- I hate pug people.
- Just thought I would start off with that one.
- Was doing a flex 4 pug and there was this one jerk who just kept making stupid comments.
- Not as part of conversation, just hitting the talk button, yelling something stupid like "moron", and then being quiet.
- Every pug I ever get in there is a person like that.
- I know why they act like that.
- Because it is the only place they can get away with it.
- They would never pull that stuff in real life or they would be eating pavement.
- Makes me wonder if they are the type that normally gets their ass kicked and that is why they act up in a situation were they know they can get away with it.
- Wish I could find the one article about it I read once.
- It concluded something like the more someone acts out where they know they are safe the more likely they are to be the picked on person in the actual world.
- So it leaves me torn, should I hate the dick for being a dick, or should I feel bad for hm knowing that most likely someone is beating the crap out of him regularly and this is his only outlet to get control.
- Screw it, he is on my time now and I do not give a shit about his personal short comings, kick the bastard, if I knew who he was I would beat on him too because he is an asshole.
- Whoever is shitting all over this person in real life which makes him act like this here most likely has a reason, and I can see that reason and agree with them.
- I dropped the group.
- I had no problem with the person, none what so ever.
- I just do not like disruptive forces.
- If he did it once or twice, no big deal, but doing it throughout the entire raid and not getting kicked for acting like a dick, and no one even saying anything to him about it?
- Yeah, I'd rather go watch TV, clip my toe nails, shovel snow, basically anything else.
- I was only doing it to help a friend anyway.
- And now I feel bad because I left him.
- Don't even know if they downed garrosh, I just dropped group and went off line.
- But being I was one of only 4 DPS in a 25 man over 200K I would not bet money on it unless he really trimmed the fat.
- The majority of the group was under 120K.
- We went into 3 visions, yes, 3 visions, I did not even know that was possible.
- You know the sad part, the person that was being a dick was probably one of the people doing better.
- Why do some people believe that being decent at a game gives them the right to be rude to everyone else?
- How about trying to help others if you are good so they can get good too.
- Nope, you would rather chase people off line.
- You know what I want?
- I want a panda mount.
- We have bears, we can mount bears, pandas are bears, you do the math.
- I don't think the pandaren would mind much if we were riding around on a panda.
- You don't hear the worgen bitching about people riding on worg do you?
- While trying to find reasons to log in I created a new DK.
- Sad part is all my plate BoA gear was on my other account which remains inactive and will stay that way.
- And being I have done so few dungeons this expansion I did not exactly have an abundance of justice sitting around.
- So I went justice farming soloing heroics.
- Once I did a couple I noticed I would be better waiting 15 minutes for a group, time wise at least.
- While it only took me roughly 30 minutes to solo a level 90 heroic and the time between waiting and doing would be around 30 minutes, at least while waiting I could do other things.
- Like grinding mogu in the vale to try and get skyshards while waiting.
- I am a big fan of killing two birds with one stone.
- And I get to have the good feeling of helping some people through some dungeons.
- I had some great groups that we ran through it like it was a fire drill and everyone was destroying things.
- I had ones where the second best DPS was a tank doing 17K.
- Even with misdirect and feign death I could not keep mobs off me.
- The healer said to just let me tank.
- Yes, on my hunter.
- So I did.
- Decided to switch things up and do some on my lock, being it still needs valor for that part of the legendary quest line.
- I had never done dungeons on my lock.
- Was funny getting achievements for everything.
- Goes to show you why people are not doing dungeons, blizzard made them obsolete to quickly.
- If with each new raid tier they increased the item level of drops from dungeons people would still do them often.
- But once you hit 90 there is no real reason to step into a dungeon, you can go right into the LFR.
- Unless your reason is to avoid the LFR, which would be a very good reason.
- Someone in guild said that dungeons should drop gear equal to the current LFR gear.
- I would love that.
- Sure, would not get tier, but can still gear alts and not do LFR, I would so love that.
- I would send gifts to the developer that added that.
- I would put him on my christmas card list for life.
- Anything that can make the gearing up process for alts not involve the LFR is a good thing in my opinion.
- Which brings me to... Bring valor gear back.
- For every single slot, weapon included.
- Make valor gear current LFR level.
- Again, no tier, but at least you can skip the LFR completely.
- That would be a good thing right?
- Well, I think so.
- I decided to do some achievement hunting this weekend.
- It is hard to get any real achievement hunting done solo when you are floating around 18K points.
- It basically means you have almost everything you can get solo.
- Except PvP, there are a lot of PvP ones I can get solo, but that is another story all together.
- I have almost no PvP achievements.
- So I asked 2 people from guild to join a group with me because I was going to knock out a few scenario achievements I had not gotten yet.
- I could have just gone in with random people but I did not want people to screw up my achievement I was going for, if they could that is.
- I learned that you do not even need the other 2 people to do anything.
- They can stand at the entrance and they still get valor for it.
- Even if they never moved.
- Made me think of something really interesting.
- If I reactivated my second account and leveled from 85 to 90 and made a 3rd account, I could effectively go into scenarios by myself with all three characters being me.
- And being I can solo them that means I get 3x the valor because I am getting it for three of my characters all at once.
- Nice.
- Oh, BTW, got all my heirloom gear for my new DK.
- Got side tracked and forgot to finish that train of thought.
- Got it out of the starting area, went to hellfire, quickly lost interest in playing it for now.
- But I did keep all the starter gear and transmoged into in.
- So it might be unplayed, but it sure looks good not being played.
- Now to do the peninsula until I get that one sword I love from a quest and the set, as I want it, will be complete.
- Now back to scenarios and getting some achievements.
- I got side tracked, like I often seem to, and decided to see if I can solo the heroic scenarios.
- I can, I did, I even got the timer on a few of them.
- Nice.
- I managed to knock out 4 more achievements I needed.
- Four might not seem like a lot, but where I am at in the game, four in one day is huge.
- I think I have lost my desire to raid.
- Having the time off these last few weeks due to the holidays and not running as often has made me realize I don't really like raiding as much as I used to.
- Have a changed or is this raid tier really that bland?
- I actually thought I liked this raid tier.
- If someone asked me I would say it is easily one of the top 5 raids ever.
- Maybe I just needed a break and will get back into it when we are doing it again.
- Or maybe I need to change how I play.
- But to what?
- I really do not feel like leveling at the moment.
- Or gearing up alts because that means LFR.
- And why even gear them up if I am not really in the mood to raid with them.
- Achievement hunting is getting to be slim pickings.
- Grinding, and I love grinding, for skyshards has all but worn out its welcome.
- I've spent easily 100 hours if not more killing mobs, and had countless characters level there and do the dailies back when they were there.
- All that time and I only have 7 still?
- Yeah, there is a difference between a grind and a waste of freaking time.
- But I do manage to get a butt load of greens and cloth from doing it so I will never be at a shortage of enchanting materials or bolts of cloth for bags.
- So basically all that is left for me is PvP.
- There is a huge skill cap ahead of me that I am way the hell behind.
- There are 100s of achievements, many actually easy once I know the battle grounds.
- It can be done solo or in a group.
- It has instant queue, not like waiting for an hour for LFR.
- And I still need gear for it so I get to go back to what I like the most, building things.
- Like building the best PvP set I can get.
- And then there is that arena mount I can get for winning 100 matches.
- I guess I might have found a new focus.
- If I end up wanting to do it.
- But if you thought I was a grumpy elf before just imagine how grumpy I am going to be after I was chain feared for an entire match.
- That is my biggest problem with PvP.
- My trap takes timing, skill, and ability to get someone into and it only last 6 seconds and is broken on damage.
- Yet a no skill fear which is target and forget it, someone can not side step it, have someone activate it for them, or otherwise avoid it, and you can beat on the person the entire time they are feared without breaking the fear, lasts for a year and a day.
- Then they can do it again, and again, and again, and again, and again.
- Diminishing returns my ass.
- So I get feared for 18 seconds, then 16 seconds, then 14 seconds, then 12 seconds, etc.
- It is still too long and you can still effectively chain CC someone with that one ability for an entire match.
- I've had it happen before.
- It is not fun, and that is why PvP is not fun.
- Remove CC, remove healing, lets just fight.
- Let the best fighter win based on using their abilities, the environment and teamwork.
- Now that would be fun.
- Have a great day.
GQDN 1/20/2025
1 hour ago