fun game with a great story :)
ReplyDeleteI am really enjoying it too and agree 100%. I think some of the things that will keep me from moving further into it are the fact I have no addons. I do not want to do double work to heal, so I won't be healing, and my summoner can really use a dot timer instead of watching those little icons under the mobs. I think I am going to go blind trying to keep an eye on those things with all those flashing lights. But otherwise it has been a great game so far. I really am digging the crafting professions.
DeleteI've recently started playing FFXIV as well, and when I came to the point where I could do duty finder raids, I have almost never met asshats. I read up beforehand, then when I enter the raid I greet others with a "Hey all! I am new here, I have read a guide, but if there is something I should know or if I do anything wrong, please tell me so I can improve", and have always gotten positive feedback and player commendations for that. Most people love new people, since they get more tomestones from it! I've died from stupid mistakes, but I ask what I can do to avoid that and say sorry if I just totally derped when it was obious.
ReplyDeleteSounds very like my experiences. They seem to like a new player and give a commendation to me pretty often because of it. They get a bonus out of it so they love it. But I think over all the community over there seems a little nicer from what I have experienced. Mind you I am not max level yet so can not speak for how it is there, but leveling community is pretty cool so far.