- I've still only been logging in for only raid nights.
- But this week I logged in earlier because of brewfest.
- Lots of new toys to grab for my toy box.
- Sadly I forgot about pirates day and that means I missed picking up the things that are now toys right now.
- If I end up needing 3 (what I could have got) more toys for 200 I will be very sad.
- But you know my luck, that is what will happen and I will have to wait until next year.
- So I log in a little earlier on raid night and do some Brewfest stuff.
- Two days I actually logged in just to do them and logged back out afterwards.
- So brewfest got me back a "little" bit more if you think of it that way.
- I got the kodo in one baggie, thought I needed it but apparently I did not.
- Maybe I got it last year and forgot.
- I knew I needed it for the longest time.
- I was glad when they added account wide mounts.
- Had gotten the ram before that on my shaman and my warrior but never my main, the hunter.
- Same for the headless horseman.
- Got it on my priest, my warrior and my shaman before but never on my main.
- So account wide mounts helped me there, for my main.
- With my mains luck I would have never got it.
- Heck my mage got the kodo this time around.
- My mage is the only other character that is doing brewfest this year.
- He is the only one I do those things on because he can port everywhere making life easier.
- And being just doing all the opening quests you can get close to 200 I figured doing it on a second character will help assure I get all the toys.
- Being I am not logging in every day I figured I might need an extra character.
- But brewfest lasts a long time so that is good.
- I think blizzard needs to do one of two things with the holiday mounts.
- 1) Make them tradable.
- 2) Give them a sell price.
- Don't tell me that I am the only person that hates having to throw it away and type delete.
- There is just something that feels so wrong with that.
- I would love to give it to someone in guild that needs it, for free.
- But I can see why they do not make it tradable.
- So give it a 20 gold sell price, that seems like a fair price.
- Would be better than having to throw it away.
- In my opinion at least.
- Does anyone else think they increased the drop rate of the mounts?
- I got the kodo without even farming the boss.
- Many years I was doing it every day on multiple characters and never got it.
- Some times well over 20 characters, daily, for the long event.
- And in all that time in all those years I got a total of 2 rams and 1 kodo.
- This year I have done it 5 times on my hunter and twice on my mage and already have 1 kodo.
- A guild mate with 7 characters, who is doing it on all character to farm brewfest tokens to stock up on pets to sell later has gotten 12 kodos and 3 rams so far.
- Excuse me?
- And the number of people in guild saying they got their first ever mount from the event is astounding.
- It seems like everyone is getting them this year.
- Just a large flow of luck going around now or did they increase the drop rate?
- I think I know the truth.
- I broke the game.
- Yeap, I admit it, I am sorry.
- The other week the corrupted nest guardian dropped and I won the roll.
- Me, the unluckiest person in the world, won the roll.
- Even with 18 other people rolling, I won the roll.
- I went on to get the four piece set in one week.
- Yes, you heard that right, I won 4 tier pieces in the same week.
- I hate, hate, hate the feast or famine design of getting gear.
- You win nothing for months and months on end and then win everything at once.
- It was over 2 raid log outs but during a one week span.
- It started with a tier piece someone passed to me, as the second highest roller, because I was wearing a 670 piece and he said I could use it more.
- Then I won 1 piece on a roll, straight out.
- Then I won 1 piece on a roll even being the forth highest roller.
- How that happened was 2 warrior hunter shaman monk pieces dropped.
- The top roller was just rolling for an upgrade but they already had one.
- We have a guild rule, that people that do not have it at all get first shot, you can not roll "just" for the chance at a gem slot or warforged unless no one needs it at all.
- So it moved to the second and third person getting it.
- Then the third person, after I awarded it to them used a coin and won the tier piece.
- So they passed it to the forth highest roll, meaning me.
- My luck was rolling in full swing.
- And for the forth piece I won it on a coin roll, do you believe that?
- And it was warforged too.
- Well, there goes all my luck.
- I will have to wait a few months for another feast week.
- But at least I have the four piece set now.
- And boy will that takes some getting used to.
- I absolutely love the instant aimed shots, it is how the rotation should be.
- But I ended up focus starved instantly.
- And I seem to have the habit of hitting aimed shot and not doing anything else after.
- My mind is trained for it to take time to cast.
- So I am waiting for it to cast even if it already has went off as it is now instant.
- It is going to take some getting used to.
- But this is what I always refer to as "a good problem".
- I would rather have the problem of having to adjust to a new rotation than have the problem of not having gear.
- So you might think that being I finally won something I would be happy and playing a lot again.
- Happy yes, playing a lot again, no.
- The game needs a lot more than a better loot system.
- I will get back into the game again, I am sure, but giving me some loot one in a blue moon is not going to make me all excited about the game again.
- Boredom, that will get me playing again.
- As weird as it sounds.
- When I am bored on day I will fall back on something old and familiar.
- Something comfortable.
- Something I know well that I can get lost for a few hours.
- That will get me back.
- But thanks for the bait loot blizzard.
- Too bad it was long over due.
- You need a better loot system next expansion or it might be worse than this one.
- Seriously.
- Hopefully me breaking the game by having luck did not screw over the people that are normally lucky.
- If so, I am sorry, things will turn back to normal soon I am sure.
- I can never stay lucky for more than one week every 3 or 4 months.
- Have a great day.
GQDN 3/6/2025
5 hours ago